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Friday, February 6, 2009

Holy Crapola

The weather around here has been absolutely berserk. We had snow Monday, which which by 7pm had turned into rain. The rain melted off the snow, which completely bummed LaLa out. Rain on Tuesday. Rain on Wednesday. Yesterday morning I woke up to a light dusting of snow, maybe a quarter centimeter of accumulation, if that. It all melted off and it began to rain again. By evening the fog had set in. That was fun to drive in. This morning rain, no wait snow, I mean rain, nope snow, you get the idea. We have had snow then rain, then a mix. Mother nature apparently can't make up her mind. It isn't supposed to get any better for the next couple of days either according to the weather man on the radio last night. From what he says, moisture is coming in off the Atlantic and then cold air has migrated in from Russia and basically England has become the mixing pot for it all. It is making for a lovely cold and slushy morning.

Ok since I am in a semi complaining mood let me tell you about my laundry issues. The washing machines here are HALF the size of American washers (but the dryers are about the same size, what is up with that crap). This means I have to do twice as many loads to stay kept up with laundry. I do about 2-3 loads of laundry a day and I never seem to stay ahead of it. We don't even wear a lot of clothes here, one outfit a day, except for LaLa since she has her school uniform and then her play clothes. KiKi thankfully will generally stay in one outfit unless the bottoms of her jeans get wet going outside, then she must change (according to her). Even though I use half the laundry detergent per load as I would in the states, I seem to go through twice as much. And my dryer, it takes at least 120 min to get a load of clothes dry. That is 2 hours people. At this rate I should be caught up with my laundry by next Christmas.

PS. I think I am coming down with the plauge.

PPS. Spiders come up through drains here. Remember to keep your drain plug in. Icky icky freakishly big brown spiders.

PPPS. I thought spiders were supposed to die in the winter time?

PPPPS. How come everytime a light bulb burns out it flips my breakers for all the lights in the house?


Anonymous said...

Oh My God. I would FREAK OUT if a spider came up my drain. Seriously. I hate spiders. No way!!!!!

Laundry sucks.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're not getting the plague!

Anonymous said...

You're becoming so British! - we always moan about the weather - it rains a lot here.

American washing machines and dryers are bigger and faster? I'm emigrating to the U.S. pronto!

Sounds like your electrics need checking out by a professional.

Badass Geek said...

Spiders are gross.

Anonymous said...

Dude, where the hell did my comment go. It was all cool and sassy!! Dang. OK, it was cheesy…..
So, sound like you are having a shitty day, so sorry.
“The sun come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that, tomorrow will be……..” Oh, yeah, you are in England, maybe not. Just drink liquor to dumb the pain!

Sandiegogal2000 said...

I know what you mean about the washers being so much smaller. I lived in Austria 21 years ago (I was born and raised in San Diego, CA). When I saw the washers I thought OMG that is a toy washer. Not only was it small but it took forever to wash since the water was heated in the washer. Plus NO DRYER!!!! We hung all the clothes out to dry (or inside all over the house during the winter) I was never so happy to come home a year later and see a dry again!!!

Mama Dawg said...

Yuck on the spiders. Seriously creepy. But I guess better than the toilet.

Jess said...

You ask some good questions. None of which I know the answer too.

Laundry = blah. Poo. ECK.

Anonymous said...

RE: PS. - Is it the bubonic plague?

RE: PPS. - My husband would be shitting his pants about now. Terrified of spiders.

RE: PPPS. - Me too. According to the eleven bites currently on my husbands body, that is not the case.

RE: PPPPS. - Because what is the fun of changing a light bulb, if you can actually see what you are doing?

Anonymous said...

It rains in England? Really? lol ;) I know, sarcasm doesn't make it better. Take comfort in knowing that I'll now be keeping my drain plugs in just in case some English spider decides to emigrate!

Expat No. 3699 said...

Your laundry issue truly sucks. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Sorry you're having such freaky weather. I hope it improves.

Cape Cod Gal said...

EWWW! Spiders? That makes for an interesting shower.

kel said...

holy shit... drain spiders?? are you freakin' kidding me??

Chasity said...

I will probably have nightmares due to just the mere thought of those drain spiders.

Keep a spray bottle handy with soapy water inside it, and spray those drain spiders with the stream- like shooting it with a water gun. You don't have to get even remotely close and it's guaranteed to kill them every time.

Dr Zibbs said...

I used to travel to the UK all the time and the thing I hated most was how the toilets flushed.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I feel for ya about the whole laundry thing! I can't keep up with my big old USA washing machine! Spiders out of the drains would seriously flip me out! Whoa!

Your blog rocks:)

Lola said...

Plague? Had it most of the week, so I'm hoping you avoid it. Take heart about the laundy. I've got the American appliances and still can't keep up.

The giant piles of laundry that I need to keep up with scare me way more than spiders crawling up the drains would!

Momo Fali said...

My Mom lives in the country and always has her drains plugged. I never understood why, until now.

And apparently, if I lived over there my laundry would be backed up until eternity!

Unknown said...

ROFLMAO SERIOUSLY!! Welcome to the 'real' Engand Kat LOL. Those spiders are called Harvesters and scared the b-jesus out of me regularly, I'd have to go hunt up a man always. And yes I am loving the washing machine in the US and my mum is green with envy. And yep the weather may not be snow very often, but it's always changeable. Still LMAO - sowwy!

Anonymous said...

Better give Al Gore a call and ask him where all that global warming went off to?

Chris said...

Yuck @ the weather and bigger yuck @ the laundry and a big humongous holy crap omg YUCK @ the spiders.

Try throwing a clean dry towel into the dryer with your clothes. I don't know how it works, but my clothes seem to dry in 1/2 the time if I do that.

Anonymous said...

um, I am not afraid of spiders, but they don't need to come up the drain.
That laundry situation sounds a bit frustrating, though!