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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

RTT-A Look at The New House

What? Like you don't keep Band-Aids next to your cooking utensils...

Oh yeah and it is Tuesday, so go click on the fancy dancy shiny purple button to get to Keely's place for a little random!


Ok, so I have gotten a few requests for a look at the new digs. The only problems with this is the fact that my house looks like someone took a soda can of my old house and shook it up then opened it up on the inside of my new house...yeah it is a bit of a mess. But THEN I figure...these people know I just moved so, maybe they will not be so judgmental. I guess we'll see eh?

This is the front of my house. Now, notice the bags of trash on the outside...yeah we have to take those to the dump, they are from the old house, since we had to remove ALL trash from the premises.

Looking out from my front yard across the road. I can't make much commentary other than *sigh*, it is so relaxing out here. Oh, and it was colder than a witches tit in a brass bra outside when I was taking these pictures so you better appreciate them!

The kitchen...yes, that is a vacuum in my kitchen. Yes, I have carpet in the kitchen. OK that is the ONE thing that sucks about this house. That and you see that dish drainer next to the sink. That is because I am the dishwasher. That stinks too.

The living room. It is so big that The Man insists we need a big screen TV and a stripper pole for it. Men and their silly dreams...there is no way we're getting a big screen TV....or a stripper pole...

Bathroom...big. Shower stall is across from the toilet.

And the backyard...*sigh*

So that is the house...minus the bedrooms and utility room. You guys really didn't need to see those right? Good, cause my bedroom looks like my closet threw up on it right now. Enough fun for right now, I need to see a man about a shelf for the rest of my pantry items because I don't have enough cabinets in the kitchen.


Meg said...

Looks great! I hate carpet in the kitchen personally. Will you be pulling that out or just dealing with it?

Hope you get settled soon!

Michelloui said...

So much space!!! And views across countryside, fantastic! Hope youre settling in nicely. Shame about the dishwasher, but then again, you have to rinse all the plates anyway before putting them in a dishwasher so pretend its not that much work to actually wash them as well. And carpet in the kitchen means warm feet in the mornings!!

satakieli said...

It looks nice, loving the size of the kitchen and the bathroom!

It's just Brits that put carpet in the kitchen isn't it? We're a weird bunch.

Chelsie said...

Wow the place looks so nice! I love the backyard, and the view! That view is to die for. I can only imagine that carpet in the kitchen is probably full of salmonella and other yuckies. Imagine how many time's you've dropped an egg or whatever.

Amy W said...

The garden is awesome!! You are going to love being in the country. :) And I can't believe how much space you have in that living room. It is practically American in it's proportion! ;)

Hope the clean-up goes well and you are settled and ready to take on the world again soon.

Ian Newbold said...

Good job it is still a 3 bedroom bungalow right?

Sueann said...

Nice big rooms and your views are wonderful. Hey! I wanted to see the bedrooms too! LOL!! Just had to say that ya know.

mo.stoneskin said...

Carpet in the kitchen? Absolute madness. You could end up spending all your time cleaning milk off it! Maybe you need to stain your kid's food and drink the same colour as the carpet.

Mom in High Heels said...

Yay for pics of the new Bungalow! Carpet in the kitchen? Those crazy Brits.

Jan said...

Hmmmm - just moved. Must use that as an excuse for the condition of my house. "Sorry about the mess - we just moved (five years ago)!"

Carpet in the kitchen and no dishwasher? Yeah, every silver lining has got that darn dark cloud hanging around...

Design It Chic said...

i love the new house.. also love the big windows..(i have a thing with big windows:) I so totally get you with hating carpet and no dishwasher .. same story here:( bummer
Congrats again for the new house and wish you good luck with rearranging everything now:)
Happy Random!

Stacy Uncorked said...

The rooms are so spacious! Love it! The view and the backyard absolutely make up for the carpet and no dishwasher in the kitchen. Will you be swapping out the carpet in the kitchen? :)

Happy RTT!

just me said...

Fantabulous !! loads of space too.

and done pull yourself down you have done a great job getting soooo much done so quickly have you given up sleeping or something?? xx

Peggy said...

Congratulations Kat! Beautiful scenery and beautiful home! :)

Badass Geek said...

Looks nice!

unmitigated me said...

Two words for your kitchen: area rug.

Instead of a 5 X 8 for under the table, get two smaller, washable ones that can go side by side. Protects the carpet, saves your sanity.

If I Could Escape . . . said...

It looks fab!! My hubby would be the same about the television . . . stripper pole too, I'm sure! LOL

Anyway, you'll soon be all settled in.

Happy RTT!

PS Do they Mrs Dash and Pam over there now?

Mama Dawg said...

That is a totally cool house AND view!

Don't ya just love it when you can't see another house when you look out of a window? I love that about where I live!

Anonymous said...

The carpet in the kitchen is nasty (but that seems popular in England, no idea why?) The view more than makes up for it. I'd stand at the window all day looking at that.

TEFL Ninja said...

At least you know where your plasters (bandaids) are.

In my book that earns you the Organised Mum of the Week award.

Mine are in the kitchen...somewhere. Luckily people tend to stop bleeding before I find them so it does save on the expense of buying new ones.

WeaselMomma said...

Congrats on the new house. I hope you have endless happy memories there.

Michele said...

I would kill for you front view. So lovely.

The Stiletto Mom said...

I'm seriously impressed. Whenever we move, we live out of boxes for six months or so. I can't take pictures because I usually don't know where the camera is! Congrats on the new digs!

Omix4 said...

Really like your house, especially the large windows in the kitchen. Carpet, not so much. Wonderful landscape and a great place for a family.

I am Harriet said...

Your house looks great!

Have a great RTT

Aunt Juicebox said...

I love it! So spacious. But carpet in the kitchen....yeah, who does that? But it looks like berber so it shouldn't be too hard to clean...I hope.

Jess said...

LOVES! I see nothing wrong with a stripper pole and a big screen...seems like your hubby is on the right track!

MaryRC said...

now thats what i call location location location... good for you.

Great RTT

Captain Dumbass said...

I'm with hubby, you need the big screen and the stripper pole. And as much as I like it, it's missing something without the tailfin of a cargo lifter towering above the back fence.

Joanne Owens said...

green with envy...welcome home!

Frugal Vicki said...

That is a ton of space! Wow! You know, I don't know how much I would hate carpet in the kitchen. I would prefer vacuum then sweep and mop. But then I would have to carpet clean. Maybe I just need a maid

Amy said...

We just moved too and I haven't taken any pictures for the same reason. Such fun.

U know u can get a stripper pole that can be removed when not in use and put up a hook for a hanging plant. I'm just saying...............

Jenni said...

that bathroom is palatial.

Artsnark said...

Fun place - just be careful if you decide to put the stripper pole in the kitchen...

Kimberly Wright said...

Very cute house! Looks like a nice yard too.

Sandy said...

What a great location!