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Monday, June 22, 2009

School Fete (Pronounced Fate)

On Saturday we had a busy busy day.  LaLa had swim class at noon (the child is half fish I swear) and then afterwards we attended the schools main fund raising activity, the Summer Fete.  For the Americans, a fete is like a fair with no rides.  It had games for the kids to play, a face painting booth, a dunk tank (which many teachers fell victim to), a rummage sale, and demonstrations put on by various community groups.  There was also a burger van, donut van, and an ice cream truck.

We started the afternoon at the face painting booth.

LaLa attempted the dunking booth!

LaLa won a pink blow up guitar from the test your strength booth (everyone won)!

Ice Cream enjoyed by all.  Oh and it was sooo yummy.  British soft serve ice cream beats the crap out of American ice cream.  It is light and creamy and mmmmm.  Oh and it van that serves it is called Mr. Whippy and if that isn't a reason to love it, I don't know what is!


Irish Gumbo said...

Blow up guitars. Mr. Whippy and a donut van! Who wouldn't like that? Looks like a good time was had by all. And I want a donut van...

Anonymous said...

Hey-I see other moms with jeans on in this picture! They're allowed to 'dress down' for fete's?

Laura McIntyre said...

I think im the only person who does not like Mr Whippy , im not an ice cream fan full stop but that stuff makes me heave.

The fete looks fun :)

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

I feel like I'm in love with Mr. Whippy and I've never even met him. . .

Bobby G said...

Look at your girl rockin out!!! NICE!!!!

Cammie said...

super cute!!!

Joanie said...

Looks like everyone had a great time! And I want that ice cream!

Michele said...

We had events like this when I was kid (like 800 years ago). It is nice to see that some schools still do and it looks like it's still fun. Ice Cream, nom nom.

zipbagofbones said...

That looks like a lot of fun! I want a fate of my own! And face paint! I want Fate Paint!

Reinvent Dad said...

Sounds like a great time, and I'd take a fair without the rides anytime (they just make me sick).

Sprite's Keeper said...

Mr. Whippy?

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

What a fantastic fete! I would love to get the kiddos out to do something fun like that! Mr. Whippy sounds sublime!

Your kiddos look adorable! They look like they were having a really fun time!

Jen said...

what a fun day and that guitar is awesome.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Looks like everyone had fun!

Sam said...

I've always wondered how to pronounce "fete". It's such an awesome, *classy* word, but considering I say things like "booyah" and "fer sure", I doubt that I'll be using it very often.
Cute pics!

Captain Dumbass said...

I always thought it was 'fet' as in Boba.

Mr. Whippy. It's been a long weekend and I'm tired. I feel like I should be making a joke about this though.

for a different kind of girl said...

Oh, how I wish every school fair or fete was like the finale of Grease, where this is much dancing and singing and glee. Hell, I'd even buy extra tickets for a ride on a flying car!

I would also pay extra for Mr. Whippy, too. Anything that's ice cream or in the ice cream family, for me, stops me in my tracks!

Chairman Bill said...

A fair? You mean a fayre?

Mr Whippy ice cream is not ice cream - it's margarine. Nasty stuff. Give me Haagen Dazs any day.

Whatever you do, don't get any family members hooked on the garbage we sell as ice cream, unless it's genuine Cornish and made with cream, rather than denatured vegetable fat.

Anonymous said...

mr. whippy, huh? Is there a mrs.? Oh and what kid thing is complete without face painting?

Expat mum said...

I swear the only reason (not really) my kids want to come to England every summer is for the Mr Whippy 99s.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I remember soft serve being so much more delicious when I was a kid.

Cute pics!

Ian Newbold said...

Please tell me you learned to pronounce fete the hard way.

*imagining you saying; are you going to the school fete (as in cheese)*

Ahahgshene said...

wow.. that looks kinda fun ! :}

Everyday Goddess said...

I need some Mr. Whippy. Big time!

KMcJoseph said...

Fete can sometimes be smelly.