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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thanks, Bob Hope

Today after the girls are done cleaning their rooms, we are going to head over to the Bob Hope Center.  This is a community center on one of the bases here that has an indoor play area.  For those of you who are wondering "Why in the heck would they name a community center after an American actor/comedian?", let me enlighten you.

Ok, so most of you know Memorial Day was on Monday, and no I didn't do a post for Memorial Day, mostly because this holiday in remembrance for military members who have died while in while in service for our great nation has become just another day off.  Also because I think in some small way for Americans, everyday should be Memorial Day.  Even if it is just a thought about what has been sacrificed for American freedoms.  Now back to Bob Hope, he was a real and true American patriot.  He lived every day like it was Memorial Day.  

Bob Hope donated countless hours to the USO (an organization that boosts troop moral).  He did this out of a great love of America and because he believed in our troops.  He started his work with the USO in 1941 and continued his work with the organization for 60 years.  He headlined shows to entertain troops, often risking his life by going into war zones.  Now, to me, this is going above and beyond for our troops.  And while I can't thank him personally because he died in 2003, I would like to say thank you now.  Thank you Mr. Hope for your service to my country, to the troops who defend my nation and for your great sense of humor.  You really were a national treasure.

So today I will take my kids to the Community Center that was named for a man who was born a British citizen, emigrated to America when he was five years old, and became an American citizen when he was seventeen.  I will think about the troops he entertained and the sacrifices they made.  I will also be glad that Mr. Hope not only entertained the troops, but the community center named after him can continue his work and entertain my children and the other children of troops stationed abroad.


Mom in High Heels said...

Well said. Bob Hope was a TRUE patriot. It wasn't just lip service. Plus, he made all those wonderful 'Road' movies with Bing Crosby (who I adore and also did a lot with the USO). The USO is my favorite charity. When we travel, I am sooooo thankful for the USO lounges in airports. I make sure we give generously.
We went to the Lorraine American Military Cemetery in France for Memorial Day (you can see pics on my blog) and it was a very moving experience. I too hate that it has become just a day to have a BBQ.

Nicky said...

I agree that everyday should be a Memorial Day. At least we don't have the barbecue thing here but you could bet, if they made Remembrance Day (11/11) a national holiday, most people would just go shopping. The minute silence thing at least is a respectful reminder.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I never realized that about Bob Hope! Cool!

Have fun!

Carolyn...Online said...

We had a Bob Hope center on base once - it was an old aircraft hangar that they turned into a skating rink. I loved that place.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Plus, Bob Hope was really good when performing in drag.


Badass Geek said...

Thanks for sharing the story. Hope you have a good time.

Bobby G said...

Bob Hope ROCKS! Those specials were always SO DAMN funny! I could imagine being there, with a war going on and how amazing that mustve felt to be able to have a good time, in such a rough situation! GO BOB!

Kurt said...

I didn't know Bob Hope was born in Britain. Wild.

Joanie said...

Bob Hope was an amazing patriot.

Jess said...

Totally. Word. You said it all!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Beautifully put!

Reinvent Dad said...

Bob Hope was a fantastic entertainer, American and humanitarian. My Mom who was a child when WWII began remembers his efforts to entertain the troops, and how much it seemed to mean to the servicemen and lift the spirits of all Americans back at home.

Kimberly Wright said...

Bob Hope was a true patriot. I am like you, everyday should be Memorial Day, but like you said the day its observed is more like a day for people to cook out and get drunk and hang a red, white, and blue banner on their door.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You learn something new everyday. Good work, Bob!

Lola said...

I always loved Bob! Hope you guys had a great time.

Captain Dumbass said...

Well said, Kat.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Wasn't Bob Hope born in England? We used to live in a neighborhood next to a ranch he owned. He used to let the boy scouts use his property to throw carnivals and the like. He was such a generous, good man. And very funny too. Hope you all had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your prayers!

Expat No. 3699 said...

Hope you and the girls had fun.

Did you know that his widow, Dolores, turned 100 years old today?

Season said...

You nailed it... every day should be Memorial Day!

mo.stoneskin said...

Can anything good come out of Britain?!

He was born there? Crumbs.

for a different kind of girl said...

I remember watching his specials on TV when I was growing up in the 80s, and being aware of his involvement of entertaining our troops and their families. I had no idea, though, that he was born an English citizen. Hope you and the girls had a great time!

Michele said...

Wasn't he great.

Everyday Goddess said...

I had a crush on Bob Hope when I was about 7.

Do yourself, and your kids a favor, and rent any one of the Road To movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. They still make me laugh!

Sammanthia said...

Beautifully put. I had no idea just how much of a true patriot Bob Hope was, and you're right- people should take the time to remember our troops and those who have died defending our country.