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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mismash again

This morning my brain isn't focusing properly, so today it will be a mismash of incomplete thoughts. There is a lot to talk about, but none of it deserves a whole post to itself. Bear with me people!

1. My graduation present from my parents has arrived. My iTouch is awesome and I love it. I have put all 500+ songs from my iTunes library on there and I will be adding movies and games shortly. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Mom and Dad. You guys rock and I love you!!

2. We now have our airline tickets to England scheduled. We will be leaving out of Kansas City on Nov. 14th and arriving in London on the 15th. There is a huge layover in Minneapolis. We will be stuck there for 12 hours. If any of you have ideas on ways to keep occupied and keep my kids occupied during a large layover, lay it on me. Please? For the love of my sanity?

3. How the hell did I get Safari on my computer? I really don't remember downloading this...

4. This picture. ohcaptian recently posted a 4 generation picture over at his place and I wanted to share my 5 generation picture with you all. That is my great-grandmother, my granny, my mom, myself, and LaLa (who was 3 months at the time). 5 generations of first born girls.

6. How do you deal with a 4 year old who has lied 4 times in the last month? Lastnight LaLa lied to me for the 4th time this month. I put her in her room for time out and gave her a stern lecture, but I don't know if it is going to work. Any advise?


Badass Geek said...


An iPod Touch?


Captain Dumbass said...

You will love your iTouch more and more. And seriously, get some kids movies on there before the 12 hour layover. Oh, and you may or may not have noticed this yet, but the internet eats battery time like a Hummer eats gas. Be frugal.

Unknown said...

12 hours? wow...I fear for your sanity. I don't suppose they'll just sit quietly? I'd come with something for you but the concept just shorted something out in my brain.

Lying? Punish, lecture, repeat as necessary. Not to pimp my buddy, but ron at clark kent's lunchbox did a whole post on lying today. There are good suggestions in the comments. It's a phase though, so take heart. It will pass.

Cape Cod Gal said...

So jealous of your iTouch!!

I live for my iPod. I think I would die from happiness with an iTouch.azjkafa

Anonymous said...

When I installed the drivers and stuff for my iPhone, it automatically downloaded Safari to my computer.

I imagine the same thing happened when you plugged in your iTouch.

Lola said...

Yay, iPod Touch! Boo, hiss, 12-hour layover. Keep that iPod handy, girl.

for a different kind of girl said...

I love my iPod so much I'd freak out with a Touch! I have no tips on the lying situation. I know some people say they don't fully get that they're lying, but if it seems obvious to the parent, then I think they probably do know. I wish you luck!

steenky bee said...

YAY for the iPod touch! Woo-hoo! I saw that you were tweeting from it the other day. I love new toys.

Lovely picture. I love the generational thing. My generations are too far apart for any memorable pics.

Jen said...

my brain is so fried too. maybe we could start a club or something and go to a deserted island and recover. But we would have to warn our families that it might take us a long, LONG time. ;)

Anonymous said...

I take it an Ipod touchy bit is a gadget of some sort? lol Yep, that's exactly how out of touch I AM!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

5 generation? Of first-born girls? That is so impressive and cool and great. Well done.


OhCaptain said...

That 5 generation picture is really cool! Hold on to that one!