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Friday, July 3, 2009

Dear So and So...w00t! edition

Dear Hubby,

Congrats on sewing on your next rank! Tech Sgt. The Man, it has a nice ring to it doesn't it? Hooray for pay raises!

Love Always and Forever, Kat

Dear Lady at School,

A crocheted white top with a white bra does not a real shirt make. At the primary school? Seriously?? Come on! Now I know that Brits and sun do not mix, but that is just wrong.

Pray for snow, Kat

PS- I didn't even mention the acid washed jean skirt with lace over lay. The 1980's called and they want their scrunchie and bad fashion back.

Dear Dude getting Chased by the Police,

Yeah, apparently when you take a roundabout at 50 mph, the cops seriously don't like it. Nevermind that it is the busiest roundabout in this area, but you almost lost control and apparently you did it all right in front of the cops. Smooth move, exlax.

HaHa, Kat

Dear NFAH,

I miss ya, man! Have fun in Oz.


Dear Sun,

England is not made for your heat. Can we please go back to semi dreary days with a bit of rain? My garden need some water. Plus I don't have AC.

Burning, Kat

Dear Readers,

Grab the button on the side bar, leave you link with Mr. Linky and lodge your own complaints! It is really therapeutic and starts your weekend off right. In case any of you are wondering, I post Dear So and So each Friday but you are more than welcome to add to the link throughout the week.

Take Care and Happy Letter Writing,


Anonymous said...

Congrats to your hubby!

I will never understand why some people think they need to dress like a hooker to attend a small child function. And a 1980's hooker? Even worse.

Mary T said...

No no burning Kat, it is raining here now and I am not dressed in the correct attire. Request that the sun come back please.

I hope the lady at school wasn't one of the teachers!

mo.stoneskin said...

I'm guessing the lady at the school was just a sample - you could probably have picked any one of the mums there I'll bet!

My friend's dad hit a roundabout at 80, rolled the car and miraculously survived. Dangerous? Yes. Deliberate? As far as I know it wasn't, he's just an ADHD easily-distracted type who really shouldn't be allowed to drive!

Irish Gumbo said...

Congratulations to The Man! That's wonderful!

I'll bet that guy was going faster in kilometers per hour. Or should that be kilometres? Now I'm confused...

Oh and when you say heat, what calssifies as hot in England?

Irish Gumbo said...

Classifies, I meant. sigh...

Unknown said...

Congrats to the hubby, Kat!

I'm with womanatwork and hope the poor dresser wasn't a teacher.

Cammie said...

congrats on your hubby's promotion....and ohhhhh, THIS is karma.....will have to try and get my Dear So and So's out at some point today....but in a few I am heading to the beach!

Mom in High Heels said...

Congrats to your hubby! I don't know what a TSgt is. E-6? E-7? Either way, congrats to him AND you. I know he wouldn't make it without you behind him.

Sadly, Germans are starting to love the roundabout. Boo, I say, boo! Stupid roundabouts.

Kitten said...

Hooray for hubby!

Not so hooray for the mum who dressed up like a hooker at her kid's school. Inappropriate!!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Congrats to The Man on the promotion!

Unknown said...


what about the stirrup pants?

those were the days:)


Unknown said...

I love these I will do mine tomorrow since I have run out of computer time today... the children have reached their limit of leaving me alone HAHA!

Captain Dumbass said...

Smooth move Exlax! I'd forgotten all about that one. I shall introduce it to my kids as soon as they do something dumb. 3...2...1...

Anonymous said...

I love this super-therapeutic meme! Thanks for such a fabulous idea!

Kimberly Wright said...

I am a Dear So and So virgin. I posted my first one today.

I loved it. I will now become a Dear So and So whore. I may even dress up like a hooker when I write it.

Kristin and Mike said...

The Man's boyfriend and I congratulate you both! :o) Love you guys!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Dear Kat,

I'm in! I sooooo love writing letters! And yes, it is cathartic. . .

Anonymous said...

yea for hubby!
I love the comment about the 80's called...I wonder sometimes what people think when they look in the mirror after dressing in something horrid....

Lisa said...

WOOT to The Man! Congrats dude!

Also, the fashion thing. Problem here in the States too. Why do you think Stacy and Clinton still have a job here in the good ole USA?

Rebecka said...

How fun is this? Waaaaay!
Thanks for providing something fun to keep me occupied this afternoon.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Congrats to your hubby! I think the sun has mistaken England for NEW England because we have had rain for about 143 days and no sun while you guys are roasting...that or global warming is really fucking with things. Watch out for tsunamis!

Amber said...

I love this, I am so in! :D

Anonymous said...

Miss ya too! Can't believe how bad the internet access has been in Oz... but photos to follow. Un-be-lievable. And I have been collecting magnets for you... NFAH

Valerie said...

Wow how neat for hubs. I don't understand why some women think they actually look good in get ups like that.

Anonymous said...

congrats to hubby! get lots of fans! and i wish i could still wear a scrunchie!! lol