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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

RTT- I Thought When I Had More Sleep I Would Actually Be Able to Think

Last night LaLa had a nightmare right as I was getting into bed and took off like a running banshee in the pitch dark. I think she ran smack into the dresser and I found her on the ground in the corner between the dresser and the bed, screaming at the TOP OF HER LUNGS.

Happy Tuesday, People. Go click the pretty purple button to go to Keely's place and play along!


I forgot how much radio sucks in the States. Thank goodness for Radio 1 online.

I have driven twice since being here and so far have NOT tried to drive on the left hand side of the road. Which in my mind is a huge success because it feels really weird at this point. The first few times when I was riding in the car, mentally I was turning into the left hand side of the road.

I might have brought the cold weather to SC. Sorry, folks, no more shorts for you!

Speaking of mom keeps this house like an ice box at night. I may need to invest in a big huge fluffy duvet. Her aversion to turning on the heat is baffling.

I see a computer program on my parents shelf called "Instant Immersion 33 Languages"...I wonder if it has British English?

Looking back at my school pictures, the 90s was a horrible decade for my hair.


Badass Geek said...

The 90's were a horrible decade for EVERYONE'S hair.

Michele said...

The last day I was in SC it was cold and very very rainy. Sorry I left that mess for you.

Aunt Juicebox said...

Welcome back to the States! I hope you enjoy your visit. It's been cold in Ohio too, but at least it has stopped constantly raining here.

Anonymous said...

British English. I used to love it when they would come up as a choice when programming things like my German cell phone.

Hmm, British English, American English or English English - which do you want today??

Jess said...

NEVER FEAR! It is going to get up to 79 tomorrow!!!!! However, it is still going to be cool at night. I have a down comforter for you to sleep with when you are here. Plus a few cats.
Still like WHOA excited!

Raven said...

I graduated in 1990 and in our yearbook pics, every single girl in my graduating class had the same horrible haircut. Except one chick who had a mohawk.

Hope you enjoy your visit. Just be thankful you're not visiting Minnesota, we've had snow already!

Have a great Tuesday!


I am Harriet said...

I'm thinking that the 80's were my bad hair decade...

Have a great RT!

♥ Braja said...

I'm the same between Europe and Britain/India/Oz: it's ok adapting to one side of the road or another; it's just the switchin' between the two that is slightly dangerous :)

Captain Dumbass said...

I started shaving my head in the 90's.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

I agree with Badass!
Had no idea about British radio; what makes it different?

Mwa said...

I love Radio 4 (also online) and I've just gone back to my nineties hair. :-)

mo.stoneskin said...

The important thing to remember is that the left side is right.

Tracie Nall said...

I think the 90's where bad for everyone's hair!

Miss Angie said...

LOL! Welcome to the states! :) I would like to visit the UK sometime and see how much better their radio is!

Miss Angie said...

LOL! Welcome to the states! :) I would like to visit the UK sometime and see how much better their radio is!

Stefany said...

Welcome back to the states!

I am against turning the heat on too... I have no idea the reasoning. I just won't do it yet.

The late 90s were good for my hair... early, not so much.

Chris Mancini said...

American Radio has always been horrible. Nothing new there. But now with ipods and Pandoras it's becoming a moot point. Still it would be nice to tune into a station and listen to music that you actually want to hear.

Big Mama Cass said...

Weren't the 90s bad on EVERYONEs hair?!?! LOL

Anonymous said...

i love british english since i am from!!

visitng from rtt

Sprite's Keeper said...

I think the 90's was a horrible decade for fashion in general.

Momo Fali said...

The 90's were bad, but the 80's were even worse.

Meg said...

I had good hair in the 90s. My glasses on the other hand. Oh kill me now.

Irish Gumbo said...

So what's your excuse for this decade?

OHHH, SNAP! I did go there!

(oh, s**t. I just realized you are now in my time zone. I am so screwed!)

Kat, I'm sorry, sorry, please don't track me down and beat me! It was just a big fat softball waiting to be knocked out of the park, and i am weak, pathetic and weak...

Irish Gumbo said...

Oh, and as a public service announcement, try streaming WTMD at

It's a local (to me, anyway) listener supported station, and they play some great stuff.

And Kat, really, PLEASE don;t come kick my butt, okay? (weak grin)

A Modern Mother said...

The 80s was worse for hair! Have a great time in SC and prepare for the cold when you get back ... winter has arrived!

WeaselMomma said...

I hope you are having a great vacation (or is it a holiday?) and that the kids don't injure themselves on any more inanimate objects.

Jenni said...

My mom lives in SC and her house is always cold too. I think because their heat pumps suck.

And Ditto Badass Geek.

Dad Who Writes said...

Oh nightmares! Why are there never any quiet nightmares?and why is the m situated so close to the backspace on the iPhone keyboard?

I remember my hair in the 80s with a lot of affection. It was long, straight and, most importantly, it existed...