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Monday, July 13, 2009

Blogoversary Giveaway

My first blogoversary is coming up on July 28th. In honor of this event I am doing a giveaway. This give away is being sponsored by The Diaper Bag Diva. The owner of this online shop approached me about just putting a link in my sidebar, but her products were so fabulous that I could not resists asking to do a giveaway. Now, I know some of you have kids past the age of needing a diaper bag, but think of how awesome of a friend, aunt, uncle, etc. you would be if you surprised the mom of your favorite infant with a stylish designer diaper bag like this for them. So how do you enter you ask? First of all you visit The Diaper Bag Diva and leave me a comment telling me what your favorite item on the site is or what you would like to win. Another way to enter is to be a follower. Leave a comment telling me you follow my blog or subscribe to my RSS. The third way to enter is to leave a me a comment telling me you posted and linked to this giveaway on your blog. So, if you do all three you will have three entries into the giveaway.

The prizes are:

1st name pulled out of the hat- You get to pick ANY item off The Diaper Bag Diva up to a $40 value. You can also mix and match items up to a $40 value.

2nd name pulled out of the hat- I am offering beautiful tea cup from the Albert and Victoria Museum in London. The tea cup was inspired by either a textile or wallpaper sample from the collections of the Museum. (It is really awesome, I gave my mom one for her birthday).

This giveaway is open to residents in both the US and the UK!

Entries will be accepted until Saturday July 25th (this gives me time to get all the entries into a hat).

The winners will be announced Tuesday July 28th.


mo.stoneskin said...

Well it turned out I wasn't a follower. So I now am.

But can I be a Diva? I would worry about being mocked by Captain Dumbass.

Sherri D. said...

OOOh- my favorite is the Pixie Stix Messenger Bag- Love it!
{moremessiness at gmail dot com}

Sherri D. said...

I follow with Blogger!

Badass Geek said...

Sounds exciting!

Kristin said...

Congrtats on your blogoversary Kat! We love that we have a way to keep up with you guys! Gavin would love the Giggles Bowling Diaper bag. :o)

Everyday Goddess said...

Sounds like a great giveaway, and happy almost blogoversary!

Kristin said...

That should read congrats not brain is shrinking.

Cammie said...

cute stuff!! I dont so much need baby stuff anymore but my BFF is preggers with twins and any of those bags would be a great gift for her!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Very cute! I am loving the Maya Tulip Tote!
I have been following you for a while now and if I sing Happy Blogoversary loud enough to reach across the pond, will that get me an extra vote?

Anonymous said...

Oh man this giveaway came along at a perfect time! My best girl friend just found out she was pregnant with baby numero UNO! Ok, so I am a follower of your blog of course and I LOVE the selection of goodies. I think I am going to save this site to my favorites. Ok I am also going to post a link to this in my post for today because three chances to win are better than one!

Captain Dumbass said...

The US and the UK, eh? Elitist bastards.

Anonymous said...

I'm just so glad to be back! Congratulations on your blogaverary!

Cape Cod Gal said...

Congrads! Mines coming up at the end of the month.

I've done all that stuff already. You're in my favorites, my recommended reading list and in my heart! :) I don't need a diaper bath (no rugrats), I love me a good tea cup!

Kelly said...

CONGRATS on your upcoming Blogoversary!! I adore the Versailles Bowling Diaper Bag!!

Oh. and I am already a follower!!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I love the Paisley Park bag! Great stuff over there!

Congrats on your upcoming Blogaversary!!!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

The Spirograph Messenger Diaper Bag is awesome and would be great for my brother to use for his daughter!!


csvan said...

I'm a follower, but I'm in Canada. Does that exclude me?

Aunt Juicebox said...

I already follow your blog, chickadee. I like soooo much of the stuff on that site, it's so modern and sweet. I will for the record say I like the Chocolate Blocks Blooming Bouquet 3 pk Set, just to follow the rules.

And not that I think I will win at all, because you read my blog, you know my luck sucks donkey balls - BUT if I could say that I would prefer to be a second class citizen, as in - don't put my name in the hat til you pick for secondsies? Just because I don't really have a need for the baby goodies, and would rather let someone who could use them have a better shot. But I would so totally LURVE the cup. I have this awesome Sheepies cup from Scotland, and I have forever been looking for another one, but I love that kind of stuff.

This is totally cute, I'll post a link tomorrow.

Jenny Grace said...

I like the max tulip tote.

Jenny Grace said...

And I already follow you, that counts, right?

Reinvent Dad said...

Happy Blogoversary Kat, and yes I'm a follower, sometimes a commenter, but most often a lurker.

Chairman Bill said...

There's nothing there for men!

Susan said...

i've been reading your blog for a couple weeks now and i am smitten. and now i'm a follower.

Cheryl said...

I would love the tea cup. I collect them.

Dorset Dispatches said...

Ooo oo, I love the tulip tote bag. Sold out sadly. And I LOVE tea cups. Am British.

please can I enter? Please? I know I'm in Bosnia but I can arrange for a UK address if I win.

PS - link to the give away is on my post today.

PPS - love your dear so and so spots, borrowed the idea, put a link to you but am a bit technophobic so don't really understand about the whole button thing and mr linky thing? Can you explain to me in words of one syllable what i am supposed to do? x

Anonymous said...

Im loving the vintage bag, but also some of the other bits... think if I win I owuld like to top up my $40 and pay the extra to get one of the $75 bags! I follow you ... :) said...

i love the JP Lizzy Strawberry Truffle Classic Tote Set it is too cute!!!!

Unknown said...

I am a follower... HEHEHE, don't know how I missed your giveaway... gotta go get my other entries in! I love it!!!

san said...

Hi there!
The JP Lizzy Scarlet Poppies Clara Shoulder Bagis gorgeous.
I'm following your blog too :-)

Unknown said...

Posted the link in my blog!!!