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Friday, September 11, 2009

Dear So and So...Sept 11th

Dear Sept 11th,

You have affected me in more ways than I could ever imagine. The other day I was watching the documentary "103 Minutes that Changed America" and even after 8 years, when the 2nd plane was shown hitting the south tower I broke into tears and felt a feeling I can only describe as primal fear. I was right back in that college classroom on that day. The hairs on my arms stood up and I felt sick to my stomach. September 11th, I wish you had never happened, you changed my country in a way I never thought possible.


Dear Readers,

Almost 3000 people were killed that day because of an act of terrorism, and we have been lucky that it has never happened again in America in the past eight years. I say luck, but really it has been vigilance. Our intelligence community, with all its faults, it working hard to prevent further attacks. George W. Bush, with all his faults, was working hard to prevent it. Barak Obama, with all his faults, is working hard to prevent it. See, we as Americans, may never agree as a whole how to prevent acts of terrorism. However, we all strive to prevent it. Lets just take a day to be neither Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, moderate, or independent...Lets just be Americans. Let us mourn the fallen, and champion the brave who seek to prevent future bad deeds. Lets be Americans.

Love, Kat

Mr. Linky is up for other Dear So and So....


Mango Girl said...

Well put.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Thank you! Very well said!

And I'm suddenly feeling VERY old, because you were in a college classroom that day and I needed to rush and pick up my oldest in high school!

Toni said...

Amen to that. x

Badass Geek said...

To echo the others before me, well said. The memories of this day eight years ago will stay with me forever.

Mama Dawg said...

Amen, sista!

darsden said...

Beautiful and YES, AMEN!

Mommy of M's said...

Couldn't agree more!!

This is my first time playing! Thanks

Unknown said...

Great bipartisan post and I agree wholeheartedly, we must never forget 9/11 and should be supporting our government and its agencies who work very hard in foiling attempts constantly. You just don't hear about them on TV because so much attention is given to celebrity movements.

Anonymous said...

Very nice post Kat. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

So well put. I was at work (and four months pregnant so very emotional already) and we couldn't get online to see what was going on. Our boss just came running out of his office saying planes hit the towers. It was very scary. When I got home I watched everything I could. We lived in Delaware during that time and a lot of people around us commuted to the city. I had friend working in the city (and at the pentagon) so it was a very anxious day till I heard from them.

We only live an hour outside the city now so I imagine the day is bringing back a lot of memories for my neighbors in my community.

If you stroll over to The King Of New York Hacks (taxi driver in NYC) he's been doing a daily picture tribute everyday for the month. It's pretty amazing.

Okay longest comment ever sorry.

Sandy said...

Amen, Kat, amen.

Ron said...

even now it seems so surreal watching that footage

Anonymous said...

well said, Kat, well said.

Mary Anne said...

Nicely said.
I couldn't bring myself to write about it. I just remember going to pick my daughter (almost two at the time) at my mom's and hugging her and crying. I knew her world would be a different place than mine.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Captain Dumbass said...

Well done, Kat.

PS. Sorry I haven't played in a couple weeks. I'll be back next Friday. Promise.

honeywine said...

It was a reminder that we are not isolated in a way in which we once were. :(

Ms. Salti said...

Very nicely said! I agree 100%!

Jen said...

I loved that last letter, so true!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I will never forget that day...

It will be with me forever...I knew that day my children's world would be very, very different than what I'd planned.

Beautifully written, Kat:)

Big Mama Cass said...

Wow, reading that made me cry. Good letters Kat. I agree. So very well put.

Pollyanna said...


We all have our stories of that day and as long as we keep telling them, we'll never forget; we'll never stop in our vigilence.

Renata said...

Well said.

Lorri said...

Thanks, Kat. Very well said and you caused me to rethink the petty little gripes I had planned to dwell on for the day.

Chairman Bill said...

The sad thing is that another attack is inevitable.

Ellie Belen Ambrose said...

I can only watch one documentary on the tragedy because it still hurts. But I still watch because I do want to feel the hurt again so I'll never forget.

Jen said...

I wish we could take more than a day to "just be Americans", but I guess that is just never going to happen.

Excellent tribute post!