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Monday, October 19, 2009

Travel Tale or Why I said My Child Smelled Like a Homeless Person

We have arrived! My girls and I are in Charleston, SC for the next two weeks. I am so excited to be home. It was an extremely long trip. Our own little version of Planes, Trains and Automobiles. We started out Saturday morning with a taxi to the bus station, then the bus ride to Heathrow Airport in London, then an 8 hour flight to Washington, DC and then an hour flight to Charleston. I must say it was all rather uneventful until the last hour of our first flight.

LaLa fell asleep in her seat next to my brother and directly across the aisle from me. Well, she must have been sleeping pretty hard because she had a potty accident. Yeah, she peed all over herself. I tried to clean her up as best as I could considering I didn't have any clean jeans for her to change into with me (lesson learned). I laid a blanket over the wet seat and she calmed down enough to sit still for the rest of the flight. When we stood up to deplane, she stood up next to me and the smell nearly knocked me down. She was rancid. I looked at my brother and started giggling. He looked at me like I had lost my mind and then I said it..."She smells like a homeless person" Then he lost it. Yes, it might not have been the most sensitive thing to say, but dang it, it was true!

As we deplaned we put our plan of cleaning up into action. We got through customs, grabbed our checked baggage, then I grabbed new pants and underwear to change LaLa. I took her to the first woman's restroom I could find and changed her. We then rechecked our baggage and headed to go find the gate for our next flight.

The next flight was on a commuter plane and was really quick. As we were descending into Charleston, I saw shrimpers putting their boats into the Wando River, the local 16 theater cinema, and other landmarks that I could recognize from the air. I started to get nostalgic for about 2.5 seconds. Then I realized that I was so tired from not sleeping on any of the flights that my eyes were about to burst into flames or fall out of my head. All I wanted was to land, find my parents, find my bags, go home and go to sleep; and that is what I did.


WeaselMomma said...

Poor kid. Poor next person who got to sit in her seat.

Vodka Logic said...

Poor LaLa... It is a long flight from the UK.

Hope you are rested and enjoying yourself now.

Mom in High Heels said...

Oh, goodness. I hate those long flights. The first time Indy flew, he was 8 months old and apparently the altitude made his bowels incredibly loose. We went through 5 sleepers and about 12diapers on the flight. OMG, it was horrible! At one point I just started laughing because it was either that or cry.
I didn't know you were from Charleston. My dad was in the Navy and we lived there twice when I was growing up.

for a different kind of girl said...

Poor sweetie! Is it OK that, for our sake, I'm thankful she didn't get sick in flight, too!

Hope you get thoroughly rested to enjoy your time back in the states before having to repeat the whole process (although, for your sake again, I hope LaLa doesn't have a repeat peformance on the trip back!)

Anonymous said...

I love the title. It may not be appropriate but I have to say our kids make us do it :)

They suck out our brains and that's all thats left.

Have a great time. I love SC!

Ian Newbold said...

I'd have been giggling with you, glad you kept your sense of humour, and calm. Enjoy being home.

Captain Dumbass said...

Wouldn't that be great if you could randomly make your eyes burst into flame? Lord of the Rings-like? CLEAN. UP. YOUR. ROOOOOOOM!!!

Jess said...

Soooooo, I should expect you in Savannah when....??!?

Pollyanna said...

Welcome home! Poor LaLa - I bet she freaked out. I know once they're potty trained, every accident causes a lot of freaking in my house.

Did you tell the flight attendant? I hope so except if she was one of the witchy kind. If that's the case, she can stick her face in each seat herself until she finds the one that reaks.

Sandy said...

Poor Lala! Hope you have a great visit.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Kat!

Stacey J. Warner said...

Poor la la but so funny. Yesterday I was at a pumpkin carving party and my friend's kid was eating quiche without a fork making a big ol mess as she always does fork or no fork and I said, "Sh'e like Hellen Keller before her teacher stepped in..." LOL, not PC but funny.

Sprite's Keeper said...

WeaselMomma stole my comment. Long before I thought of it. :-)

Tracie Nall said...

Just hearing about that trip makes me tired!! Poor kid, she must have been miserable. My daughter had a similar experience on a flight across country, we were in one of those little planes where they take away your carry-on luggage--when the flight attendant got snippy with my I just looked at her and said "I told you we were potty training and needed to keep that bag" It shut her up pretty quickly!

Pollyanna said...

You posted this seven hours ago. How many times have you had to hit the McDonald's? You know, since they're on every corner and not 1/2 away :)

Expat mum said...

God, pity the person who gets that seat next. My little guy once had a major poop accident on a short flight, (when he was a baby). it was all over the seat belt and I was really upset. I told the flight sttendants and they gave me the distinct impression that they weren't going to do a thing about it.
Enjoy home.

Meg said...

Ohh I feel for ya. Girl Spawn had a poop accident on a 2 hour flight and that was enough for me.

Have fun being home!!

Irish Gumbo said...

Good on ya, mate! Glad you made it safe and sound, if not exactly fresh as a daisy.

Next time, bring a travel-sized can of Pee-Be-Gone. It works great! Or so I've heard...not that I've wet myself while on a plane...recently...anyway, welcome home!

Big Mama Cass said...

Awww, fantastic! Have a fantastic trip!!

Poor Lala! LOL

Smocha said...

I gave you an award ...stop by my blog andpick it up.

Have a great trip!

xxx said...

not nice :(
stinky wee can mean not enough water... or just stinky wee :)

Wendy said...

Oh, no. I've had both kids had terrible accidents on trips. Once a diarrhea mess on ice-packed roads in a near-blizzard and 30 miles from the next indoor stop. I didn't think we were all going to survive that trip. Not sane.

Once on a plane, when I was about four, I told my mom, "I'm going to throw up." She said, "no you aren't." I stood up and urked all over my seat.

Fun things to think about when you sit down on a plane. What has been there before you? LOL

Dad Who Writes said...

Longest flight we ever did was London to Fort Lauderdale (or thereabouts) via Detroit (where we had a loooong wait). Worst was the flight back - check-in decided it would be fun to put three random women with babes-in-arms in a row together and left it to the cabin crew to sort out the ensuing mess and put them back with there partners/spouses.