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Thursday, April 9, 2009

I Hate it When..

Tuesday night, well it was more like early Wednesday morning I was laying in bed coughing my ass off and I got the best blog idea in the world. Don't ask me what it was, because I can't for the life remember. I just remember that it was pure awesomeness. However, due to either being high on cold medicines or the fact that it was roughly 3am when I had this spark of awesomeness, I completely forgot it. That is why you guys got a half-assed Wordless Wed. post yesterday. Not that all of my Wordless Wed posts are half assed, because usually I have them planned out weeks in advance when I am doing them. Yesterday, through my Dayquil, Mucinex, Flonase and Advil induced haze I just found a halfway decent picture. My appologies for being a slacker.

So today I am having my last delivery of heating oil for the season delivered. This would be uneventful except for the fact that I am used to paying cash for the oil and don't have the cash on me. This means I have to send a check (cheque) within the next 3 days to the oil company. Yay for having a brief class from Domino on the finer points of writing a check in England back in November. Hopefully I still remember how to do it. Otherwise I am going to be sending frantic emails to Mike from over at Postcards from Across the Pond asking him the finer points of how to write a check.

Oh I lost my debit card somewhere inside my house on Friday night. I know it is inside my house and that is what is driving me crazy. That and the fact when I had it in my back pocket after ordering pizza on Friday night, I specifically remember saying to myself "I better not keep this debit card in my back pocket or I am going to lose it". Then I remember putting it somewhere so I wouldn't lose it. Now, it is nowhere to be found. I have searched high and low in this house to no avail. I am convinced that I have debit card stealing gnomes in my house (or maybe just children that can't keep their paws off things that don't belong to them). If you see my debit card around here could you please send me an email about it?


Ian Newbold said...

Good luck with the blog idea recall, and do you have a UK cheque book? I could help if you get stuck.

Badass Geek said...

I am always sending myself e-mails from my phone about things I don't want to forget about.

Anonymous said...

Do the kiddies have any ride on toys with seats that lift? That's where I finally found MY debit card yesterday. In the "trunk" of a fire truck.

Cameron said...

They write checks (cheques) different across the pond. My goodness, will this never end. They probably don't even use American currency.

Sprite's Keeper said...

The Case of the Missing Debit Card. The worst part is you probably placed it somewhere so the kids wouldn't get to it. Unfortunately, neither can you.

mo.stoneskin said...

I saw a suspicious-looking gnome buying whisky in the local offy this morning. Do you think he could be the culprit?

Jess said...

On the fridge? IN the fridge? On the microwave? Ohhhh how about on the nightstand?

Michele said...

I hate putting something down then forgetting where I put it. Blame the cold meds because when you're my age it doesn't work anymore.

Mama Dawg said...

Can I use it before I give it back?


Oh, well.

Sorry, I haven't seen it. ;)

Lisa said...

I agree with the "inside of ride-on toys" Or on a bookshelf. Next to the microwave. On the entertainment unit (our preferred choice to deposit things we don't wish our kids to lose). How about under the dresser or bed where you took your jeans off? Or in the lint trap or under the agitator in the washer(assuming you are completely UNLIKE me and have actually DONE some laundry)? That's all I have for now. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Of course, as soon as you give up and order a replacement, the old one will re-surface.

anita ovolina said...

I constantly mis-place my card....
hate it and of course when I order it again the old one appears...
Fellow military spouse here - wish I were closer to home (Italy) what do you think of the living/housing? Small but pretty good :)

Captain Dumbass said...

Next time you're stoned on cold medication at three in the morning write a post! You may even inadvertently leave yourself a message in there to remind yourself where you left your debit card.

Expat No. 3699 said...

I hate it too when that happens, but worse is when I jot down a note to myself about a Great idea only to find the next morning after I've sobered up that it really wasn't as funny as I thought it was.

Anonymous said...

I was better at UK cheque-writing when I first arrived and had no credit card to use; now I do it relatively infrequently. However, that's about to change as I have to pay the guy who does my taxes, and although he would rather be paid by direct bank transfer, Barclays has decided they won't let me do it without upgrading to their "PIN-SENTRY" system which requires them to send you hardware for the computer... sigh. UK banking still mystifies me in all its complexity.

Jen said...

I hate that when that happens too. I have lost some really cool blog ideas too or at least I think that they were cool. I can't remember.

Suzy said...

My French mom always says to take a piece of string, tie a knot in it, ask to find the in this case debit card, drop it on the floor and you will find it. I di it once and it worked.

Cape Cod Gal said...

Cold drugs and lack of sleep bring great inspiration!

I keep a note pad by my bedtable. I always have ideas just before drifting off.