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Friday, July 31, 2009

Dear So and So... Stayin Alive

Dear KiKi,

I know it is my fault that you went to sleep last night at 6pm. I should have kept you awake or woke you up after an hour, but the quiet was nice. However, when you woke up at 3am. That was not nice. Not. Nice. At. All. Trying to get you to understand that it was still night night time, was not fun. So after 45 min, yes, I caved. I proceeded to drag two pillows and blankets (one set for each of us) out to the living room and turn on Looney Tunes for you to watch. Thanks for actually sitting there and watching and not causing chaos so I could snooze on the couch.

Love, Mom

Dear Looney Tunes,

Thanks for being on at 3:45 in the morning. Seriously.

In Your Debt, Kat

Dear Melissa,

Thanks for the award. It is also really weird that our cats look exactly alike. Of course your cat probably isn't as ill tempered as POW Sam Kitty.

Thanks a bunch, Kat

Passing this along to:
3. Jess

Dear LaLa,

Sometimes the things you say are off the wall. The other night when you said, "I am gonna eat this chicken leg like a hungry cow," I about died with laughter. Meatetarian cows! *chuckle*

Still laughing, Mom

Dear Reader,

Grab the button, write your own Dear So and So and link up with Mr. Linky! Thanks for making my blogoversary so very special. You guys are great!

Love, Kat


Badass Geek said...

There are some pretty strange things on in the early hours of the morning. If it's not cartoons, it's infomercials for kitchen appliances or exercise equipment.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Well, happy blogoversary!


Anonymous said...

You're welcome Kat. It is freaky about the cats isn't it? But you know, they say everyone has a twin.

Tim Atkinson said...

Eh? Where's Sportacus and Stephanie? Robbie Rotten? (Oh, that's Lazytown. Sorry!)

Michele said...

It is always a good idea to keep a fully loaded cartoon DVD handy for just such occasions.

Happy blogoversary!

The Prodigal Tourist said...

Happy Blogoversary (is that how it's spelled?) and congratulations on your award from Smitten! But what do you mean no tea when you're hot? That's the best time to have tea!

sunshine said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! I really like you blog, I found it through Jess's (This life is mine)... Will stop by more often, have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary!!

I TOTALLY do the couch thing too. Only, Monkey likes to sneak up on me and SMACK ME IN THE FACE! Just to make sure I know he is there and he is awake. That is super fun.


ChurchPunkMom said...

3am?? No, not nice at all! Sheesh.. what is UP with kids these days?

Lisa said...

I was going to let S do that the other night. She fell asleep at like 5:30 and I was like "Meh, let her sleep" In the long run, I was really glad she woke up when I went in to pick up A.

Lola said...

"Eat this chicken leg like a hungry cow"? Now, that's hilarious!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary! :)

Pollyanna said...

My kid is so weird, she likes HGTV (she's only five).

Can't do Dear So and So today because I didn't have anything funny to complain about. Not that I always have to be funny, but it's my 100th post and I wanted it to be something good. I totally would have let everyone down, but I'm sure I'll come up with stuff for next week :)

Please stop by for my 100th post: Life Makes Me Laugh

Sprite's Keeper said...

Unfortunately, the toon station over here has the bad ass teenager toons so we're stuck with Disney movies. YAWN.

Anonymous said...

Don't you love it when you can't convince them to go back to sleep? Last night my 7 year climbed in bed with me at midnight. By 6 am his 3 yr old sister was also in bed with me. Yeah, I slept GREAT.

Jenni said...

Lala is too much! too much!

Ahahgshene said...

yep! thank god for cartoons!

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Happy bloggiversary! I still haven't gotten around to celebrating mine yet, which was, like, three weeks ago. I suck.

But you don't!

Rebecka said...

Happy Blogoversity!
Thanks for the entertainment that is Dear So and So.
Also, thanks for the warning that the hungry cows out there in the pasture might be after my lunch (chicken breast)


Captain Dumbass said...

Dammit! I knew I forgot something last night.

Anonymous said...

LOVING the chicken - cow comment. Pure brilliance! Happy blogoversary!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Dear Kat,

Sorry I missed the "Dear So and So" this week, but - hey - I'm on vacation. . . you know. . . holiday!

Ms. Salti said...

3:45? You poor thing. Thank goodness for cartoons! Hope you got caught up on your sleep!

Aunt Juicebox said...

LOL My husband used to have a pet chicken and it would eat fried chicken. Don't ask me why they fed a chicken some chicken, other than a morbid sense of humor.

Dorset Dispatches said...

Thanks for the award, feeling most honoured. I will pass it on, just need to get organised first...

And with a non-sleeper who likes to party at about 3.30am, I've had many reasons to say thank you to looney tunes and their like. x

Ali said...

I so love that, I have been there. My situation was the terrible flu that came through San Francisco in 1993. My husband was active duty Navy (and gone at the time). I had an active five month old. I propped the baby up in a baby walker held onto it with one limp feverish arm and let him watch Animaniacs at 6 am.

Momo Fali said...

Seriously. The 24 hour cartoons are awesome. They have come in very handy around here too.

Someone said...

Great dear so and so letters, now there is something new I want to join on blogger!!!Thanks for clicking on the Captains link and visiting my sons blog, he was so happy for the comments

truestarr said...

Totally enjoy your blog.

Happy Blogoversary! (and may you have many more in the future...)