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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

RTT- I Think They Have A Bet on Who Can Give Me a Heart Attack First...

What is RTT? Free therapy for us who need to get all the crazy out our brains (and mine is full of crazy). You can check out Keely's place, grab the button, read some more crazy and write your own. Or not. Your choice.


So I think my kids are plotting how to give me a heart attack before the age of 30. Oh I am over reacting? I think not. Saturday night, from what I can gather...LaLa scaled my counter tops in the kitchen and grabbed a pair of sewing scissors out of a cabinet. Then KiKi decided to give herself and LaLa haircuts. This is the carnage of KiKi's hair...

Can we say heart attack? I spent an hour crying, five minutes on the phone with my brother getting laughed at by him and his best buddy, fifteen minutes on the phone with my gran getting the "you did it too" speech, and fifteen minutes on the phone with my mom getting the "I can't believe you let this happen" speech. Sunday morning I took them to my friend Nigel who is the manager at the barber shop on base to see if he had anyone at the shop who could fix it.

This is what I got...

Dorothy Hamills....


Oh and more than once I have had a spider try to land on me as I was walking out my front door. Not cool spiders, not cool.


Anonymous said...

They still look cute, though--it's not like they had to go to crew cuts or anything :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I had a Dorothy Hamill haircut. Ok, it was 1978...
I remember my mom freakin' out when my sister was in preschool because she put curlers in her hair to play and then CUT THEM OFF. Yikes!

Vodka Logic said...

They still look adorable.. and a fun story to tell in the future too.


♥ Braja said...

Oh no, Dorothy HAMILL????


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Hey, it's a rite of passage. Just don't let them find the electric razor...


Badass Geek said...

This reminds me... I think I may try to give myself a haircut today.

Unknown said...

I think all mothers out there can relate, I know I can!

Good save on those adorable children.

Mama Dawg said...


Sorry, couldn't resist.

I lucked out and didn't have that happen to LOML.

Just remember, in the future, it's a GREAT story and hair does grow out!

Mango Girl said...

She still looks adorable! It will grow back.

Hang in there!!!

Jess said...

LMAO! I love the new hair-do's and the fact that you have pictures to commemorate is awesome! Believe me, Mom has sat me down and shown me my pictures from when I did that...and let me tell you, I don't know if it was because it was the 80's or if I just fucking hacked the hell out of my hair, but the "fix it haircut" looked HORRIBLE! So yeah, their hair is toooo adorable!

for a different kind of girl said...

I am knocking on wood and thanking my lucky stars because, by some weird fluke, I have gotten this far in my kids' lives and we've never had this experience!

You've got two very adorable (and cool(er)thanks to those haircuts) girls!

Expat No. 3699 said...

That's too funny! Wait until they're a little older and decide to dye their hair red or purple.

Pollyanna said...

I think they're cute!

No more tears trying to get the snarls out.

No more screams when you pull their hair hard to get that tight ponytail that isn't going fall out half way thru the day.

Hello headbands!

I keep my girls' hair cut in a "bob" for a reason :)

Toni said...

A free haircut is what everyone nees in the recession...your kids were just helping you :-p

Sprite's Keeper said...

Um, I like the cuts. I think they're cute.

Captain Dumbass said...

Maybe the look will make a quick resurgence in England soon.


It could happen...

Jen said...

If one of the boys cut my daughter's hair, I think that I would cry too. But she does look cute. :)

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Adorable. However not adorable that you had to go through that.

Aunt Juicebox said...

Kiki gives better haircuts than my mom used to.

zipbagofbones said...

Oh my god, I was just talking about this at lunch today with my co-workers. Her 6 year old just gave her 3 year old a "haircut".

Don't worry, they're still darling! And it will grow super fast.

mo.stoneskin said...

Not a day goes by without me wishing I tried to cut my hair when I was a kid. Sadly I was just too good, obedient and sweet.

Cape Cod Gal said...

They still look beautiful!!!

When I was in 2nd grade I cut off my eyelashes with a pair of safety scissors. Not pretty at the time, but apparently it makes them grow back twice as long.

Renata said...

Awwww, they're still totally adorable! Was this their first haircut? That's always harder. My mom didn't cut my hair until I was almost 4.

Unknown said...

Uggghhh....I remember being 5 years old and my mom took me and got me that same Dorothy Hamill Haircut. She swears I wanted my hair cut short. I know that I was so sad afterward though and can still remember thinking I looked like a boy. At least your girls look like cute little girls.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

So sorry. They're still adorable! My daughter did that at 5 and cut her bangs right to the top of her forehead; took a year to grow out.

Keely said...

All interesting women had a Dorothy Hammill haircut at some point in their lives. And I'm not just saying that because I had one.

Mary Anne said...

Funny timing, just read an initerview with Dorothy Hamill where she talks about "The Hair."

And, oh yes, I did have the haircut myself. Went from long and straight and cried for three days.

Ms. Salti said...

At least it will grow back... and you got it fixed. They look cute! I feel you on the spiders. I'm surrounded by them constantly!

Renaissance Grace said...

At least my son at 4 had the decency to position his 2 year old sister in her car sear before he gave her a short back and sides -the damage has just repaired - she's 19!!!!

Big Mama Cass said...

what the hell is it with spiders right now?!?

oh and after reading this blog, I am disposing of all scissors in this house! lol

KMcJoseph said...

Spiders suck ass.

Makeup Theory said...

Fun post!

If I Could Escape . . . said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
If I Could Escape . . . said...

Oh dear!! But, they do look awfully sweet!