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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RTT-Actual Quotes From The Bungalow and such

It is Tuesday and I am back! HaHa HeeHee HoHo! I spent a lovely few days showing my parents in law around my part of England. I think they had a good time. I certainly did. So it is time to unleash some random upon the internet you can thank Keely for this. Grab the RTT button and play along if you like.


Quotes from around the Bungalow....
I can't even make this up:

"Let's play smash Daddy's computer with a battle ax"-The Man

After riding a small carousel in the St. Edmondsbury Gardens...

"I named my horse Pippa and KiKi named hers Doo Doo"

While the girls were playing make believe LaLa said in a very peeved voice...


Conversation this morning:
Me- "What are you girls playing?"
LaLa- "We're playing pirates and I have to be a princess!"

Life Lesson:

"Always jump on the loose ball!"-The Man

Yesterday I watched The Man have an epic battle against the wasps that are swarming around our recycle bins. He was armed with wasp spray, black work gloves and his wits. A hard fought battle was won and he reclaimed our recycle bins.

Sam Kitty made another bid for freedom the other night. He was however hindered by getting stuck up on the neighbors roof. So, The Man had to rescue the cat off the neighbors roof at midnight.

Sometimes when I watch YouTube Videos I don't even watch the video I just read the comments. Man people get their panties in a bunch for no reason. Seriously. They like to argue over petty details.

I have passed down my love of encased meat to LaLa and KiKi. Their new favorite meal at the pub is sausages and chips (fries). LaLa is also a fan of fish and chips.

Ummm...That is all you are dismissed.


Liz Mays said...

Your kids have extremely active imaginations. They come up with the best games and sayings. :)

You have just added a whole new dimension to youtube for me. I've never read the comments before.

Mama Dawg said...

Dammit, I'm eating breakfast (bagel) and all I can think about is sausage....that's what she said!

Yeah, that was dorky.

Caitlin said...

I love it when kids play make believe, because there is always the bossy one. *I* was the bossy one once upon a time yelling, "You can't change your mind!" And then when I babysat for triplets, I could pick the bossy one out immediately. Funny how things work sometimes. :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

The quotes are hilarious! A horse named 'Doo Doo' - bet that's what my hubby would name one because he thinks they are... ;)

Princess Nagger would have a blast playing make believe games with your kids - she doesn't have siblings and has to make up imaginary friends to play with, or rope the dogs into being her playmates...sometimes they are not amused. ;)

The Man has been busy, hasn't he? Reclaiming recycle bins from the wasps and rescuing the cat from the neighbors roof at midnight...he's a keeper! ;)

I get distracted by the comments on YouTube, too (read: caught up in reading). Some people really do get their panties in a bunch, don't they?

Happy RTT! :)

Toni said...

'smash Daddy's computer with a battle ax'? What did he do to piss them off so much?! lol

Joanie said...

your kids crack me up!

Snooker said...

I love it!
To which I would always answer, "Maybe, but I just did!"
Yes, I was THAT annoying kid.

Bobby G said...


Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Yay! He saved the recycling! Glad you had a good week.

Michele said...

Yeah, I HAVE to be a princess also. Sounds like you had a nice time with your in-laws.

Cammie said...

Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Chips, that sounds good. think it goes with coffee for breakfast?

And wasps are evil little suckers. We have to get our bushes re-sprayed because they won't go away. This will be the second time in three weeks.

I am Harriet said...

I've seen some crazy comments on YouTube.
Have a great Tuesday!

for a different kind of girl said...

The Man is a straight up super hero with his wasp slaying and cat rescuing! You might need to look into getting him a cape for Christmas!

Chairman Bill said...

"You can't change your mind," is valid only if directed by a female toward a male or a male toward another male. In all other circumstances it's an invalid statement.

Pollyanna said...

My kids always argue over who has to be "The Dad" - at least they don't decide that they both should be "The Mom"

Read something today about a baggie 1/2 filled with water and 4-6 pennies will keep flies & wasps away. Not confirmed or stamped as false by Snopes ( but it could be worth a try.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

haha, I also like to read the crazy ass comments on youtube. you are right, people get all worked up over some stupid shit!

just another mother said...

HA - the kids are so funny! Mine's obsessed with saying penis, so he always says something about that. Well, that and Holy Crap - no thanks to me.....

great RTT!

Anonymous said...

Wasps suck...good for hubby!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Princesses aren't a part of pirate play? I thought she was spot on!

Anonymous said...

Make believe is the best part of being a kid. The older you get the more magic fades from our minds...

Cape Cod Gal said...

Encased meats rock! There is nothing better than a big ole sausage.

You should be surprised that I made it thru that entire sentence without one pervy comment. I'm really very proud of myself.

Jenny Grace said...

Do y'all have a battle axe?

Badass Geek said...

Down with wasps.

Unknown said...

I've often wanted to take a battle ax to my computer

Jen said...

this cracked me up!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Wait. . . the man wanted his computer axed????

Ms. Salti said...

I love the crap that comes out of kids mouths. If you're ever bored, you've got your own set of stand-up comics in the house!

Mike said...

You are random without ever leaving your house! High five right back at you!

Big Mama Cass said...

lmao good randomness... glad you had fun and are back... i too love fish and chips but not sausage like meats so much :)

darsden said...

Excellent, love the names of the horses and the kids are great. Pirates are really in this year! YOU can't change your mind..LOL

Meg said...

Oh I have a horrible craving for sausages and chips now. Glad you were able to share your bit of England with your folks. It's always nice to be able to share that kind of stuff with them. Great RTT!

Grace said...

I had fun reading your post, Kat. :)

Anita Tedaldi said...

I love the things that kids say, especially Doo Doo parts, my kids always make jokes about that kind of stuff and crack themselves up!


Captain Dumbass said...

I was madly scrolling to see if anybody had picked up 'encased meat.' Should have known Cape Cod would get it. Couldn't the Man 'borrow' something from work to deal with the wasps.

Tim Atkinson said...

You can't beat a plate of good ol' English fish 'n' chips. Except, of course, that it was invented by the French! Enjoying England? Great climate, huh?

forever lost said...

ahh such funny words come out of the mouths of babes. and your words come together to stir a great sense of humor!
sausage at the pub! now who else gets to say that (uck by the way LOL)

Jenni said...

it's just a video, people! calm yourselves!

LisaUnfiltered said...

this morning... I had a coupon for a free mocha at McD's. (yes, the COVETED McD's...... salivate.... NOW!) I grabbed a sandwich and hash brown b/c I hadn't had bf and the kids were getting their bf from my mom's today. So, I put my bag down on the seat and don't eat it in front of them, cuz that's just mean... When we were about a mile from McD's, S says, "Mommy, your Happy Meal smells lovely."

The shit they say. I WISH I could make this up! PS, have you visited since I moved???

Keely said...

Mmmm, sausage.

There are some blog posts I click over to just because I want to read the comments, not the actual post. You can tell when something stupid is going to get a lot of panties in bunches.