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Friday, September 25, 2009

Dear So and So...I'm Doing This for Your Own Good

Dear KiKi,

You go to Nursery School on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday. No, you cannot stay home Fridays. I have gotten to the point where I really enjoy my free time. Sorry Charlie.

Love, Mom

Dear Ghost Shows on TV,

I am a glutton for punishment. I scare easily. BUT! I can't stop watching you. I am addicted. You totally scare the pants out of me, but I can't stop watching.

Pantsless, Kat

Dear LaLa,

Ok child, we need to get some things straight. Listen carefully. School clothes are for school. Dress up clothes are for Dress up. Play clothes are for play time. PJ's are for bedtime. Did you get that last one? PJ'S ARE FOR BEDTIME. No, you may NOT wear your school clothes, play clothes, or dress up clothes to bed. The sooner you get that into your five year old brain the happier we all will be. Promise.

At The End of Her Rope, Mom

Dear Body,

I am really sorry for all the chocolate and pizza I have fed you latey. My hormones demand it. It can't be helped.

Oops, Kat

Dear House,

Can you pack yourself? I mean, it isn't the actual packing that is the problem, it is the deciding what I am not going to need until we live in the next house.

Argh, Kat

Dear Readers,

If you would like to play along, write your own letters and leave your link with Mr. Linky! Happy writing!

Love Ya Mean It,


Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Dear Kat,

Will you still have your 3-Bedroom Bungalow after you move? Or might it be a 6-Bedroom Country Estate? Or a gigantic freakin' castle??? Just wanna know. . .


Maureen@IslandRoar said...

God, I love your Dear So and So's!
Even with a stresssful mood, you find time to be funny!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Yeah, but what about wearing PJs to school. You didn't say I couldn't do *that*.

;) Ellie

Mwa said...

I found my five year old asleep in bed with his pink princess tights on the other day. It was too cute for words.

Cammie said...

Im back on board this week!

Michele said...

I do not even tempt myself with scary shows. I'd have bad dreams for a week.

Mom in High Heels said...

I don't do scary movies, but I love the ghost hunter shows. They scare the beejeebers out of me though. When are we going to get photos of the new bungalow?

Ron said...

Just yesterday I found out the 2nd grader had been packing her PJ top in her backpack this week and was wearing it in class "because she was cold." This is Houston. It's 80 degrees everyday. I hate Hannah Montana and sparkles.

Badass Geek said...

Pizza and chocolate. My two favorite food groups.

Captain Dumbass said...

Can I blame my hormones on my eating binges?

Krystal said...

honestly, if you can get your daughter not to go to bed in her daytime clothes, please let me know - that is a constant battle at my house....thanks a mill!

Pollyanna said...

Some my kids dress up clothes are so tattered (you know, the favorites), it would be a safety hazzard if they went to bed in them. They might get strangled by a stay piece of lace.

Sprite's Keeper said...

I blame my hormones for everything except chocolate. I want to be fully onboard for THAT experience.

Big Mama Cass said...

LOL I am the same with Ghost shows!! "pantsless" <---hahahaha

packing is the pits!! :( I will be there in a few months and I am already dreading it!

Aunt Juicebox said...

My mom used to let me where my regular clothes to bed in the summer. :p

Pollyanna said...

I've got my post up - kind of rambly, but that's life.

Lola said...

Hey, you can't blame the kid for wanting Fridays off!

Erin@TheLocalsLoveit said...

To say it sounds like you've got your hands full in an undersatement.

honeywine said...

Chocolate & pizza? Mmmm...heaven... And I LOVE that your house has a name! I always wanted to give my house a name. It's just so pretentious when you do it yourself. lol

Anonymous said...

Dear Kat, This is your house calling. I've got chocolate and pizza ready. Get that kid off to preschool and let's get this puppy packed!

Joanie said...

I completely forgot to link myself yesterday!

Jenny Grace said...

If your house learns how to pack itself, can you come over and teach that trick to mine? For future reference I mean.

Pollyanna said...

I talked about you today. You should stop by :)

Unknown said...

Put my Dear So and So post on here, hope that's the right thing to do!! x

Joanie said...

I watch those ghost shows, too, late at night, when I'm alone at home. I get really spooked too!

prashant said...

Can I blame my hormones on my eating binges? Domain registration india