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Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm The Storyteller

I can't help it apparently. Maybe blogging led to it. I am a storyteller. Not like made up fantasy stories. I didn't even realize it. We had gone to look at houses and were buddied up with our estate agent, Mr. NotATotalButtmunch. I guess I told him a story. I can't remember. It all happens without me fully knowing apparently. So my husband and I are in the car on the way back to The Bungalow and my husband quipped, "You did it again."

"Did what?"
"You told him a story."
"Did I?"
"Well, I can't help it."
"I know."

Well as long as we have that settled then.


Vodka Logic said...

So what was the story ... and husbands how exasperating at times. lol

Unknown said...

I'm a storyteller too, so I relate. So is my son and we have a fantastic relationship! Keep on telling your stories.

mo.stoneskin said...

A compulsive anecdotalist like myself, it is the way forward.

kel said...

I love a good story, so you're my kinda girl!!!!

Programming note: Everyone seems to be having trouble getting the feed for my blog since I changed my name... you may need to subscribe all over again if you want to follow me in a reader. Thanks!!!!

Mango Girl said...

Why do our hubbies worry about us telling stories? It's part of who we are.

Tell away my dear!

xo, Mango

Anonymous said...

Love the real estate agents name :)

I say do what you're good at.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

That's why we love you!!

honeywine said...

Blogging does give you permission to share, and then it becomes a habit!

Sprite's Keeper said...

As long as it was a true story, no worries!

Me said...

Too funny.

Captain Dumbass said...

Was it a good story?

Big Mama Cass said...

Now I am totally curious what the story was!

Badass Geek said...

I'm curious as to what the story was.

prashant said...

I love a good story, but wht is it? Domain registration india

Lola said...

It's not a bad thing!