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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

RTT- I am So So Sore

It's Tuesday. WOOT WOOT! Leeeeets get ready to raaaaaandooooooom! If you haven't heard by now, this little slice of random is brought to you by the one and only UnMom, Keely. Go Check her out by clicking the purple button of random doom.


So, I am in the middle of packing my house. Basically it looks like a moving company came into my house and puked up boxes, packing tape and white packing paper. My husband, because of his schedule (and the fact that he isn't even in the country right now), has only packed one box. Yes, that means I am packing the entire house by myself. I am woman, hear me roar! Ok, not so much roar as whimper and then go find the Aspercream. Oh my goodness my back is sore.

My brother is coming to visit on Saturday. The last time I saw him was about a year ago. He had a beard and seriously looked like Vladimir Lenin. I hope it hasn't changed because I love calling him Andy Leninovich. The -vich on the end of Russian names means son of so and so. Just thought you should know that. Oh and photographic proof....

Vladimir Lenin- Leader of the Communist Revolution in Russia

Andy- Brother, non-revolutionary (that I know of).

So I have Skype. I introduced it to my husband for our long separations. Then my mom and dad got wind. Then my grand parents. My aunt soon followed. She refers to it as the George Jetson phone.

Dude, Amazon just paid some kid $150,000 because his Kindle at his homework. A Kindle, for those of you who don't know is a portable device to download books to. Amazon had a snafu earlier this year when they had to delete George Orwell's "1984" off of peoples Kindles because the company they went through to get the copy of the book did not have the publishing rights. As the article points out, the irony of Amazon playing Big Brother and deleting THAT BOOK....yeah kinda funny.

Elizabeth just growled at cartoon puppies on the TV. My dog is whacked.

Anyhoo, I am all out of random and need to get back to packing. Ya'll be good. Use your manners and for heavens sake, quit hitting your sister.


Anonymous said...

Haha, there is a resemblance!

Josh and I skype every night when he's away at school.

PropellerHeadMom said...

I couldn't imagine having to move and pack up all my stuff. You poor thing! That really stinks!

Wow - your brother really does look like Vlad!

We use skype too. The grandparents don't live all that close to us and they enjoy seeing their grandchildren. Skyp is a great service.

Raven said...

He does look like Vlad! That's too funny.

Good luck packing, I still have nightmares about my move 2 years ago.

That's hilarious about Amazon having to delete '1984.' Go figure.

Happy Tuesday!

Stacy Uncorked said...

He does look like Vlad! Too funny!

Packing and moving are not my favorite things. I tend to be a packrat so I have way too much unnecessarily stuff. Which means when we eventually decide to sell this house and move to greener pastures, I'll be packing forever and a day. Hey, you'll be an expert by then - you can come help me, right? ;)

I suppose one of these days I should join the masses and sign up for Skype... ;)

How ironic that Amazon had to delete '1984'!

Happy RTT - good luck packing...I sure don't envy you all that work! :)

Mwa said...

The similarity is striking.

Stefany said...

Damn, I wish someone would pay me for the dog eating my homework... cuz that really happened.

I can't imagine how you are doing it all on your own with packing... good luck!

zipbagofbones said...

PACKING SUCKS. Take it easy on the ole' back, girl. That thing goes out, you're totally screwed.

I love Skype!

Snooker said...

Good luck with the move. Of course it is shit while it is happening, but it feels so much better when you get to the new place and it starts feeling like home.

Joanie said...

I see the Lenin resemblance, right down to the eyebrows!

George Jetson phone... I love it!

Someday I will sell my house and I'll have to pack this whole 4 bedroom house myself. Twenty years (at this point) of crap (and I filled a dumpster 3 years ago with crap I got rid of!)

honeywine said...

Skype is just like the video feature on Yahoo Messenger right? I fear I am starting that downward slide of losing what little bit of computer knowledge I once had. :(

KarieK said...

Oh packing and moving is awful, then all the unpacking. The picture of your brother is absolutely priceless!! Happy RTT!!


Anonymous said...

I'll hit my sister if I want to (she started it anyway).

Don't you LOVE it when the husband is in another country when you have a house to pack/unpack? Been there. Never doing it again.

Happy packing and happy rtt!

Badass Geek said...

Skype is pretty rockin'.

prashant said...

He does look like Vlad! That's too funny.

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Anonymous said...

But I LIKE hitting my sister..what? oh, you weren't talking to me. I must have been having a flashback.
Love the pic, that's very funny!

Mango Girl said...

Skype is the Jetson's phone ~ love that!

Thoughts and prayers with you while you pack...never fun.

xo, Mango

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Seriously, wokmen hold the planet together, do they not? The men are always "out of the country..."
Careful with your back!

Jess said...

LOL! That is soooooo funny about your brother!!

Tari said...

Thankfully haven't ever had to pack alone. ButI've done plenty of solo unpacking thanks to the military. Try not to hurt yourself.

Our female dog barks at animal noises from the computer and doorbells on TV. Maybe she and Elizabeth are related.

One with many names said...

Randomness is a good thing :) hehehehhe I'm sure your brother loves the reference... doesn't he?

Happy Tuesday.

I've used Skype before as well and it's pretty handy.

Barb said...

Hehe, love the resemblance! I used to call my youngest Vlad, but that was after Putin (because he was always "pootin")!

Pseudo said...

Hmm As a high school teacher of 15 years I can honestly say I have never seen homework that was worth $150,000. Or even close.

Aunt Juicebox said...

I want a Kindle! Good luck packing, I don't envy you.

Cajoh said...

The beard reminds me of my college days when we thought it would be fun to have a Communist party and dress up as your favorite Communist— he would fit right in.

If I Could Escape . . . said...

He does bear a quite striking resemblance doesn't he? Hope the rest of your packing and move goes smoothly.

Keely said...

Purple button of random doom? Heh.

Moving stinks. I just sweep it all into those plastic tubs and sort it out at the other end.

mo.stoneskin said...

How sure are you that your brother isn't Lenin?

Irish Gumbo said...

Looks like a cross between Lenin and the Master from "Kung Fu"...

Michele said...

We love Sykpe at our house. I love to get my mom to use it but this is the same woman who can't figure out her cell phone voice mail. Skype would be beyond her.

Design It Chic said...

your brother resemble of Lenin.. to funny:))
Good luck with packing your house all by yourself! I know how that works:P
LOL at the Skype thing:)))

Happy Random!

Sharon said...

That is funny he does look like him. I hope your packing goes smoother and you should put your brother to work when you see him this weekend.

kanishk said...

couldn't imagine having to move and pack up all my stuff. You poor thing! That really stinks!
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Anonymous said...

Lenin and the old bass player out of Queens of the Stone Age, perhaps. There are boxes we haven't unpacked from our last move 8 years ago...

kanishk said...

He does look like Vlad! That's too funny.
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