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Monday, January 23, 2012

No Heat Once Again..

You know you have been a really bad blogger when your Granny calls to ask why you haven't blogged in a week. That was the phone call I had on Friday, seriously people, I don't make these things up they just happen. I thought about writing Saturday since it was miserable outside, but went to an indoor soft playground with my kids and husband instead (obnoxiously loud, but the best chicken bacon sandwiches in town). Then Sunday, I was going to post a picture and realized I hadn't taken any photos all week. So much for 365 project, eh?

During all this I was dealing with the hell of having no heat in my house. In fact, I still don't have any heat in my house. "Kat!", you say, "didn't your heat go out last year?" Why yes, it did young padawan. In fact, this is the third time that my heating has gone out. In fact, I am on a first name basis with my boiler repair man, Jim*. I had high hopes for Jim tonight as he took the front off my boiler. Probably just a small fix I thought. Then the next thing I knew, Jim had the guts of my entire boiler laid out in my laundry room. Cue my worried face. Jim grunted and made exasperated sighs for a good forty five minutes before he let me have the news. No heat tonight. No heat tomorrow. *IF* he could get the part, maybe heat the next day, but he thinks we should just put a whole new boiler in.

This is where I was swearing inside my head. A lot.

He left my house, still freezing, and went down to my landlady's house. About an hour later I got a call. The landlady has tomorrow off from work, so she is going to sort out having three quotes done on new boilers. So, MAYBE I will have heat by the end of the week. No, hurry folks I just have two children and a husband who is worse than a toddler when he is cold and miserable.

Well, at least I am getting a new boiler.

*Jim is pretty awesome. He is a man of very few words. He is all rough and grumbly looking and at first I half expected him to hit my kids with a stick when they buzzed about him like flies. But he didn't and in fact sat there and talked to LaLa for a bit when she showed interest in his tools. I suspect he has grandkids.

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Well I hope it's all sorted out now! Reminds me of when I had problems with my boiler, I had no end of silly quotes from lots of firms. In the end, I got some local quotes and ended up with STL Heating simply because they're price was much lower. They came out the next day and had the problem solved in less than 30 minutes - well good!

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