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Friday, February 6, 2009

The Man's Thoughts...Mario Edition

Well guys...time for another Man's Thoughts post. I know that in my first post I said I would post every couple of weeks or so, but....I am super busy plus I couldn't think of anything to talk about. So sue me. Anyways, I arrived home early from work tonight and was chatting it up with LaLa (actually she was talking my ear off and I was listening intently...must get that from her mom...hehe), and she asked if I would play some "Mario" with her tomorrow. Mario means one of the Mario Party games in LaLa world. Of course I said "Yes" because it gives me some fun time with Lala, plus really, who doesn't love Mario. Win-Win for me. And so the light in my head went off...time to post about a little about Mario....the fat little red plumber with the forgotten green brother who I grew up with. By the way that "light in head" seldom goes off anymore...must be the approaching 30th birthday or something.

Ahhhh...Mario. That little bastard has been with me through my younger years till today. From the first game on Nintendo...the classic side scrolling the Wii stuff of today....I love the guy. I have beaten all the old school games (and figured out most of the tricks and hidden stuff). I remember telling my younger brother that if he jumped in "the pit" that he would get an extra life...kinda mean, I know. When I am feeling nostalgic I yearn to play some Super Mario and Mario 3. You can't beat it with a rocks like I do when I am playing guitar (hey quit laughing at me Kat...I DO ROCK). I need to score a Wii or a Nintendo because I love the old school Mario that much. The guy never gets old. From getting some "flower power" and throwing fireballs to stomping on some Goombas, it never gets old. I could go a decade without playing(not that I would) and still remember the secrets. I even invented a drinking game while playing Mario Party...that takes dedication!! Although not as much dedication as THIS GUY/GAL....he/she can beat Super Mario 3 in 11 minutes...

Well I have beer to drink and air guitar skills to perfect so my time must come to an end. If you have never played a Mario game before move the rock that you have been living under and go get you some Mario. You won't regret it. And always remember to "Rock On!"

The Man


Captain Dumbass said...

My three year old is sitting with me wondering what is wrong with Mario. He's still pissed we took the Wii away from him because of his anger management 'issues.'He doesn't like it as much as Lego Star Wars and Bat Man, but the older one loves Mario. He has moved on to Paper Mario from Super Mario Galaxy.

Rock on!

MustNotBeBlank said...
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Chris said...

I SOOOO love the old Mario! I could beat it in about 15 minutes.

Irish Gumbo said...

Talk about kickin' it old school, man, I hadn't seen that in years!

I was sort of good at it, but my nephew practically learned it before he could walk. He was GOOD. And if you gave him a level and screen number, he could hum the music that played for each one, without it being on. Scary.

Anonymous said...

Mario rocks!

MikeH said...

Old school? The Mario character first appeared in a video game for bars (remember Pac-Man?) called Donkey Kong. The name had something to do with a Japanese mistranslation and the object was for Mario to get to the top of a burning building to save his girlfriend while the gorilla threw all manner of items at him. I put enough money in that machine to fund a small invasion.

Badass Geek said...

Mario is pretty awesome, but nothing comes close (to me, anyways) to old-school Sonic the Hedgehog.

Anonymous said...

Now you see you can tell I'm past 40 because I grew up with tennis and pac-man and Space invaders. Not that I was any good at it.

I'm having flashbacks to the days in the pub, beer on top of the Space Invaders table top!

I did have a thing about Pokemon - Pikachu (yellow) when my eldest was into it and bought my own gameboy to play it on.

Anonymous said...

Mike and I were JUST talking about digging around at his parents for his old Nintendo so we could play! Maybe I'll do that and give it to him for his 30th in a little more than a month! (I don't know if that is inspired or cheap? My guess is probably cheap)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mario never gets old. That's so cute that you bond over Mario!

Anonymous said...

All hail Mario! Nothing better than some BBQ Chips, fudge rounds, and the little fat plumber to pass some time. At least back in the day. Now we have more grown up things to tend to >:o).

Anonymous said...

I am addicted to mario galaxy

Lola said...

HA! My son is so addicted to everything Mario right now. Too funny!

Mama Dawg said...

Oh, I ADORE Mario. I loved that game when I was younger. I got my first (and only) Nintendo when I was 11 and I played that game all the time. I love it and Super Mario 3. I couldn't get into the others as much.