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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dear So and So...If I Have Told Ya Once, I Have Told You A Thousand Times

Dear Landlords, Letting Agents and Electrician,

Firs of all Letting Agents I don't expect perfection. Hell, I don't even expect a good job. I kind of just expect a half assed job. Your level of performance doesn't even get to half assed. So heres, the deal, my husband almost got electrocuted when he was changing a hallway lightbulb. This piece where the light bulb screws in, yeah it kind of fell off and sparked at him. And since we aren't dealing with the big dog 220 current instead of the 110 current that we have in the US, it kinda freaked us out. So of course when we called we were a little unclear about what we needed done. However, when we say "We need an electrician out here, " the proper response is "OK," not "We'll get in touch with your landlord, or "Well, are your lights still working?" Cause yes, most of our lights are working, we are just a little worried that we are gonna get 220 volts through us.

Which brings us to you lovely landlord, when the letting agents does call, pick up the phone. You seem to be the hardest landlord in the history of landlords to get ahold of. I know you live in the US, time difference, yadda yadda. No excuse. It is only a five hour time difference and I am sure the Letting Agents are aware of it. While you are getting on the whole picking up the phone thing could you answer a few more questions? Can we paint the house? We have only asked this about 50 times with no answer to the question. Do you want us to keep dropping off your mail to the Letting Agent? We are still getting a TON of mail for you.

Electrician, yeah when you say, "I will be there tomorrow afternoon," up! We waited and waited and waited and waited and waited. No show. Thanks for that. A call or something would have been nice. I mean we only had to jump though hoops for a week to get you on the phone due to the Letting Agents and Landlord. So we were a little excited that you would be coming to check out the house and fix it so we weren't living with exposed live wires in our ceiling. I guess we all have to learn to live with disappointment, eh?

Still have exposed wires in my ceiling, Kat

Dear Readers,

Grab the button in my sidebar and play along by leaving your link with Mr Linky. Believe me once you get your letters written you feel so much better!

Peace Out, Kat


Vodka Logic said...

The same the world over, how frustrating. And they do speak a different English in the UK.


Ron said...

I wish we lived closer. I'd send over my dad--he's a master electrician.

Reminds me of trying to get the cable hooked up in Chicago. I take off work early. They say between 12 & 4. At 4:30 I call them "He's running late." At 8:00pm I call. "We do installations that late." At midnight I figured they weren't coming.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, your landlord lives in the US? That's bad enough but then you have to deal with a middle man. We just finished fixing our dishwasher, all the while whining about how difficult it is to keep up on a house. Thanks for reminding me what it's like to deal with a landlord.

Unknown said...

Yeah, hold the mail hostage!

Jenni said...

i'll be back to read later!!

Michele said...

I must have had landlord fairy dust sprinkled on me because I've had the best landlords to date. Doesn't mean the next one won't suck. Hope you get that wiring fixed soon.

Mango Girl said...

Paint the apartment. Write "No Longer At This Address" on all his mail and place it in a post box.

Don't have a good answer for ya on the electrician for standing you up. Rude bastage!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Wow, a little electrified over there, huh?

Jenni said...

i'm so annoyed right now. hey, i'm state-side. send me you landlord's number and i'll call him for you!

Captain Dumbass said...

My sister's MIL had the same problem but in her kitchen. Electrician had left some wires exposed on the centre island and it turned out they were live. Always good when you bring the kids over.

Pseudo said...

Well, it looks like I am not the only one having a frustrating week. Great letter.

Cape Cod Gal said...

I once waited for a plumber for 3 weeks! When he finally arrived, I sat and watched him the whole time. I think I made him work faster.

Big Mama Cass said...

Sounds like they are all from Texarkana. LOL That is the way everyone is down here. Its irritating!!!

Anonymous said...

He knew you were American and thought ' Sod that I am not going all the way there if I'm not even get a cuppa Tea '.
Don't be so honest 'Lie'. I am an electrican and my customers lie to me all the time, just to get me there.
Or tell the agents you will get your own electrician to fix it and will pass on the bill as it is dangerous, you have got kids etc.
You do have rights as a Tennant.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! If I smell a burning smell in the east, I'll be worrying for you!

Pollyanna said...

Dang! I forgot about Dear So & So. I just whipped one up.

Paint the house. The landlord's in the US, how is he going to find out?

Badass Geek said...

Frustrating, isn't it? Especially those no-shows.

Renata said...

So true.

I say you massive-static shock 'em all.

(alright, my first idea was to electrocute them, but I figured that would get you sued...)

Amanda said...

Ah... I see it is no different across the pond! We had a similar experience last year with with the guy who was supposed to fix our heater. A lot of cold nights waiting for him to get his act together!

Keely said...

I had the best landlord in the world before we bought this house. He used to THANK me when we called to get something fixed, because his other tenants would just let it get really bad and then it would cost him. THANK me!

I could see if he wants to travel?

American in Britain said...

First of all, your landlord's in the US?!

Second of all, my-oh-my, aren't we living twin lives? Our lights are fine, though. Our floors have caved in in several areas, our bathroom hasn't been updated, and we're still paying for our landlord's electricity. We have the same complaints about the agents and the landlord. Now that the lease is almost up, they wanna know if we want to tear up the old and rewrite the lease so that we can adjust for the electricity. Are you kidding? Do you think we'll be renewing? We just want the bills resolved.

Brad the Builder said...

Thats shocking!

Kat said...

Oh, I love this!!!

Please let me know when you are doing it again...I want to play along. I already have my letter written.

I am,


Ms. Salti said...

What a pain in the ass!