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Wednesday, September 2, 2009


"What do you want for dinner?"

"I dunno, Kat. What do you got in there? As long as there is meat and some sort of starch I am happy..."

Waltz back into kitchen and scan the, no, no, no...ugh. Wash the dishes, that will clear my head and get the creative thinking going. You need creative thinking when you are at a loss for what to make for dinner. I have cube steaks...grumble...oh and an onion...I know...

Big pan. Oh and butter, lots of butter...slice the onion. Get that butter nice and melted, toss in the onion...oh yeah. This is starting to smell good. Soft golden onion goodness. Onions out of the pan. Cube steaks, lots of Lawry's seasoned salt. Oh this is gonna be good. More butter in the go the steaks. Nice and brown on one side, flip. Brown the otherside...check to make sure the inside is done. Serve it up with a box of Pasta Roni and a can of green beans...we're in business.

It might not be five star food, but damn it is good*.

*It is also sooooooooo not low fat. Also may induce heartburn.


Vodka Logic said...

You are good, I would still be doing the dishes.

Luckily my husband is the cook.

American in Britain said...

Gosh, it sounds like my house. Only, sometimes it has to be 2,3, or even 4 different dinners because not everyone will eat the same things.

Meg said...

Sounds yummy to me and something like I would throw together in this house.

forever lost said...

throwing things together that are edible is a gift! treasure that!:oD my family are all glad when I follow a recipe and even happier that they can all fend for themselves now! YOU my dear are
"good lady of the house"

Ron said...

Do you have a recipe that would work for cloves and vanilla extract? I really need to get some groceries.

Anonymous said...

Yum! Sounds like the evening event at our house!

satakieli said...

It sounds lame, but I totally make a weekly meal plan every Sunday so that I don't run into this problem. This scenario ran pretty much every afternoon in our house for a long time.

I still get caught out occasionally, I was planning steak tonight but the husband just had 4 teeth fixed this morning... Now I have no idea.

Suzanne said...

Okay, I've never made cube steaks. It sounds so good though. I might need to add this to my dinner list:-)

Anonymous said...

Just to let you kow I ave heard that anything these days with butter is good and Pasta Roni is like a fata nd calroie freebie.

Really, I did hear that (maybe it was just in my own mind though)

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

I have not had a cube steak since circa 1970. . . Oh how I would love one again! With cottage cheese and tomato. . .

Images of my childhood, but if I tried to serve that to my husband for dinner, I'd be moving back in with my parents. . .

Sprite's Keeper said...

If recipes could read like this, there would be a lot less eating out!

Aunt Juicebox said...

LOL Cube steak always reminds me of the time my husband's work was having a picnic and he swore one of his co-workers was bringing "tube steak". He was freaked out. What the hell kind of meat gets the same nickname as penis?? It turned out to be Cube steak. rofl

Badass Geek said...

So... when can I come over? I'll bring some beer.

Expat No. 3699 said...

That sounds really yummy; but if that were me I would have ordered a pizza!

Michele said...

There is nothing that tastes better than a tossed together meal.

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

wash it down with a glass of wine and you're in business.

Captain Dumbass said...

I would starve to death if left on my own.

Jen said...

that is just how I cook. It works right.

Big Mama Cass said...

lol, sure sounds yummy tho! healthy and all! haha

for a different kind of girl said...

Sounds a heck of a lot better than the also not lowfat, heartburn inducing frozen pizza presently cooking in my kitchen!

Sandy said...

Isn't it a great feeling when something so simple turns out to be so satisfying!

KMcJoseph said...


Meat and Starch!

Kimberly Wright said...

Sounds good to me!

Organic Meatbag said... I'm hungry at 7:46 am...thanks a lot! Hehehe...