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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

RTT- I'm Late (not that kind of late...boy that would suck)

You know those mornings when everything goes wrong that is what I am having! Happy RTT everyone! You can thank Keely over at the Unmom for all this random. Just click the pretty purple button to get in on the other random action around the interwebz.


So this morning, KiKi woke me up at 7:20 and demanded TV. Not a problem. I dragged my booty out of bed, flipped on the TV, found Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and then slunk off back to bed. Now, I normally get up at 7:30, so I figured I could get another 10 minutes plus a couple of snoozes before I REALLY had to get out of bed so that I could get a shower before I took LaLa to school. So my alarm goes off at 7:30...and instead of hitting the snooze on my phone I hit dismiss. Consciously I KNEW I hit dismiss, but I figured I am really already awake, so no use in worrying about it and actually getting up. So at 8:30 when I woke up chaos ensued. Remember I said I needed a shower. This was not a I kinda need a shower kind of day, it was a must. So I throw off the covers, throw a uniform at LaLa, bark some orders, find KiKi some clothes, got her dressed, made LaLa a lunch, the hopped in the shower to at least wash my hair. By the time I got out LaLa was dressed and helping KiKi find some socks, which were being a illusive. I found socks got her shoes on (I am still in a towel at this point and it is 10 minutes to 9 and we usually leave the house at 8:45). I ran to the back of the house found some clothes and put on my shoes. As we got outside KiKi peed her pants!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Take her to the potty, change her pants (grabbed those out of the diaper bag as we were coming through the laundry room), head back out the door at 5 til 9. We got to the school at 9. Class starts at 9:05. Good morning, Kat!

I love when I get random emails. Last night Captain Dumbass sent me an email with one sentence. "My vacuum just caught on fire."

My husband is moaning at me for some food. He just got home from work (it is 9:46 AM)...Back in two min.

Ok that was more like 15 minutes but that bacon bap was so so worth it. Bacon on a roll for you that don't know what a bap is (I like to butter my rolls and grill them for a second to get them all toasty). Anyhoo...

So I am gonna try my Grans pound cake recipe today...wish me luck. Yeah today is not gonna be a low fat day...oh well. Things are looking up after this hellish morning.


Toni said...

God yeah I know what you're talking about when the whole universe seems to conspire against you and everything goes wrong.
But a bacon bap will usually be the cure. After my ex and I had got back from Florida after travelling for 26 hours, his mum cooked us a bacon bap - I could have died and gone to heaven a happy woman!

Badass Geek said...

Today would be made much better if there was bacon.

Vodka Logic said...

We have all done it.. and at least you got thru it.

i work nights and came home exceptionally tired so I decided to lay down for a few while my daughter watched tv..(this is many years ago) by the time i woke up it was 1030am and she was officially on the call the police list... she didnt realize how late it was she is a kid...needless to say the looks from her teacher were not approving...


and what is a bacon bap?

Mango Girl said...

Please explain the bacon bap more; Pale Rider could survive on bacon alone. Please send me an email with instructions like you were teaching a 3rd grader. (mango dot girl @ rocketmail dot com)

Fun to sleep in, isn't it?

Hope your day improves!!!

a.l.b. said...

aren't those rushed mornings just the worst...and everything tht can go wrong WILL go wrong on those days!!

the bacon bap sounds wonderful!

Unknown said...

sounds just like my morning...and I thought I was the ONLY one who uses her cell phone as an alarm clock-we dont even own an alarm clock lol

hope the pound cake turns out great

Raven said...

Now I want bacon.

We had a similar morning, jam packed with stress and life just generally falling apart. It's always so fun.

I have destroyed about 8 vacuum cleaners but have yet to set one on fire. Gotta love those random emails.

Have a great Random Tuesday!


Kimberly Wright said...

Pound cake makes everything better.

I am Harriet said...

Wow. Vacuum on fire.

Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Damn, I don't get nearly enough random emails. *sniff*

Captain Dumbass said...

