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Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday LaLa!

Dear LaLa,
It has been 5 years since your birth. I still can't believe the nice nurses at the hospital let me leave at age 22 with a baby in my arms. I remember fondly your dad and I walking into our tiny apartment, sheepishly looking at each other and then laughing hysterically saying "dude, we're parents now". That night (Christmas Eve) you stayed up til 5am screaming your little head off and I sat on your bedroom floor crying and hoping that I didn't get a defective one. I now know you aren't defective, you just have a penchant for the over dramatics.

Since that day you have made everyday of your little life dramatic. When you are happy, you make the sun itself shine. When you are upset you make the darkest rain cloud seem just a little more depressive. When you love, you love with every fiber of your being. You are stubborn, you are silly, you are sweet, you are cantankerous. Most of all you are, LaLa. You are my precious first born daughter. I love you baby.

Forever your Mom (whether you like it or not),


Captain Dumbass said...

On behalf of Canada, I'd like to wish you a very happy birthday, Lala. Your baby seal is in the mail.

Captain Dumbass said...

And I'm SO firstiferously firstiferous!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe my beautiful little god daughter is not so little anymore! Is it really possible she's five!?!? Give her lots of hugs and kisses from me and Mike!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday LaLa!

Vodka Mom said...

Happy, happy day......

kel said...

happy birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

and you're making the poor mite spend it in England with it's roundabouts and strange toilet equipment! What kind of parents are you anyway????

never mind LaLa - only another 13 years and you can get shot of them!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Happy BDay, kiddo! Congrats to you mommy and daughter.


Anonymous said...

Awwww, great tribute and Happy Birthday LaLa!!

Mama Dawg said...

Happy Birthday, LaLa.

Badass Geek said...

Happy Birthday, kiddo!

ChurchPunkMom said...

Happy Birthday LaLa!

wow, we've got some 'close in age kids'. :) my third was born just 3 weeks earlier than LaLa.. of course, I was just barely 24 that year.. and on my third baby. ;P

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post and it sounds like we were in the same boat... young and without a clue.;)

Anonymous said...

I'm a jerk... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LALA! I hope you have a fabulous birthday with lots of cake and presents!

Anonymous said...

Happy burp-day too youuuuu!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Happy birthday, LaLa!!!

Cape Cod Gal said...

Happy Birthday Little Girl!!! May you always stay adorable and sweet!

Jenny Grace said...

Happy Birthday Lala!

Jamie said...

Happy Birthday -