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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

RTT-My Excuse is Jet Lag

Last time I flew to England I had a bunch of guest posters lined up to distract you from the fact that I couldn't post due to jet lag; this time not so much. So I will distract you with some random..Thank Keely and hit the purple button.


My eyeballs hurt so I think they might fall out of my head. Hypochondriac? Me? Nooo.

POW Sam Kitty has been acting really really friendly to me since I got home. Either he missed me or he is planning something. We'll see.

Apparently Jet Lag doesn't affect kids.

I have the keys to the new house. Actually I have boxes packed into the Jeep to take over there now, I just figured I should post something first. Blogging addiction? Noooo.

More distraction...

Oh and there was this lady sitting behind me on the plane who talked the whole entire 7 hour flight. I don't think she even took a breath. THE. ENTIRE. TIME. I know all about her failed relationships and slimy ex husband. OMG lady shut your pie hole and try to sleep like the rest of us!!!


Anonymous said...

I love jet lag, especially with kids! It's so fun! And moving boxes is even better with jetlag!

Sorry was this not the sarcastic edition of Tuesdays?

Happy RTT! And really try eating pasta it does kill the jet lag.

Badass Geek said...

When you get to where you are going, take off your socks and shoes, put your feet on the carpet, and make fists with your feet.

Mike said...

The lady talking on the plane reminded me of the movie "Airplane" Where the guy talked so much that the people would kill themselves.

Joanie said...

Glad to see you made it safely back! Do they do daylight savings time in the UK?

Toni said...

Jeez. If I was on that flight with the woman I would have been a complete bitch and just told her to shut up (I need my sleep what can I say?).
And hooray for your blogging addiction!

I am Harriet said...

What's with kids and jet lag anyway?

Have a great rtt!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

It astounds me that people are rude on airplanes. Thousands of people, crammed into one tight space. Even when I'm ordering food or drink I whisper.


Mom in High Heels said...

Jet lag is the devil. Makes me crazy. Indy changes time zones like a pro (of course), but it takes me 2 weeks, minimum. OMG at the woman on the plane. I would have gone all "crazy eyes" on her. I've found that one good "crazy eye" look stops people in their tracks.
I'm glad you're back and can't wait to see your new bungalow!

Formerly known as Frau said...

I would have slipped something in Chatty Sue's drink to knock her out. Happy move day! Good luck with jet lag!

Aunt Juicebox said...

Glad you made it back ok. Good luck with moving again.

Captain Dumbass said...

Remember for next time that there's an Air Marshal on board and he/she might be bribable.

Tari said...

Welcome home! Loved the guest bloggers, but am glad you didn't kick your bogging habit. Hope you can survive the jet lag to make a smooth move to the new bungalow.

Michele said...

Glad to hear you made it home okay. All I can say is it could've been worse. It could have been the screaming baby flight that I was on from Houston to Charleston.

If I Could Escape . . . said...

But, that's an overnight flight! She talked even when they turned all the lights out and all? Poor you! Hope you get some sleep soon.

Happy RTT!

Margaret said...

Gotta love jet lag! lol It makes being random even easier don't ya think?

Meg said...

Glad you made it home safe. The last thing I'd be wanting to do again is move...I feel for you. As for that lady? I would have HAD to say something.

Vodka Logic said...

Welcome home and I may have just had to say something to that lady.. or kill her

Chelsie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chelsie said...

My previous comment was filled with sleepiness. I'm going to try this again. Glad you made it home safely. I hope the jet lag is gone quickly and that moving goes smoothly, however with kids I'm sure there will be some complications.

Tracie Nall said...

I think that scientists should study the apparent lack of affect that jet lag has on children, and try to bottle it or something.

The lady on the plane would have driven me crazy!

Sandy said...

Don't you just hate those plane people who won't shut up?! When I have to sit next to someone (which is usually) I won't even make eye contact because I'm so afraid of one of THEM.

prashant said...

When you get to where you are going, take off your socks and shoes, put your feet on the carpet, and make fists with your feet. Work From Home