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Friday, January 30, 2009

My Weird Kids

I am sure most parents think their kids have weird tendencies. My kids are no exception. First there is LaLa who is a sweet sensitive child. I can honestly say she has never hit another child. OK well she has hit KiKi, once, but only cause I told her to sock her back. Then there is KiKi, a kid that is so full of life and curiosity that you can just see it popping out of her. They are wonderful kids. Good Lord, they are so weird though.

1. If you give KiKi the choice between chocolate pudding or a pickle, she'll take the pickle nine times out of ten.

2. LaLa gives her stuffed animals names that nobody else can pronounce. Mrikyskalamana the bear. Sneriously.

3. KiKi won't let me help her do anything. She gets dressed on her own. She gets into her carseat on her own (I strap her in). She puts on her own shoes. She puts on her own jacket. LaLa wants me to help her do everything.

4. LaLa tells me random things that have nothing to do with our conversation mid-sentence. "and so and so was doing...did you know penguins live in Antartica?"

5. According to KiKi anything brown on the floor is poop.

6. Well you all know about LaLa's fashion sense.

Oh by the way..that is a stripped sweater, an Easter dress, and black school socks...and this is a mild fashion choice. I might even let her go out in public with this get up on...if she put a pair of jeans on under the dress, just so her legs don't get cold. I am not one to edit her clothing creativity.

7. These kids can sleep in any position. LaLa usually doesn't sleep with her head on pillows either. Sideways on the bed is always better apparently. Oh and kicking the sheets completely off my bed, yeah always. So in order for me to get in bed I have to remove her, and totally remake my bed. Joy.

Proof That LaLa is Turning into a Brit:

1. "One of the other children got into trouble for damaging a chair."
2. "KiKi will not help me tidy my room."
3. "It was brilliant!"


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Love the fashion sense! Love the random inserts into conversations!

Cameron said...

Boy, your kids are weird!!! Glad I have normal, sensible kids.....yeah right!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

You're okay until they start calling you Mummy....


for a different kind of girl said...

Ha! LaLa may be in line for the throne before long! Watch out for 'jollies' and 'dandy'!

Mama Dawg said...

I love using "brilliant"!

Oh, and my daughter named one of her dolls "Sifica".

Unknown said...

I don't see anything wrong with her fashion sense.

I'm pretty sure my wife sleeps like that to keep most most of the bed to herself.

Jess said...

Awww, they will be so cute with their lil accents!

I was mortified when I went back and looked through old pictures! Easter dress with cowboy boots?!? Really, MOM?! To which Mom replies that she TRIED to dress me all pretty and I would pitch a fit and it just wasn't worth fighting about anymore, so she just let me dress myself.

So now we have 10 years of pictures with spandex, cowboy boots and a shit ton of Mickey Mouse apparel. Usually all on at the same time.

Michelle said...

I love her fashion sense! Maybe she could be my fashion assistant!

Expat No. 3699 said...

My granddaughter would definately choose the pickle too!

Just wait until she's saying Blimey, Bloody and Bollocks!

Reinvent Dad said...

I agree with Kiki, anything brown on the ground is "poop" until proven otherwise.

Jenny Grace said...

LaLa is like the best dresser in the whole world. I love her.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Is LaLa wearing Minnie Mouse pj's? Sprite has that exact pair! If not, then, um, nice pj's. Whatever. I say brilliant all the time too.

Jenni said...

I had similar fashion sense to LaLa's when I was he age. Sadly it hasn't gotten much better. Also, I think the idea of your girls with British accents is just adorable.

Lola said...

They sound pretty normal to me, and I happen to love her style!

zipbagofbones said...

That is awesome. You have to record your children now and again in a year to see how much of the British accent they picked up. We used to spend the whole day talking with an accent, just for fun. We were terrible at it though.

Ron said...

Kids aren't weird... they are a reflection of the weirdest parts of us (the stuff we try really hard to suppress but they feel no inhibition in revealing to the neighbors, teachers and pastor).

Captain Dumbass said...

Our kids would get along well.

Jen said...

now that was a brilliant post!

Anonymous said...

Brill!! Both your girls are obviously VERY bright (American translation = smart).

Clever Kiki knowing that anything brown on the floor is poop.

Badass Geek said...

I named a stuffed animal dog Pepper when I was a kid.

I don't know why. I just seemed to fit.

The Stiletto Mom said...

I adore that go girl! :)

Wendi said...

Ha! That picture of her outfit is awesome. She probably has a future as a designer. Feed that! I swear that my 2 year old is an alien child. She even tells us that she is. I think it's awesome to have weird kids! It means that we're doing our job raising happy, creative little ones.

rachael chatoor said...

HA I LOVE it, LaLas fashion sense is exactly like my daughter's!
Don't you just love to watch them sleep?

grrly said...

I adore the britisms in LaLa's speech habits, I watch a good deal of UK television shows and am a fan of British fiction, audio books especially, and am finding inserting mostly mild swears like Bloody and Bugger into my own speech, at least it makes her sound more intelligent, the vast majority of american regional speech habits and accents don't sound nearly so smart.

Irish Gumbo said...

Nah, she'd only be weird if she dipped the pickle in the me on that. The dirty looks I get...:)

steenky bee said...

There's a guy that walks around SLC who has that exact shirt that your daughter's wearing, I swear. He wears a pink wig, and everything else he wears is pink. He's homeless, very nice, and extremely smart. It's strange. But, he would never, I repeat never, wear black socks.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a pictures of a kid matter what position they are in!
Like your daughter said...brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Love the name "Mrikyskalamana" and I had to pay attention to write it in my comments.
One of my daughters calls all of her pets "Nina" my youngest daughter's name - not very imaginative but still cute :)

Anonymous said...

If our kids did not make us laugh, I am not sure what would happen :)

Anonymous said...

in response to colepacks comment.

there's always sex.