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Friday, September 18, 2009

Dear So and SO....Bungalow Repo'd

Dear Landlord,

Thanks for the notification that you want your bungalow back. Thanks for giving us 2 1/2 months to find a new place and move house. Too bad I am going to be in the states for 2 weeks of it, and now we find ourselves crunched for time. I really appreciate it buddy.

What the Frankfurter!,

Dear Letting Agent,

Thanks for not being a total jackass. You called us instead of sending a letter in the mail and I sincerely appreciate that. You have also found a way for us to figure out the deposit situation. You totally get that we were blindsided by all of this. Thank you so so so so so so very much. After this I just might take the whole agency off my "S" list.

You're Awesome,

Dear NFAH,

See you at 12:30...squeeeeeee. I love meeting up with bloggy friends who have become real friends!


Dear Readers,

Write your letters and link up! Thanks for making Dear So and So the premier league of letters to those who tick you off, make you happy, or to the utterly stupid. Go forth and let it all out. It makes you feel better.

Love, Kat


Michelloui said...

Oh no! Good luck with the house move stuff, thats crappy. Bleh. Thank god for the rare nice estate agents though. Have fun in the States! Im meeting NFAH here soon too, looking forward to it!

Dorset Dispatches said...

Love Dear So and So so much!

Dorset Dispatches said...

Love Dear So and So so much!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

That house thing stinks! Hope the move doesn't cut into your blogging time!

mo.stoneskin said...

Until a few months ago letting agents were top of my 'S' list, 'F' list and 'rot in hell' list. But the peeps we are renting our flat out through have been so gentle, helpful, they even turned away some who wanted to rent our flat because they knew we wanted a certain 'type' of tenant who would look after it (I.e. not pond-life).

So I've moved them onto the 'not as bad as I thought they were' list.

Mango Girl said...

I hate moving! I will keep you in my thoughts that this transition goes oh so smoothly.

I will do the "Dear So and So" next week. This week I jumped on the "Happy Hour Friday" about things which make me happy.

xo, Mango

Anonymous said...

Oh yuck! that can't be any fun at all!
Squee for your friendship, though!

a.l.b. said...

I can't believe your landlord! I hope you guys find a place quickly!

Badass Geek said...

Sucks that you have to move again, but at least you've got people who are trying to help it work out in the best way possible.

Anonymous said...

First of all, that sucks. I'm really sorry Kat. Secondly, if you don't get another bungalow you'll have to change your blog name. The landlord knows not what he does.

Raven said...

I feel for ya girl. A couple years ago I got the same letter from my apartment's landlord. They, however, at least gave us 6 months to move. I don't know what I would have done otherwise.

Good luck. Hoping to have my Dear So and So posted sometime this weekend.

Have a fantastic day,


Big Mama Cass said...

OMG! Landlords think of themselves and only themselves. So irritating!

Chairman Bill said...

Don't you get Army accommodation if you need it?

Captain Dumbass said...

If I don't do Dear So & So next week I'll kick myself in the junk.

Cape Cod Gal said...

I need to start the Dear So & So. I've got some anger to get out there.

Good luck with the casa search, sweetie!!

Very Bored in Catalunya said...

Good luck with the house move. There is an award for you at mine. xx

Aunt Juicebox said...

Well I guess that's ok, they seemed to be crappy landlords anyway. How long did it take them to replace your toilet? Sheesh.

Vodka Logic said...

Good luck with the move. Landlords seem to be the same all over the world.

Ron said...

Geez, what a damn mess. I'd be reaching for valium and a revolver... for the landlord. "Here's your 2 week notice, bub."

Brighton Mum-Teenage Angst said...

Only 2 months!! Aaargg! Thats no time at all. Will you be able to get Army accommodation if you can't find something else in time? When you get a spare sec, pop over to my blog & get your award.

Mwa said...

As if moving wasn't stressful enough without a time constraint. Good luck!

Jenni said...

that place was a nightmare anyways - crap breaking, non-communicating landlord, blech. I predict you will find yourself a perfect palace.

hzn_dys said...

goog luck...
i am follow your blog....

i want you follow y blog too..

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Bummer about your home, very unsettling. Found you through Brighton Mom - you have a terific writing style and great laconic wit - a girl with attitude! I stayed for a read and had a great laugh.

Amanda said...

That sucks! I had a friend who's landlord decided he wanted their apartment after his divorce. As a sort of revenge they got him to pay their broker fees to find another apartment. Hope everything works out for you.

Pollyanna said...

Dang it! I check out early for the weekend and I miss news like this?!?! That'll teach me.

What a crap ass way to start the weekend. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Ahh just got reminded this is where Dear So & So started..... by Captain Dumbarse, so thought I would come and pay homage! Thanks, writing mine made me feel a lot better :) xx