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Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow Day!!!

Last night we got a dusting of snow and by this morning there was about an inch of snow on the ground. School got canceled. Rock on. Playing out in the snow? Rock on. Camera charged. Rock on. Hot Chocolate? Rock on.







I also took some shots of the plants out in my back garden that turned out pretty good.





Have a good Monday morning everyone!


OhCaptain said...

Wheeeeeee! Snow days are so cool when you haven't had one for a while.

Looks like fun!

I'm gonna stand at the bus stop in a 30 MPH wind with the temp at ... I don't want to know ;-)

Unknown said...

You should be finding out about now that England can't do snow, everything grinds to a halt. I heard from family it's pretty bad over there! Stay warm.

Mama Dawg said...

How cool! Enjoy the snow!

Unknown said...

Yay, snow angels. Where are the pics where you started to pelt them with snowballs?

Reinvent Dad said...

One inch and they cancelled school? Wow, well at least you took advantage of your snow day.

Sprite's Keeper said...

I wanna snow day! Damn Florida!

for a different kind of girl said...

Oh my gosh! Your girls are so adorable! Looks like they had a great time out there. Hope it's still as enjoyable tomorrow as it was today!

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's still falling where I am, in sunny ol' Manchester.

Michelle said...

School cancelled for an inch? Wow!

The pictures are great and it looked like the girls had a good time.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the kids, snow rocks!

Don'tcha know that it's the wrong type of snow? In Britain, poor lambs can't do anything if they get the wrong kind of snow.

Lola said...

I just saw on the news that London is out of commission from the snow. I didn't know that snowstorms were so rare that they don't even have the plows to take care of business.

Looks like the girls are enjoying their day off. I'm past cheering for snow days, though, as we've had more than any year I can remember.

Captain Dumbass said...

I understand the inch of snow chaos. Vancouver has 47 snowplows compared to Toronto's 600. We don't do snow.

ChurchPunkMom said...

I heart snow.

and you're killing me with the pictures!! I. want. my. camera. fixed.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Awesome photos! Your daughters are adorable. Being from New England, I don't understand a snow day from a dusting, but hey, more power to ya!

Cameron said...

I heard it's like the worst snowstorm in 20 years in London, the whole joint is shut down. And then they show you the pictures, and I'm thinking, "Worst in Illinois that's called Tuesday." But apparently no plows or anything there, so I can understand. Wish I had a snow day!

Jen said...

Awesome! I love the photos.

Ian Newbold said...

Two snow angels, but where's the snowman to vie for their attention?

Blighty is more than bearable under the white stuff isn't it?

Jenny Grace said...

Your girls are adorable, as usual.

Unknown said...

Spoke to my Dad tonight in Chesterfield and he expects possibly a foot of snow tonight! My mum is in Bucks and she got dumped on last night. Brit's and snow just don't mix! Great piccies.

Ron said...

They've got snow there? Really? Why am I surprised by this?

Badass Geek said...

Rocking on? Rock on.

The Stiletto Mom said...

So pretty! The girls are starting to even look British. :)

Anonymous said...

Rock On!!! Wish I was there!

Chris said...

Yay for snow days!!!