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Monday, June 8, 2009

The ER, My Buddy and the Reason I Have to Get a Job.

Monday....ugh.  There is not enough caffeine in the world...  So anyway, this weekends highlights included a trip to the ER, a friend visiting and filling out a resume.  Oh I didn't tell you guys?  I am gonna be looking for a real job.  I know blogging is fun, but it doesn't pay the bills.  I will of course still write, but I have this pesky bachelors degree sitting on the bookshelf and it has yet to be put to work.  Also apparently when you take out student loans, they want you to repay them at some point.  Who knew?  Also remember I said that England is ridiculously expensive?  Long story short I am looking for a job on base.  Hopefully a job I can use the degree.  I would really like to do something with training and records or in the travel office.  I know it sounds boring, but it is right up my alley.

My friend NFAH came to visit again this weekend.  It wasn't all fun and games though, we mostly worked on hammering out my resume, which because I have stayed at home for the last 6 years has very little work experience, but a lot of educational experience.  We also sat around and looked at a couple of my cookbooks.  OK, they aren't just any cookbooks, they are the kind of cook books that churches publish.  The ones where the members of the church contribute recipes.  Very American recipes.  Recipes that include ingredients such as Velveeta or condensed Cream of Mushroom soup.  It was really fun to look at them together and have a good laugh.  

I guess you guys might want to know how me and the girls ended up at the ER...well there was this popcorn bowl.  Apparently when popcorn bowls go airborne, thanks to a certain little one *cough* KiKi, and hit another little girl, LaLa in the mouth, there will be a need for the ER.  Don't worry, no major damage.  LaLa's top lip had to be glued back together on the outside, but the inside damage is just going to have to heal on its own.  I probably could have not taken her, but better safe than sorry.  

So that brings us back to Monday morning.  Monday.  Ugh.


Bobby G said...

Hate Mondays too, but the good news is...aww fuck it there is none! lol good luck w/ the job hunt...

mo.stoneskin said...

Blimey, I always knew popping corn could be lethal but never heard of it happening!

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd gotten one when I was in the Army system. Paladin keeps suggesting it, but the lure of my poorly paying but never have to leave home job is too strong. :) I may still get something on the side someday, but I doubt it. And don't feel bad about the bachelors sitting there doing nothing. Just remind yourself that I have a Master's and I wipe butts for a living. ;)

Ian Newbold said...

Glad you are all glued back together, perhaps you should take your toilet to the ER (Which is the Accident and Emergency over here dear ;-).

Miss Yvonne said...

Oooh, lip injuries are the worst. My kid got bit by a dog on his bottom lip and had to have stitches and it was hilarious to see him try and eat anything salty for awhile, but I only laughed on the inside because I'm an awesome parent.

P.S. I might have laughed a little bit on the outside.

Michele said...

Good luck with the job hunt. This Monday does suck in a big way.

Jess said...

I am trying to freakin comment on your blog and I have, what feels to be, a tree branch poking my eye. It, no doubt, is just a cat hair, but JEEZUS! Anyway, as I type this one eyed, I hate Mondays, and now that you are looking for one of those job things, you will hate them even more! BUT, I wish you luck...and I hate I missed the ER experience!!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Sorry for La la!
And good luck with the job hunt. My sister tried to get a job on base when her ex was in the military, but no one was hiring. Of course this was a decade ago!
Yeah, Mondays do suck, don't they?

Sprite's Keeper said...

Sorry for La la!
And good luck with the job hunt. My sister tried to get a job on base when her ex was in the military, but no one was hiring. Of course this was a decade ago!
Yeah, Mondays do suck, don't they?

Expat No. 3699 said...

Good luck with your job search. I hope you find one on base.

Lisa said...

I tweeted that I was going to close my computer and instead I'm commenting on your blog (and thus reading it and THUS... NOT CLOSING my computer!) I'm glad that you got your resume together. I think being a SAHM for six years gives you more experience for the work world than any work experience ever can. MULTITASKING (aka, blogging with a 2-yo on your lap who wants you to read a book!) You're more than prepared to handle emergencies, stress, and a busy work enviornment! You've got this in the bag!

Jen said...

Monday, yuck!

Aunt Juicebox said...

My sister and my husband BOTH have a scar under there bottom lips where they fell and their bottom teeth cut through the other side. My parents of course did not take my sister to the doctor. MJ said his parents didn't take him either but they DID put some Camphophenique on it. Or maybe it was iodine. Either way, it had to hurt.

for a different kind of girl said...

I wish you luck on the job hunt. I haven't used my degree in about seven years, and I sometimes get the shakes wondering if I'll be able to swing it again, or if that's even the career path I want to pursue.

Anonymous said...

Oh the cookbooks. They were awesome. I just need to gather a bit more strength to write about them myself. But what a nice visit!!! NFAH

American in Britain said...

I hear you on the cost and the job issue. But I can't get a job until several things fall into line, and the bureaucracy over here is incredibly slow. Never imagined it could be worse than the US.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

mondays and jobs....blech.

also? growing up in the south? i have a kajillion of those cookbooks and your right. the main ingrediants ARE cream of mushroom soup, velveeta AND ritz crackers.


♥ Braja said...

Happy Monday.



Ah crap....

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

ps mama...loved your comment on my post today LOVED IT!!!!!

feel free to leave those quippy little comments ANYTIME!

Captain Dumbass said...

Maybe you could get a job IN the ER? Might make things easier for you.

zipbagofbones said...

Oh dear lord, I'm glad I didn't read this until today because the beginning of the week is tough enough without foreign stress contamination. Hope the lip is healing nicely.

Cape Cod Gal said...

I LOVE those cookbooks. I have a ton of them from the 70's that my grandmother gave me. I read them when I need a good laugh.

Badass Geek said...

Student loans are the reason my credit blows right now. Stupid education.

Lola said...

Yeah, bills make life so much more annoying. I hope you find a great job where you can get paid while you blog your breaks away!

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