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Friday, August 7, 2009

Dear So and So...I Told Ya So

Dear KiKi,

Dude, that was not a "I just fart". Not. At. All.

Love the Chief Butt Wiper, Mom

Dear Vanish Carpet Cleaner,

Waste of money. Whole bottle, no "extra" dirt out of the carpets. You stink.

Dissatisfied Customer, Kat

Dear 409 Carpet Cleaner,

You may take a little extra elbow grease, but ya work. Thanks.

Happy Customer, Kat

Dear Finance Dept.,

Screw you and your bureaucracy. It's been 2 months since Sweden already. That is all.

Where's my Money, Kat

Dear Readers,

Grab the button from the sidebar, tell off those who annoy you, praise those who need praise and then link up with Mr. Linky.

Love Ya Mean It, Kat


Dorset Dispatches said...

I've been waiting for you to post today so I could come and link. I LOVE dear so and so. Feel so much better. Had to force myself to stop as I'd still be writing the post tonight and that might be a bit much for people to read.

PS. when do they learn about farting vs actual poos then? Had to deal with one yesterday... was not best pleased.

Anonymous said...

That 409 is some good stuff.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Oh, I have some Dear So and So's coming! I'll have to be back later.

Mary T said...

I totally love your dear so and so feature, it has me laughing every week!

Michele said...

I love me some 409 but I wished it smelled like Mr. Clean citrus.

Anonymous said...

Oh I have to wonder if "I just fart" and the carpet cleaner are related...

Cammie said...

Happy Friday!!

Kat said...

This is too funny. I saw your name on Erica's blog and had to stop by and see who you were because I am also,


Sprite's Keeper said...

Ooh! Nothing can stop my 409! Love that stuff! And having used it a good five times this week, still love it!

♥ Braja said...

Dear Australia,
Thank you for winter.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! The fart comment made me laugh so hard my belly hurts! hahaha Good stuff :)

thepsychobabble said...

I love this idea! lol

Badass Geek said...

I just print up my own money when I run short.

Jenny Grace said...

Ah yes, as chief buttwiper in these here parts....well....I can't WAIT until that's not my job anymore, is all I'm saying.

Unknown said...

I love this! do you do this every Fri?

Captain Dumbass said...

I had the butt conversation with Liam yesterday. Ick.

christy rose said...

Hi I stopped by from Erica's today. Her post was so funny. I loved the idea of dear so and so post too. I may just try it some time.
Christy Rose

ChurchPunkMom said...

'I just fart..'


Reinvent Dad said...

Sounds like the "fart" was more like a "shart" hee hee

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Dear Kat,
Thanks for agreeing to help me with my project.


Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I absolutely love doing the Dear So and So posts!

I'm going to try that 409 cleaner...It's hard to find a good rug cleaner!

Your first letter was hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

I like Bak-Out for carpet cleaning. That said, our carpets are so past help that I'm counting the days til I can rip 'em out and put down laminate.

Pollyanna said...

Two posts in a row that reference farts - AWESOME! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I just found the blog, and think I need a little bit of my own dear so and so.

Christina - A day of Relief said...

I love your blog! Very clever!

LMAO at the Chief butt wiper Dear So and So. I so know what that's like!

for a different kind of girl said...

I, too, am hopeful that the 'not a fart' and the carpet cleaning weren't hand-in-hand!

Lola said...

Hopefully, it was the dog who soiled the carpet ;)

The Stiletto Mom said...

Love that first's always funny when they realize it wasn't just a fart. Funny for them, not funny for us. Glad that part of my life is behind me!

Sandra said...

I loved the first one too. Found this via mom in highheels and I am glad I did. It's aweseome! :)