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Friday, April 2, 2010

Dear So and So...Easter Break

Dear Easter Break,

Nineteen days. Nineteen days??? You really do want me to have a mental breakdown don't you?

Tries to Think of "Fun" Things To Do, Kat

Dear Victoria's Secret,

I get your email everyday promptly at 4:30pm. I have NEVER ordered anything. Probably a waste of your emailing time. Just sayin'

I'm Just Not Into You, Kat

Dear Kids,

You had better be good during Easter Break or momma is gonna come off the rails.

Just a Warning, Mom
Dear Mr. Jonathan Worth,

I had such a good time yesterday on our photo shoot. You really are an amazing photographer and I cannot wait to see the photographs you took! It really just was an amazing experience.

I Hope You had As Good A Time A I Did, Kat
Dear Readers,

If you have letters feel free to link up! Have a great weekend!

Love, Kat