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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts-Lets See How Much We Can Embarrass Ourselves Today!

It's Tuesday!  You know what that means.  Time for Random Tuesday Thoughts!  This is the part of this little blog where I unload all the things swirling around my head on you, my helpless victims readers.  You can thank Keely for this.

So Wednesday I was doing laundry (haha big surprise) and I decided since it was such a lovely day outside I was going to dry the laundry outside on the line.  The clothes line I have is one of the ones that is a pole with arms that come off the side with line running around the arms like a spider web.  It was collapsed for the winter of course and that meant I had to set it up.  No problem right?  Ha!  That is what I thought.  It goes up like an umbrella, how hard can it be?  After 10 minutes of struggling with it, I looked around and thought to myself, "Man it is a good thing I live back off the road and my back garden is fenced in because I look like a gigantic dork doing this!"  I finally got it set up after much cussing and even more will power because dammit my bath mats are going to dry out on the clothes line!!!

Shopping List
Clothes Pins

I was on the computer last Tuesday night talking to my friend ChurchPunkMom and discussing some shoes her husband wants but are only available in the UK.  I needed to bookmark the page so I could remember where to find them, etc. and I couldn't figure out how to bookmark it on Safari (have only been using it a week) and so I asked Captain Dumbass.  I think the conversation went something like this:
Kat- How do you bookmark things on Safari?
Him-  You go to the bookmarks tab.   Are we good enough friends that I can call you a dumbass?
Me- Of course!  *dies a little inside*

I was at the commissary the other day and found My Precious Cherry Coke Zero.  Apparently My Precious Cherry Coke Zero is only stocked about once a month or maybe once every two months, hid in the back of the store and they only order one pallet of it.  I grabbed three 12 packs.  Always thinking ahead.

Google really pisses me off sometimes.  I don't have my Blogger acct (owned by google) and email acct under the same google identity so in order to follow blogs I have to jump through hoops.  What happened to following with one little push of a button?  Google, you need to get your act together, bro!

LaLa was so excited about getting to wear summer dresses to school that she walked around for about an hour holding the sides of her dress like she was a princess.  Kid has issues.

I mowed the lawn for the first time ever in my life on Friday afternoon.  I am pretty sure I lost my legs somewhere in the back garden.  If anyone finds them could you return them!  Just ring the bell at the side door.

I made the mistake of telling LaLa that Tinkerbell wasn't real and she sang "Tinkerbell isn't reeeeeaaaal" for about a hour solid.  I think she was in her own way mourning Tinkerbell.  Geez this kid is gonna take it hard when I tell her about Santa, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.

Yesterday Elizabeth got a piece of play doh stuck in her nose.  At first I thought, oh it'll just come out.  Then my neurosis' kicked in and I was thinking "Oh my God she could inhale that and it could get stuck and she could die!"  So I picked her nose.  Yes, I picked my dogs nose because I was afraid she would die from play-doh.

Ok I think I have done enough embarrassing myself for this week.  Check out the rest of the Random Tuesday posts by clicking that picture up there and reading the rest of them that are posted a Keely's place.


Captain Dumbass said...

Reading that conversation still makes me giggle.

PS. Play-doh is water soluble, but good work, Doctor.

Jessica {lovely jubbly london} said...

cherry coke zero?! Please don't mention such things when some of us are forced to go without. Also please refrain from confirming the rumor about taco bell being on base. Some of us just can't handle it.

(found your blog through JaPRA)

Cameron said...

whaddya mean Tinkerbell's not real? You see, when a baby first laughs, the tinker fairy is born and it floats along, and takes a left at the second star (or something like that) and then it wears a ceremonial gown while it decides it's little tinker fate (slave labor).

Happy RTT!

Bobby G said...

Also too on a MAc, to bookmark a page hit the apple key and D. Little tip fron the pros, need any other help let me know! Ive owned Macs for YEARS!

Anonymous said...

If Tinks not real then how come I can fly? (the broomstick maybe?)

Anyway, Don't you love hanging things out to dry? I'd do that but well it rains all the time here. And the freaky pollen.

Dumbass is quite helpful isn't he?

mo.stoneskin said...

The main reason I never do anything in a garden EVER is due to the fear that somewhere somebody is standing behind a window watching me!

John Finn said...

In the spirit of randomness, there's a goofy little phrase I heard when I was a child that's forever stuck in my head:

"You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose - but you can't pick your friend's nose"I guess that doesn't hold for pets, though ;)

Badass Geek said...

Those clothesline-webs are evil.

Joanie said...

You mowed the lawn? Bad move. It could become your job for the rest of your life! I never, never, never mowed our lawn because I KNEW I'd be adding it to the growing of list of things I'd have to do so asshat could play golf.

Jan said...

"Yes, I picked my dogs nose because I was afraid she would die from play-doh."

