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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday- Because Really I am 14 years Old


Michele said...

I'm the 13 year old standing next to you because that is too funny.

Badass Geek said...

Hey. Fart jokes are comedy GOLD.

Joanie said...

hahaha!!! Ah, Kat. You do know how to bring out the kid in all of us.

Jenni said...


Bobby G said...

LMAO! Well played

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Appreciated by "ladies" of all ages!

Cammie said...

you said fart

Ian Newbold said...

There are some classics in England. There is a village not far from me called Clive, and everytime, everytime, I pass it in company I say "Why is Clive so special he gets a sign?"

Pollyanna said...


That's great!

for a different kind of girl said...

Seth totally wants to fist bump you!

Jess said...

Muuhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I want it! NOW.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Hahaha, that's funny!

ChurchPunkMom said...

apparently I am too. ;)

fart jokes = never not funny

Sprite's Keeper said...

Wow, you guys have fart evacuation routes?
We stopped at hurricanes. Damn budgets.

Anonymous said...


JennyMac said...

I'd walk the other direction too!

Jen said...

that is awesome.

Krystal said...

No freaking way!! too funny i tell ya

Ms. Salti said...

I see that as: Utah Fart
I live in Utah, so naturally, that's the first thing I thought of.

Chasity said...

Now that's comedy.

Kingsmom said...

Classic. Farts are cool.

Together We Save said...

Very funny!!

zipbagofbones said...

It's my goal in life - basically the ONLY one - so one day witness something as majestic as that sign combo. I can dream, right?

Unknown said...

Thats awesome.. hope you don't mind I emailed it to Hubby! He will sure get a kick out of it HAHA!

Mom in High Heels said...

And this is one of the reasons I adore you.
In Germany, exits are called "Ausfahrt." There are signs everywhere and M and I always snicker when we see them. We're 14 too apparently. Indy is starting to pick up on it too (which might not be a good thing). He came into the living room the other day and announced that he had "Ausfahrted" in his room. Nice. We had to have a little discussion. Being a mom can so be a buzz kill sometimes.

Reinvent Dad said...

There's a little 14-year old in all of us. Not much better than a little bathroom humor amongst friends :)

SparkleFarkel said...

Isn't it wild how certain words have a much larger entertainment value attached to them than others? And they smell, too? Thanks for such an incredible blog-share. I needed it. LOL! WHOA! Did I just say I needed a f***?!

Irish Gumbo said...

Perhaps that's what is propelling the man across the crosswalk...heehee

Captain Dumbass said...

You can't go wrong with a fart joke, especially an unintentional one where you also get to make fun of other people's languages.

satakieli said...

You know the German for father is Vater. Pronounced "Farter". Very apt I think.

Cape Cod Gal said...

I'm the one standing next to you with the white paint so we can paint over the "T"

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

Mama Dawg said...

Who's UT?

Anonymous said...


Lola said...

Farts are almost always funny ;)