Gooooood morning everyone! You know what time it is; time to get our RTT on! My chance to unleash the crazy on all the world. Have I ever mentioned that Tuesday is now my favorite day of the week? No? It is. Everyone stop by Keely's place, grab a button and release your inner crazy upon the Internets. It feels really good to get it all out, promise.
I woke up this morning 8 minutes before my alarm. What is up with that?
KiKi has started this thing about when she really wants to emphasize something she is saying she shrugs her shoulders up and down as she is saying each word.
This has been making me laugh all week. Chad, you need to start saving for the therapy bills now, or writing a legal document specifying what retirement home you want to go to.
Lately I have had this thing about tortillas. I want to eat everything on a tortilla. Of course there are rules to this to, if I call it a "wrap" it is healthy if I call it a "burrito" it is unhealthy. Don't question my methods.
Keira has been walking around singing "Winnie Apu, Winnie Apu" and I know she is singing "Winnie the Pooh" but I can't help but giggle and think of Apu from The Simpsons. Sing it in your head I guarantee you will be thinking about the owner of the Kwik-E-Mart.
I was on my way to the Commissary on Monday morning at 10 AM and had a pigeon fly over my car and crap on my windshield. Since I was driving at roughly 30 mph, it did this lovely splat and spread over my window. I have it out for pigeons now. I disliked them before, now they are toast. I mean it took me 4 attempts of washing my windows with the little squirty window cleaning thingy next to the wipers to get my windshield clean.
I have got to come up with a way to get my kids to leave my husband and my stuff alone. Short of cutting off hands that is. In the past few days they have lost a camera memory card and an iPod docking station. We found the memory card. The iPod docking station is still missing. Guess The Man won't have tunes for a while until we can get a new one.
LaLa for the first time tried to use the line "Super pretty please with a cherry on top!" It didn't work. She still had to go find her jammies and get ready for bed.
England is insanely expensive and the exchange rate sucks right now. Enough said on that issue.
I hope I didn't worry anyone with yesterday's post. We don't know that my husband is going anywhere dangerous at any time. We do know it is a possibility in the future though. Just one of those things.
Chocolate chip muffins must have been invented by a PMS-ing woman.
Ok that is all I got for right now. Thanks for listening, you guys are great!