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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Straight From IM

Talking to Captain Dumbass:

ok, so my new house
I don't know if I have enough furniture
a trip to IKEA may be in order that's a bad thing...
.... they have childcare
I might never return

I couldn't make this stuff up


Vodka Logic said...

A furniture store with childcare cool...good luck

Irish Gumbo said...

If Ikea had showers in the bathrooms, I would have moved in long ago :)

Unknown said...

LOVE Irish Gumbo's comment! LOL

Badass Geek said...

I've never been to an Ikea. I'm thinking there is something I'm missing out on.

Mom in High Heels said...

Oh, girl, you know how I loves me some IKEA. It's one of Indy's favorite places to go. Some days (when we're not schooling), I'll ask him what he wants to do and he'll say "Let's go to IKEA. We can eat, you can shop and I can play." I love that boy. Sometimes I like to just go sit in the display apartments/rooms and pretend they're mine. So clean. So uncluttered. So unmessed up by dh. Heaven!
We actually have 2 IKEA stores within 20 minutes of us. Can you believe that?

Aunt Juicebox said...

Irish, you aren't thinking creatively enough - thousands of homeless have figured out the "sink" bath, you could do it to!

I love to make my husband take me to Ikea for dinner. He thinks it's weird.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Child care and cinnamon rolls hello what more to you need.

Joanie said...

It could be like living in a mansion. You could sleep in a different bedroom every night.

Anonymous said...

Childcare is awesome. Just give em a false name..."those kids? Nope never seen em before."

Michele said...

I must to the odd duck in this bunch. I can't stand going to Ikea. I walk in, somehow make my way into maze of stuff then can hardly find my way back out again. It's scary.

Mike said...

Free child care! Isn't that like on a scale with the value of gold?

for a different kind of girl said...

They have childcare, too?!? Damn, I knew they had breakfast and they like to give it away free a lot, but I didn't know they had childcare! I wish we had an IKEA here!

Jenny said...

I LOVE Ikea! In fact, we'll be moving next July and I'm already dog earing the pages of last years catalog and dreaming. I don't have young kids to take advantage of the childcare, but I do love those meatballs for lunch before we start the maze!

Margaret said...

That is the best idea ever! Every store should have child care!

Jenni said...

haha, too funny!

i also can't say enough good things about their tiny pencils.

Mark said...

A Swedish furniture store and no Vodka?

Add Meatballs, childcare and somewhere buried in that store has to be a Vodka dispenser!! Hmm disguised as a bidet maybe??

Pollyanna said...

Awesome! I didn't know they had childcare. The nearest one is in Chicago. Do you think they would mind if I dropped the kids off on my way to my parents house and picked them up at the end of a weekend? Oh, wait. The parents don't care about seeing me - it's all about the grandkids - shazbah!

Jen said...

Still waiting for our IKEA in Denver. We were promised one last year and it's going to be 2012 before it shows. Mama not happy...

Captain Dumbass said...

It's like a giant hotel!

prashant said...

Ikea had showers in the bathrooms, I would have moved in long ago :) Work From Home

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh how I wish we had an IKEA here. visiting there every day. ;)

♥ Braja said...

I know I wouldn't.... they have coffee? Cos in Sweden, IKEA has great coffee...Swedes make great coffee....
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