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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I got Nothin'

Except for a little story about playing in the snow yesterday. LaLa and KiKi were making snowballs and throwing them at the ground. Then LaLa suggested we have a snowball fight. I obliged of course. I mean, who wouldn't want to throw a snowball at their kids? So we tossed a couple back and forth and then it happened. I got LaLa right in the face with a snowball. It was a complete accident I swear. She had this stunned look on her face like "I can't believe you effin did that." I appologized profusely (laughing outloud of course). Then she said "Mom, you aren't supposed to throw it on my face!"

New LaLa Brit-ism:

"Mom, KiKi won't let me have a go!!"


Anonymous said...

We had a snowball fight as well. One in the face can really hurt though - cruel mommy!

Ian Newbold said...

I had that same guilt trip/laughing balance yesterday. And I couldn't help feel it was a pretty good shot, I mean, toddlers = smaller faces, thus more accuracy required.

Lola said...

But if she hit you in the face, I'm sure she would have fallen over laughing.

Expat No. 3699 said...

I love that you're sharing their new Brit-isms.

Anonymous said...

wow, just tell her you were letting our years of mommy aggression :)
have-a-go, how funny.

for a different kind of girl said...

LaLa is becoming quite the proper English lady, isn't she! Prince Harry is free now, I hear. Maybe he'd wait for her and you'd become part of the royal family one day!

Mama Dawg said...

You're not supposed to throw them in their faces? Since when?

Cameron said...

Have a go....have a go at smacking her in the face with a snowball!!

Jenny Grace said...

They're gonna have full-blown accents before you know it!

ChurchPunkMom said...

heh.. I've been known to say 'give it a go' from time to time.. habit I picked up years ago from some Aussie bosses. ;)

Captain Dumbass said...

When we have snowball fights I'm expected to stand still so they can hit me.

Chris said...

LOL Mean Mommmy! I no longer have snowball fights with my kids. Not since the day I was being nice and hitting their feet and was told "your aim sucks" Yeah... they don't let me play anymore.

kel said...

last week my kid nailed me right in the neck with a snowball, so she's got one comin' to her!

Momo Fali said...

My husband throws snowballs in my face. I swear, sometimes it's like being married to my brother.

Jen said...

Well, you aren't.

Cape Cod Gal said... are one mean Mommy!!! LOL!

Reinvent Dad said...
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