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Monday, August 10, 2009


Sometimes I wonder, how much should I really share. Should I put it all out there and just let the cards fall as they will? Should I hold back what I am really thinking? Do I risk completely pissing off potential friends? Lately I have been seeing things that just don't jive with me. I am not one to name names as it is, but there are conversations that have been brewing in my head that I want to get out in the open because they just peeve me off. Nothing to do with my family life or with people that I know through blogging. That should narrow it down a bit. If they find my blog, would I be able to stand by what I spew onto my blog? Would I risk it is the question...


Badass Geek said...

If the act of saying it would help, then just say it. You can always remove the post later, if/when you don't feel the same anymore.

Michelle said...

If you are censoring yourself none of us know the real you anyway. I say be honest or don't do it at all.

Kitten said...

If you need to say it, and have no other venue, say it with us!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Honesty always is the best policy, unfortunately honesty is not remembered but the tone most of the time. Do what you feel is right. If you think posting it would be a bad idea, it probably would.

Pseudo said...

I had/have this same delima. My post "Friendship challenged by parenting" skimmed the surface, but I still really need to talk to my friend(s) about why they are pissing me off.

Maybe I'll let you go first.

jen said...

I totally understand. I link to my regular blog and my 'green' blog from Facebook because my mom & sis like reading them, but I've since created a private journal that I haven't told a soul about. I haven't even decided whether to use it when I post comments on other blogs - but I just love having a place where I can vent about anyone and everyone without the fear of hurting feelings.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I agree with can always remove the post...I struggle with this lately as well..I have LOTS of opinions about many things...but just don't know if my blog is the forum for that yet. Go with your gut:)

Sandy said...

I agree with Badass, too, if it proves to be a problem you can always remove it. You don't sound too certain they will see it anyway.

Unknown said...

i haven't shared my blog with family as of yet...and it's been a year. not that i sit here and slam my parents and sister, but i can be totally transparent in regards to difficult subjects without fear of someone irl approaching me with a "wtf?".

i had two friends when i first started this blog that are no longer my friends but still read my site. did i vent too much? was i lying? no and no.

true friendship is like true love. you don't base it on conditions. you either love someone or you don't...there should be no "only if's" attached to it.


Captain Dumbass said...

Better to let it out now then later on in front of a 'jury of your peers.'

Anonymous said...

Were a nonjudgmental bunch. Get it out, get our reaction and then delete. You'll feel vindicated and relieved.

Jen said...

You should share.

Anonymous said...

I totally understand. I have so much stuff I wanna write on my blog but I can't because my family reads it.

mo.stoneskin said...

Tough call. Personally I never do let it rip on the blog, not about people who know me anyway, but that's mainly 'cos I know they would find out.

Aunt Juicebox said...

I frequently post things and then delete them later, once I'm over being angry about it. But I'm always honest, so if someone did find something I didn't want them to see, I can stand up for what I write. However, if you don't want to deal with the consequences of possibly pissing someone off, you probably don't want to leave it up long, if you post it at all.

Pollyanna said...

I say totally let it all hang out - just like everyone else here.

Now, the question is: Are we all saying that because that's how we feel or because we're nosy as hell?

I'm nosy, but that's not why I said it. We like you as is, you don't owe us anything. I never got the impression you were censoring yourself, why start now?

Pollyanna said...

Oh, yah and that draft mode is pretty nifty.

Write it down and save it for later. If it still needs to be said, publish it. If not, delete it.

Ms. Salti said...

I say as long as you don't mention specific names then you should be safe!

Unknown said...

I feel your pain! I have had a few blowouts myself over the blog! My thing is it is my blog and my feelings... if they find it and read it I can always deny it HAHA!

Joanie said...

Go ahead! Spill it!

Joanie said...

Although, I just discovered my sister, the NUN now reads my blog! So, yes I am censoring myself and I don't like it one bit. (my blog came up on a google alert to her order's website)

Mango Girl said...

Spew forth! If we can't do it here, then we will go postal!

Pale Rider is always afraid some of the people I write about will discover this...oh well. Better get some thicker skin.

BTW: I tagged you on my post set for Tuesday 8/11/09

Reinvent Dad said...

I totally wish that I had the guts to say EVERYTHING that came to mind on my blog. Once in awhile I do, but I'm guessing most people skip it or don't comment because they don't agree or don't want to debate an issue or argue, whatever. I've never deleted a post, but often go back and read them. I agree with other comments, feel free to spew, r & r, whatever. We won't judge. All bloggers bring unique perspective and entertain and teach their readers in various honest, have fun, and keep it real.

Folding Foam Matrress said...

Badass is right, just remove the posting you don't like.
Your blog is under your control.

The Good Cook said...

hmm... I think all bloggers struggle with this issue. Can you stand one more opinion? If your comments will hurt someone, don't post it. There is too much hurt in the world already. If your comments are meant to clear the air, remedy a problem, or bring a behavior to light - go ahead and post.
Perhaps using DRAFT mode is best. Write it out. Wait 24 hours and if it's still a good post / idea, go ahead and click publish. If not, into the trash bin...

Does this help?

Anonymous said...

I am having the same mental tug of war lately. So I know exactly what you mean. Wish I had advise but I can't seem to figure it out for myself. :(

Lola said...

Now, I'm intrigued! Hey, you know me, I just say what I want about most everything. The thing is that I would have no trouble saying it to the person's face. That's basically how I judge whether I should or should not put something on my blog.

I don't put everything out there to do with my family, because that's what real life best friends and lunch dates are for ;)

Anonymous said...

Be yourself, spill it!