I wasn't even exaggerating, which is hard to believe. Flames were shooting out the top of the power head.

Sprite's Keeper said...

My nephew once woke up before my sister and turned off her alarm so she would sleep in and he wouldn't have to go to school.
Turns out you CAN be grounded for a month. He learned something that day!

PropellerHeadMom said...

Well, at least she peed and didn't poop. I've got the 3 year who insists on pooping in his pants just as we are about to walk out the door :-)

Good luck with your pound cake!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Jen said...

I hate mornings like that.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Ohhhhh I've SO had those mornings. It really does suck when you KNOW you accidentally hit 'dismiss' instead of 'snooze'. Glad you got through the chaos, though!

Now I'm hungry for a bacon bap...and I'm not a big fan of bacon. Princess Nagger is, though - maybe I'll have to bribe her with a bacon bap tomorrow morning to get her up in a timely manner and ready for school.

Happy RTT! :)

Aunt Juicebox said...

I'm sorry, did you say the word bacon? On a roll? Slobber.

Mom in High Heels said...

LOL! I've had those kind of days. Oh, wait, had one today. Have you read my RTT? You know, where I talk about losing a rug (a room size rug, no less) to one of my dogs' illness. Believe me, it could not be saved. This was at 6 am. Fun.

zipbagofbones said...

Bacon makes everything better, including pee. Makes it saltier. Trust me.

Cajoh said...

Don't see how pound cake can transform into bacon, but I'm game.

They just had international bacon day this past Saturday, did you celebrate???

Jacquie said...

Poor Captain. I have done that was well, but the last time i did it i was over 4 hours late for work, with no calls.

Cape Cod Gal said...

Bacon makes everything better!

mo.stoneskin said...

10 minutes at that ungodly hour is beautiful, yet lethal. The number of times the temptation of 10 more minutes has led to a couple of snoozes and being late to work.

"Problem with the trains," I always say.

KMcJoseph said...

Wow, I can't wait to be able to turn on the TV for my daughter and go back to sleep. Right now her rule is "if she is up then we are up".

A said...

whew! that was some morning! that usually happens to me when hubby is out of town on a business trip and no one is around to remind me to wake up early the next day... :D

Now you got me craving for some bacon bap!!! yummmmms!! :P

have a great week ahead Kat! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm late as well...and not that kind of late either.

I hear you though. I turned off my alarm at 7:20 and since baby was still sleeping, boy was sawing off logs next to me...yeah, I snuggled back in. Still made the damn bus at 8:35 (sans shower though...)

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a fly on the wall over at Captain Dumbasses house? I'm just saying, it could probably be blog fodder for months.

Casey said...

So you're saying there will come a day when I can stick the TV on for the kids and go back to sleep? When exactly does that happen? I know your point was about being late but I got all excited.
Now that I know what a bap is, I need one. Now.


the whole world is not conspiring against me, just my kids, my husband, and my pets. and maybe a couple of my friends.

Design It Chic said...

Oh my.. i can even imagining the crazy party at your house this morning.. clothes flying all over..diapers left on the bed...packed LaLa some tomatoes as lunch and wine as berry juice...oh to funny! But glad you made it! Gooooooo Mommy Power!

Happy Random! and bacon..yumm

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Sounds like you made the most of it.

Bacon sounds delightful.

Lorri said...

Pound cake? Did someone mention freshly baked pound cake?

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

What a way to start the morning. It's adorable that LaLa was helping KiKi. What a great older sister.

When your late, kids also seem to find a way to make you even more late.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I love the title of this post! lol!

I wouldn't have been able to pull it together as fast as you did! You're my hero!

Krystal said...

Now I am hungry - thanks oh, and alos jealous that you get random emails like that. I just get those random spam sex toy ones!! LOL

Keely said...

Someone just SET my vacuum on fire. With bacon.

Pollyanna said...

Low fat anything should be banned on a day like that! In fact, let's make a rule - Super high fat everything on a day like that!

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