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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

10th Photo

Emma, at Me The Man and The Baby, tagged me for a photo meme. Apparently it comes with some rules. You know how I am with rules, but I figured I would give it a shot.

The rules are as follows:

1. Open your first (oldest) photo folder in your computer library

2. Scroll to the 10th photo

3. Post the photo and the story behind it

4. Tag 5 or more people to continue the thread

Humm....seems simple enough!

The photo:

*snigger* I actually remember this day quite well! We were just moving into our first house here in England (you can tell that by the inordinate amount of things on the counter tops). LaLa came into the kitchen, with her latest and greatest outlandish fashion creation on and wanted hair bows and clips in her hair. I obliged her with two. Not enough. so I added a couple more. Still not enough. The next thing I knew she had almost all the hair accessories in the house on her head. At this point a photo was warranted.

The people I choose to carry on the meme are:

The Captain from Us and Them
Jenni from Oscarelli
and last but certainly not least... Fraught Mummy from Brits In Bosnia

Comments (7)

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Ooo, thanks! I will get around to doing it - just need to get moved back to sunny England first. Then I'll attack the meme with a vengance.

Lala looks lovely with her hair done - you should do it like that every day... x
She's a mini you!!
Great photo!! Lala is going to thank you so much when she is 17 and dating. Make sure and show it often to her dates. LOL!! Congrats on your newest Meme!!
I'm up. I didn't QUITE follow the rules, but you know.
Hmm? I have a Mac and a PC, each with their own pics, and the Mac's pics aren't in a folder. Interesting.
Funny! Ive only just got my daughter into putting things into her hair (yes, even a pony tail) and now she refuses to take the pony tail out. Im waiting for the many-pony-tail-stage.

Ill have a look at my 10th photo now...!
Ohhh FUN! Thanks for the tag! I shall post soon!

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