Friday, May 28, 2010
Dear So and So...Stomach Bugs Can Kiss It
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Don't Worry The Town Is Still Standing
Friday, May 21, 2010
Dear So and So...Throw Me a Frickin' Bone Here
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Fear- Fairy tale style
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tea Time
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Bits, Bobs, and Build a Bear

Friday, May 14, 2010
Dear So and So...Missy's Turn
Wheeeeeeee! Look at me doing the guest Dear So and So post today! I am thrilled and honored that the great Kat at 3 bedroom bungalow is allowing me to be the Wo-Man today!
My name is Missy and I live over at Loving My Children's Gifts. I have 2 daughters, 8 and 2, who are my little sunshines – most of the time. My Husband and I just celebrated out 12th anniversary and I love him like mad. But I barely talk about him - it's much more fun to talk about kids. I've loved Kat's wit for months now. I hope I can entertain you today 1/2 as much as Kat's been entertaining me.
So here goes:
Dear Kat's 1027 readers:
Let me woo you. Become a follower! I won't stalk you, but I will follow you back! Well, I might stalk you. I've been stalking Kat for a little while, right?
Kisses, hugs and follows back to anyone who follows me. Plus undying gratitude and love, of course.
Dear “Friends” without Phone Etiquette:
One thing that the internet, email and blogging has brought me is peace and quiet. If your email comes in at a bad time, I can answer it at midnight with no bad manners. If I email you at a bad time, no matter, you just ignore that mo-fo until it's convenient for you to answer me. If I get loads of comments on a post, but am barely keeping my head above water, I don't have to reply to your comments right away. I can do it when I have more time. That's blissful. I'm also much more witty when I have time to think about it for a little while.
One thing having young children has taught me – if there’s an emergency to be had, you can bet it’s going to happen the moment I take a phone call. And I don't have hours to spend on the phone with people with no phone etiquette. So let's have a review:
When you call me, ask if it's a good time to talk. If a child is screaming in the background, it is not a good time to talk.
Launching into a serious 20+ minute phone call without preamble does not get me at my best. If a child is screaming in the background, magnify this by 1000.
If something requires thought, don't ask for an answer right that minute. Give me a day or so to ruminate.
If I tell you I need to get off in 15 minutes, then I tell you at the 15 minute mark I need to get off, please respect that. I'm not saying it because I'm a control freak (though I kind of am).
If I tell you Youngest has woken up from her nap and is crying to come out, that's a clear sign it's time to get off the phone.
If we're not finished, set up a time for another call. Or go start seeing a therapist. I hear they’re much better at sticking to those time boundaries.
Continuing to talk during these tips makes me not want to talk to you.
Does anyone else feel like they need to use their mothering skills on adults?
Dear May:
It's pretty sad that having my kids at home for the entire simmer (in THREE WEEKS for the LOVE OF GOD) seems less hectic than this month.
A brilliant friend of mine once said maybe all of the end of year celebrations could be spread over the winter. You know, when we NEED the diversion, not in May when we want to be outdoors enjoying life
Dear Children's Services:
Could you tell me at what point "summer chores" becomes "child labor?"
Summer will be so much more fun if we all take responsibility round here
Dear Hips and Butt:
I don't understand why you keep getting bigger? When I take the children to the donut bakery, I only have one. When I take the children to McDonald's, I only get a hot fudge sundae to their McFlurry. Just because PF Chang's national website says their fried rice is 1200 calories doesn't mean the one I order has that much, right? I'm sure they reduce the calories for me. A whole bag of chips and guacamole from Chipotle can't be bad for me if I only have it twice a week. I just don't get it.
Do these pants make my butt look big?
Dear Kat:
Thanks, sister! I hope you are having the best reunion ever with your wonderful husband. I am so happy for you.
Your adoring fan, Missy
Dear Readers,
Don't forget to link up! Love you all and hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Love from that Woman Who Blogs Here,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Can't Someone Else Decide?
This is Susie from New Day New Lesson. Like Kat I also have a husband who is gone a lot, but I am lucky that mine goes on shorter trips. For the most part he travels every other week but he is home for the weekend.
I'm originally from New York but now live in Israel. I am the mother of 5 kids ages almost 4 to almost 20. The oldest is in the army. We have mandatory draft here.
I started blogging about 3 months ago and I blog about a new lesson we learn from life every day. I also host the Kindness Club with a new kindness prompt every week. Would be so happy for you guys to take part.
Enjoy your break Kat. Hope your readers enjoy my musings.
I have finally realized what it is that drives me the craziest about being a mother and a wife. (And don't get me wrong, I love both those jobs.)
What I have realized is that what I don't like are the constant decisions that I need to make. Any which way I turn there is a decision needing to be made. From my shopping list, to meal menus, to what needs cleaning, what needs washing and what needs doing first. And that's just a small part of the decisions.
My kids and husband are amazing and they help out a lot, and if not for them my house at this point would have been condemned. But for the most part I need to tell them what to do. I need to be the one to delegate.
I have decided that I do not like that part of the job description.
I have also noticed that the more resistance I have had to decision making the lower my house cleaning and organizational standards have slipped. My messy house and I are still gliding by on the once OCD reputation I built myself (years and years ago) for being a crazy neat freak.
Luckily for me, because I was once so OCD and nuts, no one believes that I am now a pig. My poor hubby keeps trying to tell everyone he is the neat one now but to no avail. No one believes him. (Probably because every once in a blue moon my OCD sneaks up and goes into a whirlwind, conveniently right before people visit.)
