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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Captain Dumbass Makes Me Grilled Cheese

I went to London and all I got was this cheesy guest post from Captain Dumbass. Yummy yummy grilled cheese. Feel free to go over to his place and check out other grilled cheese art.
Gah! Red Kryptonite!


Vodka Logic said...

I think you could drown that poor cheese man in that catsup.

forever lost said...

I dont know what Capt. eats to make his mind work the way it does but it always makes me laugh!

Mike said...

Eww! Ketchup and grilled cheese??

Beth said...

Ketchup on grilled cheese rocks! It is just a cheeseburger without the burger.

Irish Gumbo said...

Poor bastard.

Hey, I didn't know that Heinz had auxiliary tomtates!

Unknown said...

That little man looks rather yummy! :)

Unknown said...

I'd prefer tomato soup with Captain Dumbass's gingerbread man cheese sandwiches... and I love all of his posts.

Jacquie said...

Capt. is always very funny!

Aunt Juicebox said...

Delicious post.

Lola said...

Very cute! I'm all about the grilled cheese, but ketchup? Now, that's just not right ;)

Anonymous said...

I was hoping he'd make you his famous grilled mac n cheese sandwich. You have to give him an A for creativity though.

Badass Geek said...

Cannibalism never looked so tasty.

Anndi said...

I f he was really smart he would submit this to the Canadian Government and get an art grant.

But then, they might ask him to use poutine sauce or maple syrup... said...

I used to eat my grilled cheese with ketchup when I was a kid, but now that I'm older and much more refined, I eat it dipped in Dr. Pepper.

Jenni said...

great, now I'm totlly craving red kryptonite.

WeaselMomma said...

I think I just earned the 'Complete Dumbass Award'. I have been visiting this other bog of a chick in Germany that I thought was you. I thought I was a reader of your blog and am now feeling really stupid. I have even been here before! Shaking my head in shame.

honeywine said...

I would never have thought of ketchup with grilled cheese. Seems kinda gross.

Captain Dumbass said...

How can you not eat grilled cheese without ketchup or tomato soup? Blasphemy.

justmakingourway said...

My boy loves ketchup on his grilled cheese.

That's pretty awesome, Capt!

Meg said...

Well I guess I know what I'm having for lunch now don't I? And yeah, ketchup is a MUST.

Keely said...

Shouldn't he be all "MEH, red kryptonite"? I thought the red made him lazy, or stoned, or something...

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Maybe if I ask him to guest post he'll send me the grilled mac 'n cheese!

DCUrbanDad said...

Get in my belly.

Pollyanna said...

I thought it was a giant tater tot. Who puts catsup on grilled cheese?