Dear Michelloui and NFAH,
I can't wait to see you guys tonight!! We are going to have entirely too much fun. SQUEEEEE!!!
Love, Kat
Dear Coughs,
Please vacate my children's bodies. It's getting old now.
Ta, Kat
Dear House,
I clean and clean and yet you are still not spotless. What gives?
Tired, Kat
Dear Kat,
You have children. Sorry.
Love, House
Dear POW Sam Kitty,
Your escape attempts this week have not been amusing. I am tired of spending time on my hands and knees coaxing you out from under the deck in the backyard. If I didn't have so much money invested in you I wouldn't bother.
Stay in the Dang House!!, Human Mama Kat
Dear Self,
More tea equals more wee. Keep that in mind.
Love, Kat
Dear Readers,
Please leave your letters with Mr. Linky. I love reading them each week!
Love, Kat