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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thankless Cat!

Y'all have met the cat, Sam. I love this little ball of fluff despite his curmudgeonly attitude. He on the other hand gives me nothing but grief. In either March or April (I forget cause it is super duper early and I have not had the proper amount of caffeine yet), he got out of the house and was gone for 2 weeks. I was sick with worry because he does not have front claws, and he has never spent a night outside in his life. We were also living in Missouri at the time and there were tons of other cats and raccoons and such to make his stay outside quite unpleasant. He finally wandered home after his two week safari into the wild covered with ticks and extremely underweight. Since then we have been really vigilant to not let him out of the house and to catch him if he does try to make a run for freedom.

This morning, about 6-ish I got a lovely wake up call. "Kat, Sam got out and I can't find him!" Greeeeat. Thank goodness I went to sleep with track pants on last night... I stumbled out of the bed, got my coat and grabbed the mag-lite from "The Man". Now, this may seem crazy, but we live on a quiet cul-de-sac, but once you get off the cul-de-sac towards the front of my house, there is a busy road. To the back of my house, there is another REALLY busy road, oh and my husband could throw a (American) football and hit the flightline of the Air Force Base we live near (which is a whole other post). Needless to say, it is kind of a priority to find the cat before he gets to far away so he doesn't get squished.

I finally found him after I had checked under all the cars in the cul-de-sac. He had run into the backyard and was stalking around in one of the flowerbeds. I grabbed him and took him inside, while I was also giving him a lecture about the dangers of going outside. Ya know, cause he can so understand me.

I tried to go back to sleep, but that didn't work. So here I am, writing a blog and watching Tom and Jerry. Man, I love that cat.


Unknown said...

Oh do I ever understand, only one of our girls gets to go out totally unsupervised, mainly c'os she'd never get her 13lb butt over the 6ft fence! #2 however is watched like a hawk, as despite having no front claws she has three times made it to freedom! Baby Bon-Bon shows no interest in outdoors and as she has claws will be staying indoors and safe. Oh the stresses of being a kitty-mama!

Anonymous said...

2 weeks! I would have cried myself to sleep at night! I can't believe he just came back home after two weeks!?

Glad you found him today! Darn cat....

Anonymous said...

From my experience, cats are completely manipulative pets....

Anonymous said...


kel said...

I so get it! I talk to my dogs all the time and if they were to get out of our fenced in yard, I would go nuts. I also try and take in all the little lost animals that I see in the neighborhood.. once, there was a lost GREAT DANE.. the size of a horse, wandering around. Everyone was scared to help it.. but not me? I sat out in the yard with him and fed him donuts until I find his parents.

Mama Dawg said...

I'm so glad that my cats are terrified to get off the front porch!

I've been there and done that w/hunting down a cat, though.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

It's a Christmas Miracle!!!


Cape Cod Gal said...

Ugh! That is so stressful! Glad you found her!!!

Cameron said...

Curmudgeonly? I had to look that one up ;) What does that say about my public school education?

Sprite's Keeper said...

The cat DOES understand you. He just doesn't listen.

Heather said...

Why must animals do things like that to us?

Jen said...

The cat will get you every time. I know, we have a cat just like that.

Anonymous said...

I just stick to my dogs, much less hassle than a cat who's always trying to get one up on you.

for a different kind of girl said...

I'm glad you didn't have another two week adventure on your hands, and the cat is home safely!

zipbagofbones said...

That story would have been better had you been naked and had it been raining. But I'll take this one, it'll work ok for now. Get right on the naked drippy cat chasing please.

Captain Dumbass said...

I could leave a comment, but I'm actually talking to you right now. How weird.

nikkicrumpet said...

LOL Cats just have no consideration for how much people worry about dogs on the otherhand...they truly understand lol. Glad you found him safe and sound!

Lola said...

So glad you got your kitty back! I've had one disappear for a month once and come back a little worse for wear. Talk about drama.

Now, I teach them from kittenhood that they can go out back only as far as the fence when I'm out there. It actually works if you grab their shitty little kitty asses every time they get outside the fence and put them in the house. Takes a while, but then they catch on.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that we grow our own cat nip right next to the back steps.

Now, they can get out and if I'm not outside with them, they come scratching at the door to come in within seconds.