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Friday, December 26, 2008

1st Christmas in England

Our first Christmas in England was a smashing success! The girls had a great time and we started fostering our own traditions along the way. We have only spent one Christmas away from my family and that was when I had just given birth to LaLa. She was born a grand total of 3 days before Christmas. This year we started using an Advent calendar for LaLa to count down the days until Christmas. It was a lot of fun for her to see 1)Christmas getting closer and B) her birthday getting closer. "Hey mom, my birthday is two-two!"

Doing a Hulk-a-maniac pose on her birthday!

We also made the girls take about a million pictures in front of the Christmas tree. The biggest challenge in this is getting LaLa and KiKi to actually look at the camera at the same time.

Christmas Eve before Church

We went to church on Christmas Eve at the base chapel. It was an ok service, kinda generic. The girls enjoyed the gospel choir and the more contemporary songs. I totally missed the entire sermon because KiKi by that point had lost patience and was flipping through hymnals and crawling under my legs to find more books to look at. At one point we got the girls to remain still for a whole 10 min by slipping them each a candycane, but those suckers don't last long.

After the service we came home and got the girls into their pjs. Then we got them to help me set out cookies and milk for Santa. LaLa was insistant that she must help me pour the milk.

Cookies and Milk safely on the hearth!
(but Elizabeast got them before Santa got here...thankfully the girls were already asleep)

Christmas morning, KiKi went and woke LaLa up and they found that Santa had left half his sleigh at our address! This was the first Christmas that KiKi actually understood the whole Santa left me presents thing. She was so excited and ripped the presents open like a seasoned pro.

Look Mom a Dancing June Little Einstein!!

LaLa being the more cautious of the two took a more slow, calculated and measured approach to her present upwrapping.

She actually really liked it when she got clothes. These are two sweaters that my mom got her. Aren't they cute!

My Little Pony!!!

Really cool baby doll that names all it's body parts!

Look Mom, I'm a princess!!!

After presents we sat around the house for a couple of hours and let the kids play with some of their toys (and they harassed us to take the rest of them out of the packaging). I then made a green bean casserole and we headed over to Domino's house to exchange presents and have Christmas dinner. Everything was wonderful. By the time we got back to the house we were all Christmased out. Everyone was in bed by 9:30 and we woke up the next morning and got to work uppacking the rest of our household goods.

Even Elizabeast was all Christmased out!


Badass Geek said...

That first picture is priceless because:

1) The expression on her face is hilarious, and

B) ... well, the expression is priceless.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Look! you have furniture!

kel said...

Looks likes a great time!!! I love the hulk pose!

Vodka Mom said...

i love it, i love it, i love it!!

Merry CHristmas.

OhCaptain said...

Glad to see your Christmas went well!

The Hulk pose says it all

MikeH said...

Glad your first Christmas went well. Love the shot of the dog.

Anonymous said...

Those girls sure know how to open presents! Loks like you did have a great time afterall. For some reason your updates aren't showing on my blog - will have to look at that!
My favourite pic is Elizabeast crashed out on the sofa. Bless her!

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas.

That sounds like my typical church experience.

Queenie Jeannie said...

I'm so glad to hear you all had a great Christmas!!! England is great!!

Bloggy Hugs!!

Captain Dumbass said...

Looks like a pretty good Christmas.

Lola said...

Hey, was that Mr. Man kinda sorta in one of those shots?

You girls sure did look pretty dressed up for church, and it looks like you all had a great Christmas!

Anonymous said... cute is Eliza...ok and the other two too. lol Just kidding! :D Pascal wanted so badly to be head deep in the wrapping paper but my sister wouldn't allow it. :)

Sprite's Keeper said...

Oh, what fun they had! Sprite made me open every single one of her gifts. Couldn't be bothered to waste the energy or break a nail. Next year, no wrapping paper, just parade them out one by one.

Jenni said...

such sweet photos! glad you all are settling in well!

ChurchPunkMom said...

what a great Christmas! definitely one to remember. :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and that's one exhausted dog.

Cape Cod Gal said...

Adorable! And finally, someone else who likes the green been casserole!!! YUM!!!

Anonymous said...

What sweet pictures. Looks like everyone had a good time. The last one says it all!

Happy Holidays.

Anonymous said...

I see you’ve started using the British terminology already...he-he! Smashing!

At 14 my son still expects to have an Advent calendar filled with chocolates.

I'm glad you all enjoyed Christmas and loved the pics - your poor tired pooch looks exactly how I felt at the end of the day!

Jen said...

It looks like you had a great day! I know what you mean about being Christmased out. I am so there. Hayden acts the same way in church so I usually miss most of it too.

Aunt Judy said...

Hello Young Niece- Great posts. Every man needs a "Man Cave," as we have at our house. A place to get away and play those games that keep men young...etc! Love the posts and photos. You have a gift of gab. Keep it coming. Tell "the Man" I loved Air Supply when I was in 4th grade!!! Kiss the little cuties. Keep the My Little Pony pieces picked up. They hurt when you step on them!! Love Ya!

nikkicrumpet said...

Your girls are so darn cute. It looks like everyone had a great Christmas. How could it not be fun with those two to watch and enjoy.

Jenny Grace said...

I'm glad it went so well so far from home!

Unknown said...

Kat sounds like you had a wonderful first Christmas in Blighty, I love the piccies. Thanks for the Pepto tip, I took a dose a few housr ago and so far so good!

Mama Dawg said...

That sounds like it was a fantastic Christmas. Glad it went well!

for a different kind of girl said...

Looks like it was a smashing Christmas! All the photos are great, but I think that one of Elizabeth really sums up everyone's Christmas by the time the day is over!

Anonymous said...

Dude, blogger ate my message!
Gald you had a wonderful Christmas in England.

Anonymous said...

I'd definitely say that the dog sums it up last. Glad it went well, though.