"These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers."

And by this description I am truly humbled. I decided to take the Most Wonderful Favorite award and pass it on to other bloggers who fit this description, bloggers who are aren't just funny and a good read, but bloggers who are in fact people who I would call my friends.
1. The first blogger I am choosing has been my partner in crime since the beginning of this blog. You guys know him as Captain Dumbass. He and I share a weird sense of humor and our IM conversations (be glad I don't save them Captain) could make Random Tuesday Thoughts posts look like sane and organized well thought out posts. I love hearing about his life with Supreme Leader and his gorgeous little boys Connor and Liam. One of these days the boys are gonna come to my house and we are going to climb the trees in my back yard and watch the planes across the street.
2. One of my bloggy friends has now become an "in real life" friend. Not From Around Here is a fellow American Expat living over here in England. She and I met in real life a few weeks ago and have been like peas and carrots ever since. She is in one word awesome. We share the same love for so many things from Russian Literature, Sex and the City, Gone with the Wind, and so much more. We are just cut from the same cloth. I wish we could see each other everyday but because of her work schedule and my husband's travel schedule getting together for a face to face chat is sometimes difficult.
3. Mama Dawg is not only a great blogger, she is a good friend. She is smart, witty and just overall a really sweet person. Her daughter LOML is beautiful and growing into such a great little person and I credit that all to Mama Dawg. I can always count on Mama Dawg to send me a little pick me up note on twitter when I am having a rough day and that counts for a lot. Oh and she has awesome music taste as well.
4. So there is this crazy ass chick in Savannah, her name is Jess. I swear next time I am in Charleston I am taking the two hour drive down to Savannah to go and meet Jess, Larkin, and Bobby. They are my kind of people. Laid back and ready to sing karaoke. I am sure that pictures will end up on the Internet of me wandering down the Savannah river front with a cone on my head one day, but that's OK Jess. It will have been well worth it. ;)
5. OK so Larkin is getting two mentions in one post. She is awesome. She also has this ginormous cat that I am sure will one day eat her. She and Jess work at the same law firm down in Savannah and I love reading about all their antics together. I can't wait to meet her in person, and not in a crazy stalker way.
6. Have you guys met ChurchPunkMom? She and I have become really good friends via the blog world. Her 5 kids are always entertaining and her husband Aman is a really good guy. She home schools her kids and is very honest about how sometimes it isn't all unicorns and rainbows when you have so much responsibility on your plate. Sometimes I wished I lived in Iowa just so I could go and hang out at ChurchPunk Headquarters for a day.
7. My friend Irish Gumbo hasn't been around much in Bloggyland lately. He just got a new job with demanding hours and is going through some stuff in his personal life, it happens. He is still a gem of a writer and a great dad. You all should visit his site and put it into your reader. His writing will amaze you. While you are over there go through his archives and read all of his past posts, you will not be sorry you did so.
8. Last but certainly not least is Sammanthia. She is a riot to read and a really sweet person. Her stories about her boys and their antics are pure comedic gold. Her tweets on twitter make me laugh out loud and she has become one of my homegirls. Plus we both wrote about our lady bits on the same day, that has got to make us soul sisters.
So these are my nominees. Go read them, you won't be disappointed. To all my nominees, I love you, Man!
You've mentioned a couple of my favorites here and a couple I've never read. I will check them out.
Kat, I am honored and humbled and amazed that you said those things about me!
I'm downright gobsmacked :)
I am pleased to be in such great company, and that includes you, my dear. Thank you!
I know most of them, will check out the others that I don't know.
Congrats on a terrific award! I do follow a few of your nominees already but will check out the others, for sure!
Very cool!
Congrats on the award. Being new to the blogosphere I am always looking for new cool blogs to read. I'm going to check all these out.
This is awesome. Thank you. I'm not lying when I say this is probably the best award out there. The Pulitzer can suck it and hopefully this means I'm not as much of a dork as I thought (or not).
I've never heard of some of the blogs you've got listed, but I'm going to check them out. You are fabulous and you would have made my list, too!
I swear, as soon as I get a car it will be easier for us to hang out. I'm sure of it!!!
awe! *sniff* I love you too, man!!
*sniff sniff* not supposed to cry on Fridays...
Seriously though, not only to have such a description bestowed upon me but to be included in such company as those fine folks? wow. Thank you!!
I agree with Sammanthia.. best award out there.. it's going right up on my top shelf between my zombie awards..
What a great award! AWESOME! I agree about ChurchPunkMom. She is awesome and I love spending time with her. I haven't been so blessed to find a lot of friends here in Iowa, so she's been a true blessing!
Congrats on your award. Going to check out these folks...
A very well deserved award girl, and you have made some awesome choices, most of those blogs I read and enjoy as well, will go check out the others!
You should totally be in Iowa! It's stunningly beautiful here today! I'll look forward to checking out those you mentioned that I've not read yet while sitting on my deck!
Thanks for pointing out some new coolness.
Great nominees! Some of my very favorites are in that list.
Wow, that was really sweet. We have a couple favorites in common but Captain Dumbass was the first (I think) blogger to ever comment on my blog and I love him for that! I would have to wholeheartedly agree that he is a wonderful favorite!
Aw, thank you. I have something for you too, but you'll have to wait a couple days for it. Like say, Tuesday.
Congrats, Kat!
Congratulations! I love the community spirit!
Just discovered your blog!
Congrats on your award! Sammanthia is one of my favourites too, but will definitely check out some of the others you mentioned in this post!
Congrats on your award , im never around here but think you deserve it.
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