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Thursday, June 11, 2009

3 Years Already?

Dear KiKi,

I have sat here for 30 minutes already trying to pen the perfect Birthday Letter for you.  I tried to do the mushy thing.  While I am astounded that it has already been three years since you were born, mushy just does not fit your personality.  You have never been one for overt emotions.  Yes, you are affectionate, but mostly you like to be rough and tumble.  You would much rather be playing something physical than babying a doll.  It is just your personality.  

Although you frustrate me to no end, you make me laugh.  I mean seriously laugh.  You do things that make me want to rip my hair out.  Then I think about the process that went through your little head when you were perpetrating your crime and it always has me  in a fit of giggles when you aren't looking.  Turning on the lights after you were already put in bed?  Did you really think you would get away with that?  

I have to say I sincerely believe that when you are a grown woman you will be a force to be reckoned with.  As fiercely independent as you are now, I can't see you being any other way.  Quick tempered, but just as quick to apologise when you are wrong.  You just make me proud.  I love you.  I am so glad that I am your mom.  Happy Birthday.

Love Always, 


Expat No. 3699 said...

Happy 3rd Birthday, Kiki!!!

She is a cutie!

for a different kind of girl said...

My, she is so adorable! Happy birthday to your cute, cute girl!

Unknown said...

Happy 3rd to KiKi!

Sandy said...

Happy Birthday, Kiki!

Jenny Grace said...

Happy Birthday KiKi!

Uncle Chairman Bill said...

Kiki - have a ball and enjoy your day. Remember to never respect your parents, unless they deserve it.

If they have a go at you for anything, tell them it's due either to your genes, or the way you were raised.


Kingsmom said...

Wonderful. Happy Birthday.

honeywine said...

Happy Birthday Kiki! :)

What are you doing for a party?

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...


happy, happy birthday!!!

Bobby G said...

Happy bday KIKI!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!

Just think how happy she's going to be when she's a petulant teenager and finds this on the interwebs...

Jen said...

That was a great letter. Happy Birthday!

Sprite's Keeper said...

So lovely, both the letter and the subject! Happy birthday, KiKi!

Kristin & Mike said...

Happy Birthay sweet girl! We love you! Now the pg hormones have me crying! I can't believe she's three!

Anonymous said...


Reinvent Dad said...

Happy B-day little Sweetie!

Pollyanna said...

Isn't she just adorable.

I could have totally written that letter to my three year old - can I steal it for her fourth birthday?

Just kidding!

You're such a sweet mom for doing that.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Kiki!

Irish Gumbo said...

Happy birthday to Kiki! Sounds like a wonderful little girl...(no surprise seeing as you are her moms) :)

Sandy said...

Kat, please visit me tomorrow morning....or afternoon for you, dearie.

Anonymous said...

What a great post, Mom! Happy birthday Kiki!

steenky bee said...

Mwah! Happy birthday cute girl!

Captain Dumbass said...

Happy Birthday, Kiki. Although, I guess with the time difference I'm already late. Whatever. It's still your birthday in Western Canada.

Cape Cod Gal said...

Awww! Happy Birthday!

Lola said...

Aww! Happy belated birthday, Kiki!!

Oh, you better hope you find that job, Kat, because three is the toughest year!!!!

KMcJoseph said...

I'm so glad I had a daughter. She is hilarious.

Laura McIntyre said...

Happy birthday to Kiki, my eldest just turned 4 this week . Just goes to fast

Jenni said...

happy 3rd, Kiki. beautiful letter, kat.