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Friday, February 20, 2009

Gone to London to See the Queen!

No not that Queen. My mom. Oh and my dad is tagging along as well. I am leaving at 9:00 AM to head down there. So that is why you will have no comments from me today, rest assured if I was here I would leave witty and insightful quotes on every single one of your blogs. I also have some awesome guest posters lined up for next week. Please come to the Bungalow every day next week and show them some love. My parents will be here for almost 2 weeks but I am hoping that they will cool their heels enough that I can have time to post some of the pics and stories from the first week that they are here for the second week they are here. Does that make sense?

Right now, at 7:45 PM Thursday night I have just finished mopping my laundry room floor, mopping the kitchen floor, cleaning said laundry room and kitchen, cleaning 3 bathrooms (can we say ewww for scrubbing toilets), and more laundry (there is always laundry I swear). I still have more to finish. KiKi and LaLa's rooms need to be picked up again, the living room needs a once over and the house needs to be vacuumed. While I was talking to Captain Dumbass I had this realization that I have 3 standards of clean at my house. I have regular clean, which is picked up and clean on the surface. Then there is Company Clean. Cleaner than regular clean but not labor intensive. Then there is Mom/Inlaws clean. This is a whole nother level of clean. Intensive work and many hours are put into Mom/Inlaw clean. I think the reason is because I don't want my mom thinking she raised a heathen and then secondly because I don't want my inlaws to think their son lives in a sty. Just how my brain works.

Well I need to get back to work but I wanted to leave you with a funny real quick. After I finished mopping the kitchen I told the kids to stay out of there while the floor dried, then I left to take a bag of garbage out to the bin. When I came back in there LaLa told me "Hey the floor is all slippery in there! We busted our butts!"


Chairman Bill said...

Perhaps you shouldn't worry about the 'mom and in-law clean'. Don't be held hostage to the needs of others. Be yourself.

♥ Braja said...

Uh...did they, like, wipe the floor with their butts?

Badass Geek said...

Hope you have a good time!

Irish Gumbo said...

Ta, luv! Do enjoy London, tell your Queen Mum that I said hello.

You should hire professional to do that In-Laws clean, that's some hard work. :)

At least the kids were helping, right?

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said... do say hello to the Queen Mother for us. Prince says to ask her if she'll have us over for a spot of tea nextime we travel to good ole London Town....
Have a great visit. I think???

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Anonymous said...

I have the same cleaning standards but also the 'make sure everything is spotless incase burgulars come in while we are away on holiday' clean.

bet the kids had a ball busting their butts.

Have a good time in Smoke.

Anonymous said...

How exciting for your parents! Have a great time and I can't wait to see the photos and hear the stories. I hope they packed their parkas.

Michelle said...

Have fun Kat!!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya'. Lately my level of clean is "Who Really Cares It's Not Like Anyone Is Going To Notice Anyway So I Might As Well Give Up Until I Can't Take It Anymore".
Guess what I'm doing today? Yeah. Cleaning. It's time.
Have a great time!

Mama Dawg said...

Gotta love kids.

I have one level of clean.

And I don't care who it offends!

Sprite's Keeper said...

My level of cleaning is the exact same way. My parents are coming in tomorrow. Guess what I'm doing tonight?

for a different kind of girl said...

I'm trying to work up the energy to get moving around my house and clean and do laundry today. I have people coming on Sunday, and I fear if I start now, it will be for naught by the time Sunday shows up!

Enjoy the time with your parents. How fantastic they get to come over for a bit!

Captain Dumbass said...

I'll try to keep the place clean when I stop by next week. I might forget a beer bottle or two, but the beer is really good there and there is so many to try...

Am I allowed in the Man Cave?

Amy W said...

That is hilarious! Busted!!!! (Don't you love it when a pun is set up so easily??)

Anonymous said...

I used to have the same cleaning I please myself.

Have fun and try not to wear yourself out catching all the London sights.

Jen said...

I hope that you have a great trip!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

How adorable. Have a grand time!


Anonymous said...

Hope the visit goes well!!!
Love that last line from the girls.

Reinvent Dad said...

I wonder why I've always busted my ass to clean for my parents and (2 sets) of in-laws? Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

Jessica said...

I totally get the levels of clean theory. Thankfully, we don't have company often. There's no telling what's under my fridge:)

Lola said...

Hope you guys are having a great visit!

I'm a general picker-upper daily and a vacuum like crazy if guests are coming type of person.

Wouldn't want the guests to think we live with that amount of pet hair hanging around ;)

rachael chatoor said...

LMAO, I can just picture it the slidefest and the mess....

I am imagining your witty and insightful post, thank you ! xox

I can't imagine being able to say the words, "while I was talking to Captain Dumbass" and actually being correct in that LOL,

Mom-inlaw clean is 'take the house apart' clean! I remember the days!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great time. That is a great place to visit.