I got this photo in an email. Now, I get a lot of photos of soldiers and this one made me tear up.
1. Look at the expression on the woman's face. Pure relief and pain.
2. Look at the age of her child. Can't be much more than two years old.
3. The average deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan is a year long.
4. Do the math; this little girls mom has probably been away for half her life.
oh my god, it really brought tears to my eyes... how hard this must be...
you are making me cry...I can't even imagine.
Wow, that made me tear up.
Can't begin to imagine.
What makes them leave their kids like that?
I need that. . . thanks!
Jeez, that's brought a tear to my eye. It's stomach churning to think of leaving my children for that long
I think we all get photos like that in emails....but do we really LOOK at them? Thanks for the reminder Kat, we owe a great deal to the men and women, mothers and fathers, serving their country.
Please, I do NOT want to be in tears this early in the morning!
In which Savannah bar do you have your name on its wall?
I got goosebumps looking at that picture. I can not imagine what it must be like to have to leave your kids.
I need coffee now.
Thanks for reminding me of the sacrifices these men and women make for their children.
I'm speechless I'm so teary.
For once, I have no words.
Heartbreaking, but honorable nonetheless.
I can't imagine.
God Bless her for making such a sacrifice for all of us.
Heart wrenching....
Very powerful picture! I have so much respect for our soldiers...there is no greater sacrifice!
I just can't even imagine.
oh god that made me cry :(
I instantly teared up at that...
Words can't express how grateful I am for people who serve in the military.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Sometimes we need to be reminded that men and women are leaving their babies everyday to make this world a better place.
Oh, this breaks my heart.
Time that can never be retrieved...
My cousins and 2nd cousins are mostly in the forces and it is photos like this that makes me even more proud of them.
this photo breaks my heart and makes me proud all at the same time. I couldn't imagine leaving Little A, but know Hubs does it ever couple of months.
I can't even imagine. This is another reason to be grateful to those who choose to defend our country, isn't it? I hope this photo was snapped during a tearful reunion that lasts.
oh, god, that is heart breaking.
And now I have to go and dry my eyes and wipe my nose.
My son re-enlisted the day after 9/11 - and is still serving. There is no one on this planet that I respect more than our men and women in uniform.
God Bless and keep posting about them!
ps: To Chairman Bill:
"What makes them leave their kids like that?"...
It's called DUTY.
That is too sweet. Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope this war is over soon!
Richard Curtis (Love Actually) tried to focus on the positivity at airport arrivals, you'll find some very powerful images there.
That's such a powerful picture.
OK, you got me too. God bless her and all the soldiers.
That picture is beautiful.
I got goose bumps. I can't even imagine. What a woman!
omg. All I can think is - she must be so relieved her daughter chose to accept her hug and didn't scream in terror! I could never do that. Deep respect for her.
Ok, sorry, but hey: CHOICE. She wanted to go, so she considered leaving more important than child. Come on....
Glad you spoke to Amy :)
Very moving. Thank you.
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