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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

The day is upon us. The changing of the guard so to speak. Mr. Obama will become Mr. President. I always knew that we would have a black president in my lifetime, as opposed to those who believed it would never happen. I didn't see any reason that it wouldn't happen. I am glad that I was right. While I might not agree with his policies, I admire him as a man. I sincerely hope that we come together as Americans and support our new President. We are living through tough times and the last thing we need is a country polarized by partisan politics. We need to put aside the last two years of campaigning and dividing and come up with real solutions to our countries problems. I just hope we can focus on the issues and not name calling and mud slinging. So on this historic day I would like to say "Good luck, President Obama. I may not support some of your policies but I respect the office that you hold and you as person. I hope that you do what is best for America. God Bless you on your noble endevor."


Anonymous said...

Well said Kat. I believe Obama is committed to serving America in the best way he can and that he's not in pursuit of his own interests.

By voting for him, Americans have proved that they act on their principles - that every child, whatever their background, can aspire to be President of the United States - or anything they work hard enough to become.

Chris said...

Very well said indeed!!

Mama Dawg said...

Well said. Well said, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Amen. I may not support some of his policies, but I support him and I wish him the best of luck.

Irish Gumbo said...

Bravo to Kat! (bowing) Great summation, and well put.

To a new day! Slainte!

OhCaptain said...

Couldn't agree more. Be sure to check out my blog a inauguration time. I wrote something over the weekend that's scheduled to post at noon today.

Jess said...

Cheers to that!

As a registered Republican that voted Democrat this election, I am VERY excited to see what happens these next few years.

Reinvent Dad said...

I woke up early this A.M. and couldn't go back to sleep. What an historic day for the United States and the world. If President Obama can do an 1/100 of what he promises than he'll be 100x better than "W" ever was...I'm a registered Republican, but voted for of luck Mr. President, it won't be easy, but you're the right person for the job.

ChurchPunkMom said...

i would say the very same. :)

rachael chatoor said...

Nicely said Kat. Funny I always thought I might see a black president in in my time too! :)

Captain Dumbass said...

Excellent post, Kat.

Michelle said...

Very well said Kat!

Eastern Reflections said...

Good post. I didn't vote for the man and don't agree with his politics, but I am wishing him all the best and cheering him on! This is an exciting and hopeful time to be an American.


Lola said...

I had to work and missed his speech, but hopefully my DVR worked. I'm very excited to have him as our President, and I really hope that all the people he's managed to get to pay attention to politics stay interested and let Congress know that we won't put up with the same old infighting that leads to nothing getting done.

If everyone stays involved and works together for the good of all of us, things will change!

Unknown said...

I'm with you all the way in your sentiments.

Jenny Grace said...

One of things I admire about President Obama is his desire to unify instead of divide.

And I like the new layout :)

Anonymous said...

Even though it doesn't really directly affect us here - indirectly it will, I do find him a likeable person. Maybe our lot could pick up a few tips from him?

I ahve said this more than once today but I do like Michelle Obama's outfit. The yellow and green was very striking don't you think?

Cape Cod Gal said...

I think that he's going to bring balance and a sense of comfort to everyone. I was really proud to be an American today.

Anonymous said...

Oh good, you still remember the current news back here in the states....Lol!!

Yay for Obama!

Anonymous said...

Kat, well said! That what makes America great. When people can respect each other and not agree on every darn thing!
the mudslinging on the other hand? Very unproductive!

Anonymous said...

Now, if both sides could have that MO, we could all actually work together! Awesome statement.