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Friday, November 13, 2009

Dear So and So...Titles Are Soooo Two Weeks Ago

Dear New Owners of the Old House,

Enjoy that cursed piece of crap. Good riddance!

HaHa, Kat
Dear Victims of the MW2 Virus (Modern Warfare 2),

I hear this virus is just like H1n1...only with more dying, explosives and cussing. Oh and I hear lack of sleep is another side effect. The treatment is to put down the gaming console controller for an ENTIRE 8 hours. Good luck, and Godspeed.

*Shakes Head in Disbelief* Kat

PS- Up 36 hours to play a game?? REALLY?

Dear New House,

I love you! I love you! I love you! Don't do me wrong like the last place. Ok? Thanks!

Love, Kat

Dear Bus Driver,

I don't care if I have to get up 30 minutes earlier to get LaLa on the bus on time. You have made my mornings so much easier! I would kiss you if it wasn't entirely inappropriate.

Awesome! Kat

Dear Letting Agent,

Yes, I was totally insulting you passive aggressively when I said "The quicker we get this done, the sooner I can quit dealing with you." I may have covered it up and pretended that isn't exactly what I meant, but it was. You are completely useless. You screwed up my bank account, you have poor math skills and generally suck. Thank goodness from now on I can deal directly with my landlord and not YOU!

Adios A-Hole, Kat

Dear Readers,

If you would like to participate in Dear So and So.... please leave your link with Mr. Linky so I can come read all your lovely letters! Thanks! You guys are wonderful!

*Big Gigantic Bear Hugs* Kat


Michelloui said...

Haha! love it. I was devastated (I might have even shed a tear of frustration) when our school bus service stopped!

Estate agents. Bleh.

Glad you love your new home, hope you settle in quickly!!

satakieli said...

My husband just asked me why I laughed out loud, to do so he had to look up from playing Modern Warfare 2. Bahahahahaha!

Well at least it stops him from bugging me and I can get some NaNoWriMo writing done!

Vodka Logic said...

My daughter has MW2 but at least school keeps her away from it for awhile.

Glad you are liking your new home.

Irish Gumbo said...

Oh, Kat, please be careful. Don't give yourself away too quickly to the house. You know how fickle they can be and your heart is young :)

Glad to hear you are diggin' the new place!

Not From Lapland said...

give the bus driver a kiss anyway. you'll probably make his the very least give him soemthin to talk about with the mrs over dinner

Badass Geek said...

I don't think I could spend 36 hours doing any one thing. Other than sleeping.

Joanie said...

Glad you love your new house!

John could play his Atari (yeah, you heard me. ATARI) all night long.

Your Dear So and So's always crack me up!

Expat No. 3699 said...

Yay for the new house and the bus!

Michele said...

So glad to hear the new house is great so far but this is still the honeymoon phase. Watch your back.

Big Mama Cass said...

Yay! Sounds like your new place is FAB! You should post pics!!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

You sure your not in Egypt
all this from land agents etc.tut tut,
here we include the police lawyers Judges and whoever work for A certain person with the initials H M

Anonymous said...

Don'tcha just LOVE landlords? I mean mine is Psycho Crazy and has many a blog post dedicated to her but I have to say everytime something goes wrong here it's a thrill to know I don't have to pay for it.

Enjoy the new place. May it be curse free.

Margaret said...

I love your letters! I couldn't do anything for 36 hours straight. That is way to long to be doing any one thing!

N-i-c-o-l-e said...

Your letters rock! Now if only I could come up with some good stuff like you.

Jenny Grace said...

I'm really happy that you love your new house.

Cassie said...

Aren't new houses the best? unitl they become old houses....

Captain Dumbass said...

Keep your cat away from the bathroom.

just me said...

Love your Dear so and so's.....very funny!
Give the letting agent a slap and the bus driver a snog!! xx

Aunt Juicebox said...

Oh, so it's inappropriate to kiss the bus driver? That's good to know...

Rebecka said...

Thank God for Dear So and So,
another reason Friday are the best.
Congrats on the new house.

TEFL Ninja said...

Brill idea, linked mine and yours in mine. Chest is better for that lot off it.

Meg said...

Hahahahah Too funny! Sadly it's not MW2 in this house, it's Diablo.

I hate agents. They're stupid. Generalizing of course, but in my limited experience, they could all do with a sledgehammer to the head.

Jen said...

My poor boys are school bus here. They hop the fence and are at school. Frankly I don't think they're missing much. ;)
And video games? I don't get it. Other things I can do. LOL

Tracie Nall said...

Modern Warfare 2....don't even get me started! The virus invades my house and never leaves....maybe one day I will see my husband without a game controller in his hand, but I'm not counting on it!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, you sound so happy in your new house! Yay! Go give that bus driver a nice big kiss!

Lyon said...

Hi there! I found you through Alix and I was inspired to create my own Dear So and So this week. This is an awesome practice and both you and she do this brilliantly. Thanks for the inspiration!

Chris Mancini said...

ONLY 36 hours?! There are no coffee breaks in Modern Warfare.

Gill - That British Woman said...

that was so funny.............

Gill in Canada

Mike said...

I could just never get into games like that! Maybe it is because I have no coordination when it comes to the controls.

♥ Braja said...

That comment was totally not passive aggressive :) But since the English are far more direct than Americans, I wouldn't worry about it....he will live. Like an arsehole, but he'll live :)

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

haha, you know what's funny? I had to ask my friend's husband yesterday what Modern Warfare 2 was because I had heard so much about it and had no idea what it was. I think I spend too much time online looking at pictures of the Jonas Brothers and Robert