Okay, that made me LOL.

Quite a bit, actually.

Kurt said...

Stuff getting stuck in noses is comic gold. Awesome.

Sammanthia said...

If it makes you feel any better, Gage got a Fruity Pebble stuck up his nose once. I went up his nose with tweezers. He wouldn't talk to me for three days. Jeez.

I am Harriet said...

Cherry Coke Zero???
No way!

Jenni said...

mmm, i love me some cherry coke zero.

sorry to hear about your legs, but no legs is a super excuse to skip laundry this week.

Jenni said...

oh, and stop by today - i tagged you for the round the world in 80 clicks meme.

Keely said...

Your dog sat still long enough to let you pick her nose?

Never, ever, mow the lawn. It sets precedent.

Evil Twin Sister said...

"I made the mistake of telling LaLa that Tinkerbell wasn't real"

I, the reading genius that I am, read somewhere that basically every kid knows by the 5th grade that Santa isn't, you know, the real thing, and so I talked to my husband about it. He, being the selfish "I wish they knew all those cool presents were really from me" kind of guy he is, jumped up and said, "sure, let's tell the little buggers that he's a crock!" (Or something to that effect... or not. But he agreed anyway.)

So I, in my infinite wisdom, called my daughters to a 'family meeting' and told them that I thought they were old enough to know better about the Big Guy in the Red Suit. "You know he's not real right?" I naively asked.

My loving and oh-so-mature 5th grader said, "Nah-uh! You are lying!"

Damn, another life's scar on my precious little child.
I'm such a shit.

Don't tell them about Santa/Tooth Fairy/E. Bunny! They'll figure it out on their own and you won't get guilted into paying for their therapy.

I'm just sayin'! (Experience is truly a bitch.)

for a different kind of girl said...

Only three 12-packs? That would be gone in about two days if I had my hands on it! You have amazing self-control!

I had the same problem with my email/Reader deal awhile ago. Annoyed the hell out of me. I can't remember how I fixed it, and even trying to figure it out would probably jinx me. Think I need to go get one of my Diet Mountain Dews now...


tiarastantrums said...

I cute the grass so much as a child / teenager - I absolutely REFUSE to do it as an adult - so not kidding!

oh and I have that same issue with my blogger acct and email account different - VREY ANNOYING!!

Anonymous said...

That's doggy love! ROFL You're one up on me. All I do is shave Pas' balls. ;)

Sprite's Keeper said...

Cherry Coke Zero. I must find me some!

GreenJello said...

I used to hang my clothes out to dry a lot. But not since I moved to my current house... 8 years later, we still have dirt for a backyard. Dirt doesn't mesh will with clothes.

Anonymous said...

I love to cute grass. Just put the Ipod in and go to town. Loved your post -- if I find your legs I will return. LOL

Mama Dawg said...

I would have paid to see you picking the dogs nose.

Cape Cod Gal said...

You tell LaLa I do the same thing with my dresses....sometimes I go as far as to put them over my head too!

I'm still crying about Tinkerbell. Couldn't you have broken it to me easier?

Dorset Dispatches said...

A tag for you at mine today if you are interested.

Dare I ask what cherry coke zero is? Sounds revolting! But then again I eat marmite so can't talk.

Millennium Housewife said...

You totally lost me at picking the dog's nose. I mean really, doesn't she know how to blow? Great post MH

Anonymous said...

Very funny conversation with Captain Dumbass - I struggle with technology too.

Congrats on the lawn mowing - very big accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

LOL You win. I only shave Pas' balls. :D

Lola said...

I would have picked her nose, too! I've done worse to save an animal, but I won't make you sick with such incredible grossness ;)

Mike said...

Damn you! I have been fantasizing about tinkerbell my whole life, and now you tell me that she is not even real! I hope my fairy Godmother doesn't hear about this! LMAO!!!

Reinvent Dad said...

I couldn't set-up anything to save my life, let alone a clothesline, but mowing I'm good at that one :)

Anonymous said...

Picked your dogs, it's really hard to know what to say about that...
Wait..tinkerbell isn't real? Oh no, next thing I know you'll be telling me the tooth fairy isn't either!

Jaime said...

i'm not ready for summer clothes!

Casey said...

You need to get a riding mower and then have a few beers before you mow the lawn. It's really fun, I swear.

Josh said...

That is a lot of thoughts for a Tuesday...

zipbagofbones said...

The list of Blogger issues is a mile long, I totally feel your pain.

I wouldn't be able to use Safari, either. I am thrown off when there's an extra toolbar I'm not used to. Don't feel bad.

Anonymous said...

Santa's not real???

So many giggles in this post - thanks Kat - the comments are pretty good as well.

Anonymous said...

I love mowing, it's such a good workout!

(Tinkerbell is real)

Jessica said...

Coke Cherry Zero!!??? How have I never heard of this???