I keep thinking how nice it would be just to be given a list of chores and things that need doing and not to have to think and organize, just do.
Is it just me who has this issue or does anyone else want a wife too?
© Matt Wilson | Flickr Creative Commons
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Reunions...I Generally Muck Them Up
Monday, May 10, 2010
A Sweet Deal
I'm very excited to stand in for Kat today while she enjoys her husband, who's finally home after many months in Afghanistan. I hope I do not disappoint.
I have lots of complaints about my husband. That he walks past giant baskets full of clean clothes five times, but never takes the initiative to bring them upstairs, where all of our dressers live. That I have to ask him a minimum of three times to do something if I expect said task to be completed. That every time he does a load of laundry something of mine gets ruined. That he borrows my keys and never puts them back on the key hooks by the door. That he never puts our dishes (or anything else) away in the same place twice. That he will listen to the kids whine for a decade before he decides to DO something about it. That it takes him three times as long as it takes me to pick up the living room. He dresses our children like hobos. That he will eat a container of leftovers five minutes before dinner and then be too full to eat what I've spent an hour preparing. That his temper is too short with the kids. That he expects me to read his mind.
Like I said, I have lots of complaints.
My husband works out of the home full time. He travels for work, maybe one week out of every five, sometimes more. He'll be gone Sunday afternoon until Friday evening. In March he traveled three out of four weeks. In April, two out of four.
Holy shit was that hard. Because even though he walks past the laundry five times, that sixth time? He brings it up the stairs. And even if I can't find the ice cream scooper, at least HE put it away (somewhere.) And the leftovers pile up; I have to clean the living room by myself every night; there's no one to ask (three times) for help; the only one to deal with whining kids is me; I have to dress both boys every day; I do every stitch of laundry; MY temper is too short with the kids; I have no one to talk to; and I STILL can't find my keys.
Here's the truth.
He works hard all day long and when he comes home, he continues working hard. He plays with our boys and helps feed them dinner and gives them baths and helps put them to bed and takes out the garbage and recycling and, sometimes, he hauls the laundry up from the basement even when I forget to ask. He throws in the occasional load of laundry and, when I ask, he'll even put away the dishes.
I miss him terribly when he's gone, but it always reminds me that what he does do around here far outweighs what he does not do, or what he does differently.
And, having him gone only ten weeks out of the year as opposed to several months at a time? Yeah, I have a pretty sweet deal.
Enjoy these two weeks with the Man, Kat. I know how much you've missed him and how deliriously happy you are to have him back home where he belongs.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Dear So and So...Anka Edition
Dearest self,
Remember last year's goal: a day without technology a week? Tough one, huh? At least one day a month, and you weren't able to pull it off. You should've try better, I tell you.
Read below to see why.
Dear Japanese grammar,
There was a time when we knew each other quite well. I am sorry we lost touch. But now, since my laptop is out of the way, we can spend beautiful afternoons together. And we can bring some new friends, too. Like Spanish, German. Maybe Finnish?
Dear friends,
Do come by and visit. When I am not hiding behind a 10" computer screen, I am really a nice person. Witty and talkative. I can catch your jokes and even get involved in some kind of conversation.
Don't you just love the new me?
Full list of hobbies,
Be patient. Out of 7 afternoons a week, you'll all get your right turn. Dusting the old guitar and taking out all my cameras for the week. And always having the hook and yarn with me, as addictive as anything else...
Very anxious to make your acquaintance again.
Dearest laptop,
Isn't it odd to have me writing these lines just in front of you? Don't be mad... I am coming back every morning for a couple of hours. We do need to set our relationship straight, we should definitely see other people.
Take good care of you.
Dearest readers,
Please, don't go on laptop detox just today. Kat is having a short vacation and I am hosting Dear so and so for the week. I wouldn't want her to think I am spoiling her fun meme. Go ahead and join, by linking to your post in the linky gadget below.
Have a great weekend everybody. And do go for a walk, without the laptop...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How to Win Four Weddings
Monday, May 3, 2010
Fashion Faux Pas
1. The Mom Uniform. Oh, don't pretend you don't know what I am talking about. Ill fitting shirt (usually a t-shirt or sweatshirt), jeans, and old trainers. Sometimes you did your hair that morning, meh, sometimes you didn't. Ring a bell?
2. Tight-rolled jeans. I may have been a kid in the 80s but you know all 8 year old little girls worshiped Debbie Gibson in the 80s and dammit if she tight-rolled her jeans, so was I! Never mind that it made the bottom of your jeans look ridiculous, but it was also ridiculously hard to get right the first time, especially for an 8 year old.
3. Mall Bangs (Fringe) (yes my British friends in the States we call your fringe your bangs) (feel free to snigger). This "look" if you want to call it that required massive amounts of hair spray (we did no favors for the environment back then) and a curling iron, a large barreled one worked the best to achieve the right amount of poof at the top. Then you had to curl some of the bangs down towards your forehead. Basically it looked like someone stuck a dinner roll on your forehead, and that is if you got it right! If you got it wrong, you walked around with a curling iron burn on your forehead. I am still afraid of curling irons.
4. Backwards clothes. I firmly blame the rap group Kris Kross. (the Mac Daddy, make ya jump jump, Daddy Mac, make ya jump jump!)
So, since this is a meme I need to pass this bad boy on. I am going to pass it to SueAnn, Vegemitevix, Jess, and since we all need to know about bad boy faux pas Captain Dumbass .