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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Things Learned on The Man's Vacation

- Sparta never died...I am Sparta!!
......wait a sec..Spartans didn't have beer guts! (farmer's tan brought to you by the USAF)

- Who said you cant play Metallica with a garden shovel?

- Big fire always what if my fire teepee is bigger than my fire pit?

- Play in the back yard ONLY!

- Fire safety. Always have a garden hose on hand!

*This post wrote by The Man and edited by Kat. The Man's parents are in town so Kat won't be around much.

** He was watching Spartan Vs. Ninja on a show called "Deadliest Warrior" earlier in the day.

*** My apologies to the ACTUAL Spartans and the film 300.


KMcJoseph said...

It looks like you are attacking a miniature house.

Anonymous said...

That must be one sassy garden rake.

Mom in High Heels said...

LOL! That is awesome.

Sandy said...

Sounds like there's a new blogger in town.

Mango Girl said...

I hope you have a nice week.

Looking forward to your return...

Mama Dawg said...

Dude, I saw his nipples. Isn't that against blog law or something?

Mitzy said...

All you need is a red cape and a spartan helmet and you will be good to go!

Jess said...

The man has got some serious air guitar skills that MUST be challenged one day! I CHALLENGE you, The Man. BRING IT! I am afraid not of your ninja/spartan powers (and I totally watched that deadliest warrior episode too!)

Joanie said...

Enjoy your visitors! Love the farmer's tan!

Badass Geek said...

"... for tonight, we dine in HELL."

Awesome. Now I'll need to watch "300" tonight.

Kingsmom said...

Looks like your week is off to an interesting start! Enjoy your guests.

Cape Cod Gal said...

Oh my! So that's how vacation is done in England.

Sprite's Keeper said...

This is exactly why I don't allow John to take on any yardwork after watching any kind of suspense or destruction show/movie.

Captain Dumbass said...

Spartan's RAWK! And those sissy-assed ninjas would be totally pasty white.

Ms. Salti said...

Love the farmer's tan. Very sexy.

Anonymous said...


Mike said...

"They look thirsty lads, I say we give em a drink". I love 300 :o). Miss you guys. Hopefully we'll get to chat with ya soon.