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Monday, April 19, 2010

Personification of The Volcano

The Man will be home soon. Well, maybe, if the ash cloud of doom doesn't delay him. No planes are flying at the moment; not even military planes. Now, he isn't actually due here for a couple of weeks, but The Volcano shows no signs of stopping. The Volcano is like a petulant child who is acting up just to act up now. "See me throw a tantrum and cause chaos. Now I am gonna wallow on the floor and make a scene," says The Volcano. "Hahaha, yeah you know your screwed," the Volcano laughs in the face of all of Europe. The Volcano, is also threatening to kick off his elder bigger brother. "You know if I keep this up, my brother is going to start wailing as well," he sneers at us. Well played, Volcano.

Now let me say this, Volcano. Are you listening, Volcano? If my husband doesn't get back to the UK within the timeframe I was promised, I am coming to Iceland to kick your volcano butt. You hear me?

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I'll go and help ya kick the volcano's butt!!! ;)
I'll talk to the volcano for you!!
Oh dear! Volcano is really a pain in the butt. I mean..enough is enough!! Time to stop now!
You could totally take on a volcano.
While I totally think you could take the volcano (military spouses can do anything, right?), I'm hoping it will have calmed down before then. Can you believe how crazy all this is?
That volcano has really caused havoc all over the world. From my time in Iceland I believe it is referred to as a SHE. Now that makes perfect sense to me!
I'll go with you!
Do it!! My daughter is scheduled to fly to Ireland on Mother's Day. I don't want to be anywhere near her if she can't get on that flight.
Didn't Iceland's economy just tank? Maybe they're being like North Korea waving their nuclear program around when they want some foreign aid. Throw Iceland some Euro's and tell them to turn the damn thing off.
I must admit that I secretly delight in the idea that in the 21st Century, Mother Nature can still take out all our technology with one blast. But enough is enough, you know. We get it Mr. Volcano, you're stronger than us.
I got lucky and my guy finally got home right before it happened. But hey I'll hop a train or a boat and come help you :).
Hope he's back on time. There's a couple of hundred guys from 3 Rifles stuck on Cyprus at the moment on their way back from Afghanistan....
My husband's boss is stuck over in Germany because of this. I read an article about it today where people where wondering why Europe hadn't done anything to "clear the skies"...I was like, wtf? How are they going to do that? Giant vacuum cleaner?
You Go Girl!
CAn so sympathize-my husband was dealyed for 5 days after being away only a week.
Now THAT I'd like to see. I was thinking of you last week when I saw all this on the news, wondering if it was affecting you. I guess so! Stupid volcano. Let me know if you need help kicking it's ashy ass.
The day I heard on the news that this volcano has a "partner", that they like to go off together, that said partner is 10 years overdue, and that when it does go off it tends to go for "months at a time" I thought I would cry. We are due to PCS back to the states (from Germany) after living here for 7 years...I have been (and still am) envisioning all sorts of delays in our departure from Europe. I will be an extremely unhappy girl if that happens. lol

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